Roby said:Exaxctly.....unfotunatly this make me think......should I strech an extra 2000.... to make me happy. I was convinced by a cold AMS.
An this was not on my personal speakers of choice the idea's but on Dynaudio's C1's.... Incradable speakers for the size an not extreemly expensive (6000).
Altrough I have 2 month's to diside what I do with all this experiences an info.
The dealer said when he have the separate combo we will compare the amps (M6i, M6 500i, M6 pre&prx, AMS) I secretly hope the combo will be convincing, thhis will allow me to buy the TT at the same time. aotherwise I will have to wait for the TT change.
I hope your in Acalex should be really intresting
:? :? :?
When sombody in my 683 tread said this is a dangerous game & friendship, now I understand ;-) Well let me clarify I'm not complaning I still think this is a great experience an I still enjoy the search. I guess when it's done we will miss it 😳
Roby, it is indeed a dangerous game but you can't come back once you heard the will keep regretting how great it sounded...and start questioning yourself again in no time (devil is tempting :rofl🙂.
That's why I was so glad when I found this amazing shop in Antwerp as he doesn't put any pressure on me...and above all I can pay month per month or whenever I have money to spend. We cut this deal and I was supersatisfied as I can control my expenses better but still enjoying the best gear. This is a great service that for me it is worth a lot as I wouldn't feel comfortable paying 6k eur at once...but like this I can afford more expensive stuff! :cheers: