Philips 40 PFL 9705 What Hi-fi review ???

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Oh i do like that title 🙂

I have had high hopes for the 9705, even redecorated my front room so it would fit in and had it on pre-order since June. Ironic really that i am not at all interested in it's 3D ability but it would be nice to try and future proof a purchase once in a while. I have used the 3D on the set but only using Philips own blu-ray and demo footage so not sure what it was like in the real world. I'm not sure i can wait until the 11th Nov 🙂 I may go be silly and get the high end sony or the 9000 samsung.
I have been waiting for some good review of this set I can't wait for the 11th ether!

even users on another forum are reporting that Which magazine have review this TV already and said its awfull the 3D has major cross talk out of 10 models its there worse on test and should not be called a 3D tv!

I hope this is not true I have high hope's for this TV also! I hope philips is working on this, Has there been any reports philips are looking into the problems?
I also have been waiting months for the 9705. Having just read the Which summary on Google, I'm now in a quandary. Like Sosages, I'm not that interested in 3D at the moment but don't want to spend over £2000 and find that in the future 3D is all the rage and I've missed out as my TV is rubbish.
We've yet to receive our review sample of the Philips 40PFL9705 due to an unrelated delay with the 3D pack

So its the 3D glasses delaying the shipment of the new 9000 ? Knowing how difficult it can be to wait - but another good reason to wait 3-4 months buying a new model - make sure not to get the first prototypes, and that the model dosnt have some core problems without fix.
let's not write the Philips off yet. We already know it can be a tricky TV to get the right settings on. Lets wait for WHF views. Might as well, as some of us have already bought the 9705!
It got the EISA award this year, first line under "Important reasons" is: "The best picture quality".

It may not be top on 3D, but is this realy important now we know that probably next year 3D TV are without glasses ? Personally I wouldnt care if the TV set had 3D or not.
PeterHerz:It got the EISA award this year

Which, given that the Award was announced some time back and the products are only just becoming available, is quite an achievement.
It got the EISA award this year, first line under "Important reasons" is: "The best picture quality".

It may not be top on 3D, but is this realy important now we know that probably next year 3D TV are without glasses ?

perhaps some, but at what price? and will they be any good? i think it may be a few more years yet before 3d without glasses becomes affordable and actually worth having..
Andrew Everard:
PeterHerz:It got the EISA award this year

Which, given that the Award was announced some time back and the products are only just becoming available, is quite an achievement.

Thats all very well but you can't argue that WHICH did not have a TV to test!!

Because on the 3D test results page on the WHICH website there is a video and 5 min into that video there editors are standing infront of the 46" 9705 wearing the philips supplied glasses with the transmitter on top of the set claiming its a "DOGS DINNER" for 3D!

It takes trouble to install the 3D software then over 30 button presses on the remote activate 3D which after its plagued crosstalk with both from 3D blu-ray and sky 3d!

It's ok not being botherd about 3D if it works and you know it does! but when its awfull and to unacceptable levels that WHICH are claiming its hard to ignore the fact you've just put down nearly 3 grand on a TV with the worse 3D out there!

I do hope its a case of bad firmware or a faulty set! I hope philips address this because something has really gone off bad here for such a premium TV!

Its made me consider my purchase!

EISA award was won without no mention of 3D testing so I only assume they won it on the fantastic 2D output this set gives!
I'm not sure how Which? got a 9705 with 3D kit to test!

Nor am I especially concerned with the results of their testing!

Until very recently, as chronicled in this endless thread, Philips hasn't supplied us with a set!

Let alone one with 3D kit!

I'm also not at all sure why you finish every sentence with an exclamation mark!

(Other punctuation is available.)
Which, given that the Award was announced some time back and the
products are only just becoming available, is quite an achievement.

Ha ha very good reply - hmmm yes wonder how they did it.
That's a question for them, not us - please do not continue to discuss other tests, which we have no insight into either the sourcing or methodology.

Meanwhile, our Philips set is downstairs in our test rooms as we speak, doing direct battle in 2D and 3D with 11 other sets, from LG, Panasonic, Sony and Samsung.
OK, I for one will desist and await your Nov 11th publication. However, I think that passing on reports in the public domain has been helpful and Sosages is to be thanked for drawing attention to the "buzzing".
Clare Newsome:
That's a question for them, not us - please do not continue to discuss other tests, which we have no insight into either the sourcing or methodology.

Meanwhile, our Philips set is downstairs in our test rooms as we speak, doing direct battle in 2D and 3D with 11 other sets, from LG, Panasonic, Sony and Samsung.

Now, without quoting any other forum or review and to some extent forgetting about manufacturers and model types. Considering some of us have paid for a flagship television with the hope of buying one that is future proof (at least until 2011) - IF a tv of that level of standard, with all the latest technology - 400 hz, full LED back-lighting etc - IF that TV was particularly bad at 3D imagery and yet was excellent at 2D, couldn't it be possible that it was down to the firmware or settings as opposed to the insurmountable lack of skill of the manufacturer in being able to reproduce 3D?

