New amplifier: my long journey...

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hmmmm, I think that we are still a British colony out here in the antipodes! Our government isn't much better, at the moment they are mired in tawdry sexual assault claims and union corruption is rife!

maybe they should all just take a big deep breath, sit down, close their eyes & listen to some relaxing music on a quality hi-fi system. Must be loud enough to drown out all the shouting from the other side of the floor 🙂
Neuphonix said:

I've been looking into the Linn Majik. There is one distributor here in Sydney which I'll be going to see over the next few weeks to have a chat with. I can see that they make a quality product, but I still have a number of questions in my head about features/needs. Alot of what I have read so far seems to indicate that it certainly excells in sound quality but there is a pretty steep learning curve with the set-up/operation side of things.

I had pretty much stopped listening to my CD collection, but have been really rediscovering it with the new set-up. I get this real sense of nostalgia having to get up & actually put a disc in the player.

No rush though, as I'm still coming to terms with how my budget (sic) got so out of hand with my speakers & amp! Maybe I should get a job with the government.

I'm delighted you are considering the Majik DS.

When I got mine, the dealer set the whole thing up (Linn prefer this), and has been there to hold my hand if necessary. Once set up, it couldn't be easier to operate....either with a lap top or ithingy.

When demoing it, try if possible to do it through your amp and speakers. The 35i sounds very different to the Linn amps, which imo sound detailed, but a bit cold and uninvolving.

I think it should be a great match with the Focals, as it's detailed but not bright, forward or digital lets the music flow naturally, without forcing it down your throat.
acalex said:
Missing at home the grunt of that a bad sign? :wall:

Nah.. There is so much more like for example speakers, room acoustics, cables etc etc to work upon. Alex, we need you back for the next big thing and not to mull over a well thought / made decision !
Thanks to everybody for the support. You are all right, I went through the all process and made a good decision but still can't help thinking what I would have decided if my gf wasn't there to approve so strongly the jadis. I even tried a blind test on her and every time she chose the jadis and said she preferred that type of sound, no mistakes.

Don't get me wrong, I love the jadis so much, especially when matched with sonus faber...but cant stop thinking at the effect the ams made on me every time a new song was starting. Indeed the jadis is probably easier to listen whist the ams is always trying to impress no matter what type of music you are playing through.

I am actually very very happy about my analog source, this clearaudio performance with ear phono stage are a match made in heaven. Can't stop listening to vinyls.

I already tried myself the majik ds long time ago but unfortunately through linn amplification and indeed wasnt very impressed. I do think I should try now the majik ds or eventually the akurate and compare with a good transport plus dac to understand the difference. But before starting to work on digital source I will take a break and wait for beginning of summer. Especially because I need to get my contract renewed end of June 🙂.

With roby we were already thinking about swapping amp every now and then 😉. Tomorrow I will go to his place and listen to he ams with bw speakers before taking back the amp to the shop.

Indeed I am pretty excited to start working also on other staff like acoustic,isolation, cables, source and so on...
just off the topic a little, but how about this for bass addiction.

I just sold my old sub on ebay, it was a big beast of a thing, great sub but just too big for my needs.

Any way this guy makes an offer, which I duly accept. He then calls me to arrange to come over & pick it up, all good.

So he arrives last night & we get chatting, systems, upgrades etc etc.

It then comes out that he has driven all day fron Melbourne to Sydney to pick it up, 1000km!!! :O

He hands over the moulah, we put it in his car & off he goes, 2000km round trip for a sub.

Got to admire a bloke who shows such dedication to the lower range of the frequency spectrum!

I'm quite happy to see it go to a home where it will be loved
Acalex, I just want to say thanks for sharing, it has been great fun and very interesting following your way towards the final decision.

I first found this thread when I searched information about Jadis, then like everytbody else reading I was very curious what you were going to chose in the end. Personally, I have listened to the smaller brother (sister?) of the Jadis familiy, the Orchestra Reference and was stunned! At the moment I have quite difficult speakers for low powered amplifiers (Dynaudio), so I chose to get a 75 watt McIntosh tube amp instead to get a much more controlled bass. The music I'm hearing now is fantastic, but I can't forget the glorious midrange sound of the Jadis that struck me. No matter what we chose, I guess there will always be doubt in mind. I haven't heard the Jadis JA50, I wish I had. I was told it has much more bass control than the Orchestra Reference. Now, I can't help checking the second hand market now and then and see what comes up, maybe there will be a Jadis amp for me also in the end, either a more powerful integrated or mono blocks. Time will tell.

