New amplifier: my long journey...

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Ok, everything is unpacked ready for Roby and a good bottle of wine 😉

Pity the TT performance is covered behind the left speaker...

I borrowed the 3 of them...they will fight each other tonight...the best will be soon playing in my living room!
I just got as a present from shop the LP from Muddy Waters which I really love...
For now all standards...the real test will be at the dealer next friday or saturday with Sonus Faber.

From stone cold the AMS is already performing...does it need to be always connected to the speakers when it is one?

Or I can mute, disconnect and plug the speakers on the Lavardin but keeping the AMS on to keep the temperature?
CnoEvil said:
Nice. What cables are you using?

Maybe a silly question but I prefer to ask before doing stupid things. Where the phonostage needs to be connected? Any amp input is the same? Or in the "Pre out" connectors? Thanks again!
What it's quickly evident by playing some Diana Krall is how much deeper the AMS goes compared to what I am used... the voice stands out more clearly from the dark...not sure if I explained myself
acalex said:
For now all standards...the real test will be at the dealer next friday or saturday with Sonus Faber.

From stone cold the AMS is already performing...does it need to be always connected to the speakers when it is one?

Or I can mute, disconnect and plug the speakers on the Lavardin but keeping the AMS on to keep the temperature?

I always turn off the amp when (dis)connecting S/C. The 35i can be left on without the S/C plugged in...if that's what your asking.

Re the phono stage, I would rather let others give advice, in case I'd be wrong. In my day, it was already built in to the amp and so was obvious.
acalex said:
What it's quickly evident by playing some Diana Krall is how much deeper the AMS goes compared to what I am used... the voice stands out more clearly from the dark...not sure if I explained myself

You have to's like it has an extra octave of bass and there is a Sub connected (on my Kef Refs anyway). It's the first thing that strikes you in a familiar system, and makes lower level listening a joy.
CnoEvil said:
acalex said:
For now all standards...the real test will be at the dealer next friday or saturday with Sonus Faber.

From stone cold the AMS is already performing...does it need to be always connected to the speakers when it is one?

Or I can mute, disconnect and plug the speakers on the Lavardin but keeping the AMS on to keep the temperature?

I always turn off the amp when (dis)connecting S/C. The 35i can be left on without the S/C plugged in...if that's what your asking.

Re the phono stage, I would rather let others give advice, in case I'd be wrong. In my day, it was already built in to the amp and so was obvious.

That's exactly what I wanted to I want to warm up the Lavardin now a little bit but do not want to switch it off the AMS...
Just connected the Performance and put an old italian song from de that's amazing SQ...even on the RX6 its stunning
acalex said:
Just connected the Performance and put an old italian song from de that's amazing SQ...even on the RX6 its stunning

I've always wanted to know what the MF sounds like with a TT.
CnoEvil said:
acalex said:
Just connected the Performance and put an old italian song from de that's amazing SQ...even on the RX6 its stunning

I've always wanted to know what the MF sounds like with a TT.

Sounds unbelievable...not compared to the Jadis yet...plenty of details...very airy. Is getting better every minute...

Now on vinyl a song which I know very well and gives my great emotions already on Squeezebo...Hallelujah from L. Cohen

Man in the long black coat from Bob Dylan on AMS with LP...much fuller bass than Jadis with Squeezebox touch I was used...voice is more focus..very impressive...

Just switched same song on Lavardin IT and SB touch...and gosh...very very impressive also...what a beautiful amp this lavardin IT...bass is less fuller and intense but that's expected...very very musical
acalex said:
Man in the long black coat from Bob Dylan on AMS with LP...much fuller bass than Jadis with Squeezebox touch I was used...voice is more focus..very impressive...

One of my very favorite Bob Dylan songs. :cheer:
(I have his album "Mercy", but it's on CD).