Only, I am obviously a little anxious about this whole debate (and fairly long thread) - £2500 was a lot of money for me.

I have used a particularly long sentence with lots of hyphens and commas to avoid using exclamation marks!
Miker:OK, I for one will desist and await your Nov 11th publication. However, I think that passing on reports in the public domain has been helpful and Sosages is to be thanked for drawing attention to the "buzzing".

Indeed. Just trying to make sure we're dealing in fact, rather than speculation.
Clare Newsome:
Indeed. Just trying to make sure we're dealing in fact, rather than speculation.

Yes I agree we need some facts on this, intresting that a user today has said today on one forum:

read today in a german magazine (test of 9705K , freely translated - am no native english speaker...):
the picture division between left and right eye is not processing in a satisfying mode, resulting in mispresented contours... on the IFA in berlin, we were able to test other models of the 9000 series, which had a better picture division.
--> now it comes:
According to Philips, some models of the 9000 series are afflicted with defective 3d signal receiving, so that synchronisation between left and right eye is negatively impacted.
--> are they admitting it now???

Seems as if philips are having issues with the 3D on some sets the magazine was reported to be and was a extract of there test but did very well in 2D testing up there with a panasonic v20 on test.

I do hope this is an issue with some 9705's and can get to the bottom of this much like the 9705 buzzing issue? Any idea if this will be traced up?

3D isnt realy that important today, a first generation technology and with glasses and very few programs to watch in 3D, a tiny moment of a few months before we will se TV sets with 3D without glasses - all the focus 3D gets at the moment does in my best opinion not justify the limited value you get - and realy, I wouldnt care if TV set X is good or bad on 3D, and that goes probably for 90 % of the buyers out there.
Maybe not so important to yourself or as important as 2D quality, What is important is that fact that if it is branded 3D that its to an acceptable level.

If Philips advertise this TV as 3D Ready then it should be fit for purpose not completely dire with crosstalk of a cheaper set! Pansonic manage to pull this off and some high end sonys so why not Philips? They have been into 3D for years with there glassless WOWvx so I find it hard to accepted that Philips would fail at this!

As for upcoming glassless TV I don't think we'll see this for 2-3 years as they will sell the glasses to death and who's going to buy again after buying a glasses TV so soon? it will be a flop! have you seen the glassless 3D Toshiba it looks like something out of the 80's.

I can accept the whole 3D thing is in its early stage and not important for the majority, but when you put down £3000 on a TV and it don't perform to a standard that the vast majority of this years 3DTV's out there it's something to consider!

Why not just pull the glasses from sale and reduce the price if they can't fix it? Many users I have read up on have tried to get Philips to sort this 3D problem out and have been ignored or cut off on there help line! The 9705 don't even work with PS3 as the TV refuses a 720p 3D input and the Bluray crosstalk with movies is unacceptable even with Philips own BDP7500B2!

It's not speculation its real users that are banging there head against wall's with Philips support services because they don't have an answer or even know what the term crosstalk is!
If you dont like the 3D performance on this years Philips, simply buy another manufacturer.

Philips did the right thing at start, announcnig that they would wait till 3D could be watched without glasses, but aparantly market preasure made them change their mind and they had to jump on the glass train in last minute. The sacrifice - perhaps on other more relevant areas on the Philips TV sets which could have been improved, such as full support for Internet, better software, faster chanelshift and boot times etc - custom design to include the choise of matte or glossy screen !
Heck, some people don't listen do they?

It would seem so, ignore it,say it works,get something else or it's not important or use that large rug to sweep it under!

Yet don't realise your £3000 down in your bank and over your return policy with no answers feeling well and truely had.

Samsung,Sony,Panasonic,LG all have there 3D working to a level ok maybe a few crosstalk issues but philips users are experiencing 3D as if they have there glasses off at a £240 privalage for the upgrade kit!

The only known player to work ok with 3D is the top end BDP9600 with the 9705 that they use on the test rig when you call support! great another £500 cheers philips!
i have no idea how the 9705 performs with 3d, but if its as bad as some people are saying, and at the price they're asking for it, then that surely cant be ignored? ok if you're not into 3d and are prepared to pay for the apparent excellent 2d performance then fair enough, but its sold/marketed as a 3d tv, and should be judged accordingly imo..
Actually, I think it's sold/marketed as a '3D ready' TV, with the transmitter and glasses available as an optional extra for those wanting the 3D capability.

Heck, some people don't listen do they?


Sorry, crossed wires, I was referring to people still going on about that others have 'said' elsewhere and on other forums etc despite having been told not to.

If spending £3k on a tv is a big issue (it certainly would be for me) I'd make damn sure that it did all the things I would expect of it before handing over the cash.


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