Will Harris:Really? Don't our opinions and experiences influence you at all?
Only the first time Will, when you come on and say "I've just bought this great BD player, which also plays SACD and DVD-Audio, the picture's great, the sound's great, it's good value, etc" then I pay attention.
But when yourself or anyone else comes on over and over again banging on at WHF as to why they won't review it, for ten pages, when they've already answered the question and then bringing up stupid conspiracy theories that they're being paid not to review it, at that point, no, you're not influencing me. Actually, tell a lie, you are, you're making me seriously consider NOT buying it.
I'm guessing that when questions of functionality and performance are raised on the forums and answered, it all adds to the knowledge base.
Yes it does, but the kind of "discussion" I mentioned above, doesn't. It doesn't add anything, it's just hot air.
Sure, the WHF verdict is useful, but I certainly find the forum process of discussion and knowledge sharing to be a really significant part of my decision making process. Of course, I can only speak for myself.
I'm more inclined to listen to WHF because I'll be considering a number of different choices and it simply isn't possible for non-WHF members to have seen and compared all the available options in a given price point (apart from those members in the industry of course), I'm expecting WHF to say "actually this is a pretty good player", but what I'm really interested in is "This player is better than that one, and that one, but not that one". That's of far more use to me at the moment.
the-lhc, i have to say i agree with you on this & can you imagine the revolution its going to cause with the oppo fans if WHSAV only give it say 2 stars!!? If they did i'm sure there gonna come out in full force, that'd sure be interesting..