Look it up son of SJ the ZT was touted as the Kuro Killer at the time of the IFA show, I remember looking at the pictures of them all - they had both and the VT on show next to each other. I thought and commented thinking they had down calibrated the Kuro to make the pannys look better - numpty thing to think.
Now the Oled is touted as the ZT killer - they had both on show apparently as well.
Progress is being made for sure,
When you calibrate the VT65 it should max it out and you can see how good it is - the calibrations controls are vast to allow for perfect calibration thats nowhere near out of the box, I cant see anyone else settings being spot on, but they should be similar, simialr wont be as good it is gets though. However as you can see the reference image on the kuro is still excellent as will the VT plasma still be if the OLED is calibrated the same. The OLED will be better but the VT will hold its own on 1080p. UHD Blu Ray could very well be another story altogether but only time will tell with any advances being major here.
What is different they had all the plasmas under a display to stop there being too much ambient light from memory
With the OLED its out on show in full exhibition light by the looks of it which is a big thing to do really if you think about it - very strong sign of the tech being good for those that watch in very light rooms.