Do you have any Bass driven music like Eminem or Daft Punk?......try some (on AMS), turn up the volume, and stand open-mouthed in awe! :O :O :O
CnoEvil said:
acalex said:
Man in the long black coat from Bob Dylan on AMS with LP...much fuller bass than Jadis with Squeezebox touch I was used...voice is more focus..very impressive...

One of my very favorite Bob Dylan songs. :cheer: (I have his album "Mercy", but it's on CD). Do you have any Bass driven music like Eminem or Daft Punk?......try some (on AMS), turn up the volume, and stand open-mouthed in awe! :O :O :O

I have both on CD and vinyl that one. Roby for sure has bass drive music 😀
Unusually, I would urge caution with that bottle of wine. Listening to one amp after half a glass and another after half a bottle is not a fair comparison!
Wine was actually very good...nice Dolcetto d'Alba, thanks Roby

Summary of the review.

The Lavardin was not able to compete with both Jadis and AMS, both excelling in something different. Unfortunately the differences between Jadis and AMS were not so easy to spot as speakers were an obvious limit. But it was quite evident that the Lavardin was a bit struggling against...
Soon we realised that also vinyls were very limited by the phonostage I borrowed (a clearaudio basic at around 400 euro) which was completely different from the EAR I was used to ear at the shop (well the ear is also 4 times more expensive).

I still want to give a chance to the Lavardin IT before putting it out of competition...but between these strong competitors it does not have a lot of chances.

Indeed is better to demo without alchool in the body 😉

At least the demo helped Roby to almost decide he will get an AMS and keeps his old tt for now 😀

Btw in black is very nice amp...but incredeably heavy and it gets increadibly hot

I feel pretty safe to advise that if you are not considering to buy any tube amp and you want to stick with SS the AMS35 is really a performer in any situation. It is incredibly musical, plenty of bass (haven't heard anything like this so far), absolutely fast and natural...very detailed, punchy...stunning. It does not come cheap indeed but feel pretty reassured that the price you pay is worth the money and you can't get anything close at this price range (heard also a pass lab at 10k and indeed it did not came any close)....

So if you can stretch your budget you can make a blind purchase and won't be disappointed at all. Something to bear in is need space and a solid table! At almost 30kg of weight you need a second person to transport and unpack. It runs very hot actually run hotter than the Sudgen IA4 (we realised yesterday night).

But I found it beautifully built, kind of amp that men cannot has presence not only when it plays!! Remote is a piece of work as well, heavy and made in thick metal. I was a bit disappointed as I couldn't find the right volum level using the was either too soft or too loud. Have same problem with Jadis remote. But I guess this is very subjective argument...
acalex said:
Wine was actually very good...nice Dolcetto d'Alba, thanks Roby

Summary of the review.

The Lavardin was not able to compete with both Jadis and AMS, both excelling in something different. Unfortunately the differences between Jadis and AMS were not so easy to spot as speakers were an obvious limit.

Thank you for all the updates! So, an all Tube Amp vs SS Class A are competing to the crown position. I never thought that a Tube Amp has the speed to match the SS but it is good to learn something new!

Given the valve shelf life / tuning, I would think AMS will win but only time will tell which amp captures the moment!

I am a little bit heart broken that the Classe was not included :cry: Okay.. not that sad, but would like to know what you guys really think about them as you are already out there doing all the auditions!
WishTree said:
acalex said:
Wine was actually very good...nice Dolcetto d'Alba, thanks Roby

Summary of the review.

The Lavardin was not able to compete with both Jadis and AMS, both excelling in something different. Unfortunately the differences between Jadis and AMS were not so easy to spot as speakers were an obvious limit.

Thank you for all the updates! So, an all Tube Amp vs SS Class A are competing to the crown position. I never thought that a Tube Amp has the speed to match the SS but it is good to learn something new!

Given the valve shelf life / tuning, I would think AMS will win but only time will tell which amp captures the moment!

I am a little bit heart broken that the Classe was not included :cry: Okay.. not that sad, but would like to know what you guys really think about them as you are already out there doing all the auditions!

