CnoEvil said:Neuphonix said:I might be accused of being pretty lazy here (wouldn't be the first time). But can someone tell me why you can't turn the AMS (or the M6) on/off via the remote? I know it's not that hard to get up and press a button, but come on. If the unit didn't sit in standby & you were actually switching it completely on & off I could sort of understand it. But the unit sits in standby all the time, pretty lame if you ask me. It's not like the remote has all that many functions, volume/input thats about it, why not an on/off!
With regard to the AMS, it is often the case for full Class A amps not to have a standby soon as they're switched on, they draw max power from the mains, whether playing or not.
As far as I know, a remote can only ever put a component on standby.....turning off always requires a physical button.
I think once you hear the 35i + Focals at home, it will be there to stay - do report back with your findings!
Hey Cno,
the m6 does have a standbye mode, so i had just assumed that the ams was the same. I still can't really see why it would be such a problem. May have something to do with the less is best philosophy when it comes to circuitry design? Perhaps the a-class design simply doesn't allow for a standby stage.
I guess my thought was simply that if a device can be controlled via a remote then the first & most fundamental operation would be turning it on.
So far my impressions on the Diablos are: crisp, detailed, forward without being too in your face. It is certainly a change from my older krix Neuphonix 6way floor standers. Not quite as warm & less ooompf in the bass, but I always knew that this was going to be the case & was what I was looking for for my space. They do really show up the source though, the oppo sounds great for both movies & CDs, but the satelite box coming through the yamaha can sound fairly ordinary. So you were right about them being a little less forgiving of a poor source. I do expect them to improve as the loosen up however.
Either way, they just don't sound anywhere near as good via the m6 as I remember them being with the AMS. Somewhat colder & less silky. Also the amount of noise coming through when the volume is turned down is quite surprising. I do remember being impressed with the AMS on this front, when I put my ear up next to the tweeter you heard absolutely nothing. Do you find this to be the same with yours?
So yes I would say I'll be joining your club fairly soon! Will keep you advised.