ellisdj said:down the line you will still want a 9 grand well 8 and a half Luxman with both. With the Ref you will still have an amp as trade in 🙂
plus +1 *smile*ellisdj said:down the line you will still want a 9 grand well 8 and a half Luxman with both. With the Ref you will still have an amp as trade in 🙂
CnoEvil said:Macspur said:It must have been a hard decision Cno, but I think in your heart of hearts you didn't really want to have to part with the AMS35I, so there could only be one winner really.
Mac, truth to tell, I am still not fully certain.
If I had to boil the 2 presentations down, it would be:
Harbeths - A sound that allows you to close your eyes, luxuriate and relax to...while being swept up in the music.
Kefs - A sound that invigourates and gets your pulse racing - like a good dose of caffine
Re The 35i - yes its the best amp I've heard under 10k, but it's a means to an end. If I felt I would enjoy the Harbeths more than the Kefs, then I would be happy to let it go, as it's the music that's important.
As the 35i draws full power from the plug at all times, I never have it on in the background....so "proper" listening is a defined event. The rest of the time I listen to the LS50s/AVR600. If I had the Harbeths connected to the Arcam, every time it was used for music would be an "event". If I change my mind, this could be a significant factor.
Macspur said:It must have been a hard decision Cno, but I think in your heart of hearts you didn't really want to have to part with the AMS35I, so there could only be one winner really.
ellisdj said:all the pre recordings done plan to install the GAIA this afternoon all being well.
Just having a good listen.
Got the Luxman L505UX at the mo. It's a good amp for the money. Hopefully got a Unison Research coming next week 🙂 Hopefully all being well
newlash09 said:There is something about the way you pen your thoughts. Been a exciting read, like a thriller hurtling to a big bang climax 🙂
In your impressions of the harbeths, you've mentioned several times how organic and natural, vocals and instruments sounded. So was curious to know if vocals were a priority , would the harbeths have a upper hand on the kef's. And do the harbeths also sound more natural than other speakers you have heard. Are they more like single driver full range speakers for vocals. Thanks in advance.
Andrewjvt said:Having also followed your thread I can't help thinking that maybe you may be better off keeping your old set up.
Andrewjvt said:Why don't you also go listen to some pmcs or ATC or something similar to clear the mind.
ellisdj said:spike to spike is 11inch and it's 13inch just under GAIA to GAIA. more like 12 and 3/4 but 13inch to play safe.
I don't think the Ref are that heavy I can lift them but it hurts and is not a nice job 🙂
Hold fire on buying a set for good reason and you will need additional threads to what come included.
I will go through all this in the video series.
I am ready to film the after videos just need some peace and quiet. Will try this evening.
ellisdj said:gross weight 59.7kg net weight 51.3kg
that's on one box doesn't say if that's each one they come in 2 boxes
ellisdj said:I know Andrew Mocks me for my opinion on isolation but the power of it cannot be underestimated.