Wish...the two thread are separate because me and Roby are both looking for an upgrade 🙂. I didn't consider it as I am only orientating myself towards Class A design or tube. I know Lavardin is not an A class but somebody told me thay have something special and I have to listen to it. Plus it was quite easy as my dealer had them in stock

Well...both amps have their strong points.

AMS is very very fast and has a lot of cahracter. Sound is full, the result is a great listening experience. It is an all-round amplifier and will perform great with every type of music. Had the impression soundstage with AMS was a bit wider than Jadis. It has a lot of presence when playing...and this was what made me put the Lavardin IT on a side when compared to the MF.

On the other hand Jadis is a great tube amp, a must listen if you like tubes. It is not bass shy at all...despite not being as deep and powerful as the AMS...but still plenty of bass. The Jadis has that sparkle of magic and romanticism that AMS does not have (let's be fair...has less). They ara both extremely musical amps...the Jadis being more coloured and sugarcoated...which I really like to be honest as it goes straight to your heart. Vocals on Jadis are really excellent....put Fields of gold from Eva cassidy and you will understand what I mean. It won't be as natural as the Musical Fidelity...but you don't really care as you are taken away...

Again...AMS is damn close on everything......I can assure you it is not an easy choice and I am struggling. I might need the intervention of my dealer with a suggestion...or maybe Cno caming here and helping me deciding 😉
Wow...its like watching (reading) a boxing match between these amps...I am glad to see that AMS is having the edge so far. 🙂

Good luck with your final decision...I am sure you will enjoy the unit more once you have made your decision...

I guess the next quest would be your phonostage....
El Hefe said:
Wow...its like watching (reading) a boxing match between these amps...I am glad to see that AMS is having the edge so far. 🙂

Good luck with your final decision...I am sure you will enjoy the unit more once you have made your decision...

I guess the next quest would be your phonostage....

It is indeed a difficult match. The third opponed was knoched out at the first round. I had another listening this morning starting with the Lavardin IT and putting on songs I know very well...and I quite enjoyed.

Than I switched to the AMS...same music...again...huge difference in everything...but mostly on the presence. The AMS "obliges" you to listen whilst the Lavardin goes more discrete. Impact and punch were also quite seems an obvious step up. Dont get me wrong...Lavardin IT is a great great amp... I already enjoyed the IS reference.

Yes...phonostage was quite disappointing I must say. Couldn't feel the emotions which vinyl is supposed to give over the some circumstances I even felt cd version was better. It lacked of intensity, caracther. It seemed a little bit flat compared to what I heard so far...also had to increase the volume quite a bit when switching from Squeezebox to turnatble to match the same sound level. Like the tt lacked the drive necessary...

Well, dealer confirmed I was right and indeed the phono stage is responsible for this. He also proposed me a deal on a brand new EAR 834P Signature Deluxe. A tube phono stage...quite a piece of its price of course.

EDIT: OK...he just proposed me an ex-demo price for a new unit of this great done!

Regarding the amps...I fixed now my "normal listening level" and I am trying to understand which one gives me a more prolonged listening pleasure...

I have the impression that the Jadis is humbler but more easy to listen while the AMS is always trying to impress.....not sure if it makes sense but this is what I feel today when I am replyaing the Jadis...for example I don't feel the need to switch artists/albums so often how I felt yesterday with AMS.

A little bit of pics are in order...sorry for quality of pics but I used my phone...

Front of AMS



Back of this beautiful amp



AMS on the righ, Lavardin IT on the left...Davide and Golia 😀

acalex said:
WishTree said:
acalex said:
Wine was actually very good...nice Dolcetto d'Alba, thanks Roby

Summary of the review.

The Lavardin was not able to compete with both Jadis and AMS, both excelling in something different. Unfortunately the differences between Jadis and AMS were not so easy to spot as speakers were an obvious limit.

