Neuphonix said:They were the ones that the dealer was using, so again maybe a little more reasearch would have been justified. But given their recommendation & some of the things I found online it seemed like a safe bet. I would have preferred to go one model up for the speaker cables & bougth the Gibralters but the budget didn't quite allow for it.
Interesting what you said about the silver cables. Both the dealer & my friend used the Comet, which is a silver cable, with the Diablos & they sounded fantastic.
I do eventuallu plan to get a better power cable & maybe some sort of conditioning. I think first though I will run a dedicated power circuit for the AMS.
How one likes the presentation is very personal, and there isn't a "right" answer. The main thing is to listen to a few alternatives to make sure mistakes aren't made. If you are looking at expensive cables, you should also check out Atlas Mavros, Cardas Golden Reference and Telurium Q Ultra Black/Graphite.
I've yet to hear a silver-coated cable that hasn't had an artificial sounding treble, but maybe AQ have achieved this.....just be careful that mixed with Focal, that it doesn't bring on fatigue after an hour or so. It is essential to try alternatives at home, over a period of a few days.