CnoEvil said:Nice. What cables are you using?
acalex said:For now all standards...the real test will be at the dealer next friday or saturday with Sonus Faber.
From stone cold the AMS is already performing...does it need to be always connected to the speakers when it is one?
Or I can mute, disconnect and plug the speakers on the Lavardin but keeping the AMS on to keep the temperature?
acalex said:What it's quickly evident by playing some Diana Krall is how much deeper the AMS goes compared to what I am used... the voice stands out more clearly from the dark...not sure if I explained myself
CnoEvil said:acalex said:For now all standards...the real test will be at the dealer next friday or saturday with Sonus Faber.
From stone cold the AMS is already performing...does it need to be always connected to the speakers when it is one?
Or I can mute, disconnect and plug the speakers on the Lavardin but keeping the AMS on to keep the temperature?
I always turn off the amp when (dis)connecting S/C. The 35i can be left on without the S/C plugged in...if that's what your asking.
Re the phono stage, I would rather let others give advice, in case I'd be wrong. In my day, it was already built in to the amp and so was obvious.
acalex said:Just connected the Performance and put an old italian song from de that's amazing SQ...even on the RX6 its stunning
CnoEvil said:acalex said:Just connected the Performance and put an old italian song from de that's amazing SQ...even on the RX6 its stunning
I've always wanted to know what the MF sounds like with a TT.
acalex said:Man in the long black coat from Bob Dylan on AMS with LP...much fuller bass than Jadis with Squeezebox touch I was used...voice is more focus..very impressive...
CnoEvil said:acalex said:Man in the long black coat from Bob Dylan on AMS with LP...much fuller bass than Jadis with Squeezebox touch I was used...voice is more focus..very impressive...
One of my very favorite Bob Dylan songs. :cheer: (I have his album "Mercy", but it's on CD). Do you have any Bass driven music like Eminem or Daft Punk?......try some (on AMS), turn up the volume, and stand open-mouthed in awe! :O :O :O
acalex said:Wine was actually very good...nice Dolcetto d'Alba, thanks Roby
Summary of the review.
The Lavardin was not able to compete with both Jadis and AMS, both excelling in something different. Unfortunately the differences between Jadis and AMS were not so easy to spot as speakers were an obvious limit.
WishTree said:acalex said:Wine was actually very good...nice Dolcetto d'Alba, thanks Roby
Summary of the review.
The Lavardin was not able to compete with both Jadis and AMS, both excelling in something different. Unfortunately the differences between Jadis and AMS were not so easy to spot as speakers were an obvious limit.
Thank you for all the updates! So, an all Tube Amp vs SS Class A are competing to the crown position. I never thought that a Tube Amp has the speed to match the SS but it is good to learn something new!
Given the valve shelf life / tuning, I would think AMS will win but only time will tell which amp captures the moment!
I am a little bit heart broken that the Classe was not includedOkay.. not that sad, but would like to know what you guys really think about them as you are already out there doing all the auditions!
El Hefe said:Wow...its like watching (reading) a boxing match between these amps...I am glad to see that AMS is having the edge so far. 🙂
Good luck with your final decision...I am sure you will enjoy the unit more once you have made your decision...
I guess the next quest would be your phonostage....
acalex said:WishTree said:acalex said:Wine was actually very good...nice Dolcetto d'Alba, thanks Roby
Summary of the review.
The Lavardin was not able to compete with both Jadis and AMS, both excelling in something different. Unfortunately the differences between Jadis and AMS were not so easy to spot as speakers were an obvious limit.
:cheers: :dance: :rofl: we basicly almost say the same in our treats 😛
Thank you for all the updates! So, an all Tube Amp vs SS Class A are competing to the crown position. I never thought that a Tube Amp has the speed to match the SS but it is good to learn something new!
Given the valve shelf life / tuning, I would think AMS will win but only time will tell which amp captures the moment!
I am a little bit heart broken that the Classe was not includedOkay.. not that sad, but would like to know what you guys really think about them as you are already out there doing all the auditions!
Wish...the two thread are separate because me and Roby are both looking for an upgrade 🙂. I didn't consider it as I am only orientating myself towards Class A design or tube. I know Lavardin is not an A class but somebody told me thay have something special and I have to listen to it. Plus it was quite easy as my dealer had them in stock
Well...both amps have their strong points.
AMS is very very fast and has a lot of cahracter. Sound is full, the result is a great listening experience. It is an all-round amplifier and will perform great with every type of music. Had the impression soundstage with AMS was a bit wider than Jadis. It has a lot of presence when playing...and this was what made me put the Lavardin IT on a side when compared to the MF.
On the other hand Jadis is a great tube amp, a must listen if you like tubes. It is not bass shy at all...despite not being as deep and powerful as the AMS...but still plenty of bass. The Jadis has that sparkle of magic and romanticism that AMS does not have (let's be fair...has less). They ara both extremely musical amps...the Jadis being more coloured and sugarcoated...which I really like to be honest as it goes straight to your heart. Vocals on Jadis are really excellent....put Fields of gold from Eva cassidy and you will understand what I mean. It won't be as natural as the Musical Fidelity...but you don't really care as you are taken away...
Again...AMS is damn close on everything......I can assure you it is not an easy choice and I am struggling. I might need the intervention of my dealer with a suggestion...or maybe Cno caming here and helping me deciding 😉
acalex said:AMS is very very fast and has a lot of cahracter. Sound is full, the result is a great listening experience. It is an all-round amplifier and will perform great with every type of music. Had the impression soundstage with AMS was a bit wider than Jadis. It has a lot of presence when playing...and this was what made me put the Lavardin IT on a side when compared to the MF.
Again...AMS is damn close on everything......I can assure you it is not an easy choice and I am struggling. I might need the intervention of my dealer with a suggestion...or maybe Cno caming here and helping me deciding 😉