New speakers small listening environment


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Dec 23, 2009
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Well I ordered the Naim SuperUniti today great synergy and awesome match with the Vectors.

Now I want to move my current system, Exposure 3010s2, Exposure 2010s2 dac + UnitiServe to a smaller room.

The room is 3,8 * 5 meters but the listening position is at 3 meters, because the rest of the 2 meter (of total 5) is for my study desk etc.)

So I think it will be a sort of near fiels environment with 2 meters space behind the listening position.

Any advice for a nice pair of speakers?


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Jan 8, 2011
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Are you sure the AV's won't work in that space?

It's generally a good thing to have space behind the listening position--minimizes the effects of reflections from the back wall.

Or maybe you could try placing them on the long wall, the AV's S1 sigs I heard were very good at spreading the sound horizontally.


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Dec 23, 2009
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The AV are moving to a bigger room, they really need 3 meter + to the sweet spot and min 40cm from the back wall.

I cannot move the furniture in the room because it has window with doors.


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Dec 23, 2009
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The AV are moving to a bigger room, they really need 3 meter + to the sweet spot and min 40cm from the back wall.

I cannot move the furniture in the room because it has window with doors.


Not sure on your budget but the best small speakers I've heard for a long time are the KEF R100's & Dali Mentor Menuets

the record spot

Heard the R100s, deeply unimpressed; blustering bass that was out of control in the demo room and dominated the music. Epos M12, excellent. Tannoy DC4, brilliant for the money and a midrange that has to be heard to be believed for the price.

Audiosmile Kensai's these days kick in somewhere near the £2k mark, up from £1500 a few years ago, so take advantage of that promotion they've got going just now. Brilliant speakers though by all accounts - Noel Keywood at Hi Fi World really rated them when he reviewed them a few years back.


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Dec 23, 2009
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Ok so the Kef r 100 maybe needs more space to breath, they are quite deep too.

I think I can manage 40/50cm to rear wall, if speakers are 20-30cm deep. I have about 2,40-2,20 meters in straight line from speaker to ears.

the record spot

About the same as me then poldo. I've about two metres to play with and a smaller box was the way to go for me. Don't write off AVI Neutron V speaker at £399 (they might still have a few for £300, so check them out).

There's the Tannoy Revolution Signature (posher version of mine) at £600 too. Do try the Tannoys though (either of them), they have a lovely musical sound and while they don't have a blustering bass, they do have a good accurate one - kick drums sound like kick drums for instance - and I don't feel like I'm missing out. In fact, I think it's preferable in a small room as you end up with a more realistic sound.


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Dec 24, 2008
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poldo said:
Ok so the Kef r 100 maybe needs more space to breath, they are quite deep too.

I wouldn't rule them out. I ws very impressed in my demo, so they could be to your taste. Certainly worth a listen.

The new Ls50s could be interesting too, although not many have heard those yet.


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Dec 23, 2009
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I have owned the small Dali Zensor 1 for about 2 months in the same room, and did like the sound of it, only missed some details and focus.

But I did not missed out low frequencies, so that's why I think a small speaker would be great, the bigger Audiovectors have too much energy when sit too close, they really shine when I sit about 3 meters. Right now I can only manage 2,3 meters because they are quite deep.

I could also try the Audiovector si1 speakers.


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May 3, 2010
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Sounds like you have a quite similar room size to me and as you can see from my sig the SHL5 work superbly... a bit over budget I know, but might be able to get ex demo.

P3 ESR will be excellent too.


Dare I mention EB Acoustics EB1 or EB2's?? Excellent sealed-box speakers and ideal for the smaller room. I know I'm currently restricted to a smaller room myself. These can be used very close to rear wall with no detremental effect.
I, however, do not know what Richard's delivery time for said speakers is currently like.
Bodfish said:
Harbeth P3ESR's then. Superb monitor and excellent in the near field. I used to run a pair in a room smaller than yours.

You might think so but Id be aware that according to Harbeth themselves these speakers are, and I quote "Designed for 'free-field' use, the optimal bass-mid-top balance is achieved when the speakers are away from walls". I would assume that meant well away from walls. Oh, and they are slightly over OP's budget


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Dec 23, 2009
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yup the only Harbeth I will demo is the P3. The rest of the speakers need to be in free space.

What about the PMC twenty 21? Is that a match with the exposure 3010s2 in my room?


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Jun 25, 2009
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Alears said:
Bodfish said:
Harbeth P3ESR's then. Superb monitor and excellent in the near field. I used to run a pair in a room smaller than yours.

You might think so but Id be aware that according to Harbeth themselves these speakers are, and I quote "Designed for 'free-field' use, the optimal bass-mid-top balance is achieved when the speakers are away from walls". I would assume that meant well away from walls. Oh, and they are slightly over OP's budget

Yes they do indeed but the word 'optimal' is the point. Unless you have an anechoic chamber handy of course. I was making the point on the basis of actual real live experience (I know, shocking isn't it) and not just something I read on a website. And given that he'll be using them in the near field the issues off wall proximity are reduced too. Anyway, I'm sure Mr Poldo is more than capable of doing some research and auditioning of his own having asked for suggestions.

And I'm not sure how they're over budget. Plenty of retailers I can see offering them at £1500 or less.


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