:cheers: :dance: :rofl: we basicly almost say the same in our treats 😛

Thank you for all the updates! So, an all Tube Amp vs SS Class A are competing to the crown position. I never thought that a Tube Amp has the speed to match the SS but it is good to learn something new!

Given the valve shelf life / tuning, I would think AMS will win but only time will tell which amp captures the moment!

I am a little bit heart broken that the Classe was not included :cry: Okay.. not that sad, but would like to know what you guys really think about them as you are already out there doing all the auditions!

Wish...the two thread are separate because me and Roby are both looking for an upgrade 🙂. I didn't consider it as I am only orientating myself towards Class A design or tube. I know Lavardin is not an A class but somebody told me thay have something special and I have to listen to it. Plus it was quite easy as my dealer had them in stock

Well...both amps have their strong points.

AMS is very very fast and has a lot of cahracter. Sound is full, the result is a great listening experience. It is an all-round amplifier and will perform great with every type of music. Had the impression soundstage with AMS was a bit wider than Jadis. It has a lot of presence when playing...and this was what made me put the Lavardin IT on a side when compared to the MF.

On the other hand Jadis is a great tube amp, a must listen if you like tubes. It is not bass shy at all...despite not being as deep and powerful as the AMS...but still plenty of bass. The Jadis has that sparkle of magic and romanticism that AMS does not have (let's be fair...has less). They ara both extremely musical amps...the Jadis being more coloured and sugarcoated...which I really like to be honest as it goes straight to your heart. Vocals on Jadis are really excellent....put Fields of gold from Eva cassidy and you will understand what I mean. It won't be as natural as the Musical Fidelity...but you don't really care as you are taken away...

Again...AMS is damn close on everything......I can assure you it is not an easy choice and I am struggling. I might need the intervention of my dealer with a suggestion...or maybe Cno caming here and helping me deciding 😉
acalex said:
AMS is very very fast and has a lot of cahracter. Sound is full, the result is a great listening experience. It is an all-round amplifier and will perform great with every type of music. Had the impression soundstage with AMS was a bit wider than Jadis. It has a lot of presence when playing...and this was what made me put the Lavardin IT on a side when compared to the MF.

Again...AMS is damn close on everything......I can assure you it is not an easy choice and I am struggling. I might need the intervention of my dealer with a suggestion...or maybe Cno caming here and helping me deciding 😉

Lavardin = Delicacy/Insight; AMS35i = Excitement/Power; Jadis = Romance/Emotion

I would like nothing more than traveling over to help with your decision, but I'm due in to hospital on Tuesday to get my back seen to, so will have to try and help from here are my thoughts:

- You can't make a decision until you hear both amps on the SFs with the correct source. I'm not surprised that the Lavardin came in third, given your taste. What I am surprised about (like Roby), is that you preferred it to the Sugden (bodes well for Mac).

- If 80% of your music sounds better on the Jadis, then that is the direction you should go. Failing that, it's a matter of strengths vs, If the MF sounds 90% as good as the Jadis, where the Jadis excells, and better on everything else, then that is where you should go.

- Don't forget to try the MF with a Cardis Golden Ref P/C and Golden Cross S/C & I/C, as I think it may close the gap even more. In my case they certainly seemed to suit the 35i. They don't have to all be purchased at this stage.

The MF that you have is one of the older variety with the black volume knob, as the modern ones have a silver one. It's not a big issue, but might help in the bargaining (if that's the one you buy)

The 35i has a few weaknesses, some of which you've discovered:

1. The volume on the Remote should be labelled "Too Loud" and Too Quiet".

2. If you connect a sub to the Pre-Outs, it sends out a thump when the amp is turned on/off.

3. The remote is too big, heavy and clumsy....I use a Linn one.

4. When the amp cools down, it can let out a few "settling cracks" like a radiator in an old house.

5. It uses a lot of power and gets very hot.

Where sound quality is concerned....well I don't have to tell you about that; I bet your speakers have never had such deep, powerful bass.

In some ways, it may be a matter of Emotion vs Excitement.


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