Again, thanks for sharing and good luck in the future with your search for other hifi equipment. Don't forget about us, the readers of this forum, what you come up with or if you have more things to say about your new Jadis. We want to know it all!

egoBen said:
Acalex, I just want to say thanks for sharing, it has been great fun and very interesting following your way towards the final decision.

I first found this thread when I searched information about Jadis, then like everytbody else reading I was very curious what you were going to chose in the end. Personally, I have listened to the smaller brother (sister?) of the Jadis familiy, the Orchestra Reference and was stunned! At the moment I have quite difficult speakers for low powered amplifiers (Dynaudio), so I chose to get a 75 watt McIntosh tube amp instead to get a much more controlled bass. The music I'm hearing now is fantastic, but I can't forget the glorious midrange sound of the Jadis that struck me. No matter what we chose, I guess there will always be doubt in mind. I haven't heard the Jadis JA50, I wish I had. I was told it has much more bass control than the Orchestra Reference. Now, I can't help checking the second hand market now and then and see what comes up, maybe there will be a Jadis amp for me also in the end, either a more powerful integrated or mono blocks. Time will tell.

Again, thanks for sharing and good luck in the future with your search for other hifi equipment. Don't forget about us, the readers of this forum, what you come up with or if you have more things to say about your new Jadis. We want to know it all!


Hi there and welcome to the forum.

If you ever need sensitive speakers suitable for Valve amps, you should check out Audio Note, Living Voice and Perreaux....though there is nothing wrong with McIntosh.
CnoEvil said:
Hi there and welcome to the forum.

If you ever need sensitive speakers suitable for Valve amps, you should check out Audio Note, Living Voice and Perreaux....though there is nothing wrong with McIntosh.

CnoEvil, thanks, that is very good to know. I am actually looking for a new pair of speakers, have been listening to ProAc and System Audio besides my current Dynaudio's on my Mac. I am about to try PMC aswell. Otherwise I don't know which direction to go really. I like the Dynaudio's very much but they aren't really the perfect match with tubes.

And to Acalex, I just remembered that when I returned the Jadis to the store, my girlfriend said I was crazy. She even said she would buy it herself. She liked it that much! Of course she didn't, but still. (She doesn't care for any bass at all even though I have tried to explain the difference between a steady bass and deep slow bass.) Thought you wanted to know you are not alone on this one, hehe.
egoBen said:
CnoEvil, thanks, that is very good to know. I am actually looking for a new pair of speakers, have been listening to ProAc and System Audio besides my current Dynaudio's on my Mac. I am about to try PMC aswell. Otherwise I don't know which direction to go really. I like the Dynaudio's very much but they aren't really the perfect match with tubes.

Proac and PMC are reasonably easy to drive, but not like those I listed. Audio Note are designed to be in the corners and against the wall, which makes them a good choice if this has to be the case.

egoBen said:
Acalex, I just want to say thanks for sharing, it has been great fun and very interesting following your way towards the final decision.

I first found this thread when I searched information about Jadis, then like everytbody else reading I was very curious what you were going to chose in the end. Personally, I have listened to the smaller brother (sister?) of the Jadis familiy, the Orchestra Reference and was stunned! At the moment I have quite difficult speakers for low powered amplifiers (Dynaudio), so I chose to get a 75 watt McIntosh tube amp instead to get a much more controlled bass. The music I'm hearing now is fantastic, but I can't forget the glorious midrange sound of the Jadis that struck me. No matter what we chose, I guess there will always be doubt in mind. I haven't heard the Jadis JA50, I wish I had. I was told it has much more bass control than the Orchestra Reference. Now, I can't help checking the second hand market now and then and see what comes up, maybe there will be a Jadis amp for me also in the end, either a more powerful integrated or mono blocks. Time will tell.

Again, thanks for sharing and good luck in the future with your search for other hifi equipment. Don't forget about us, the readers of this forum, what you come up with or if you have more things to say about your new Jadis. We want to know it all!


Thanks for sharing this. I am glad there is here another "Jadis lover" 😀! I have never heard the Orchestra but I can assure you the DA50 has a nice, punchy and controlled bass. I was quite surprised as I wasn't expecting this level of bass from a tube amp. Midrange is absolutely is what made me prefer the Jadis to the amazing AMS from MF that despite being a solide state amp (pure class A) is very close to the warm and emotional sound of Jadis. gf also fell in love with the Jadis since the beginning...and I din't have too many convincing arguments to prefer the AMS. If you are around Brussels you are more than welcome to come and have a listen. For now I still have my "old" Monitor Audio RX6...but hoprefully soon will get the speakers...
egoBen said:
Acalex, I just want to say thanks for sharing, it has been great fun and very interesting following your way towards the final decision.

I first found this thread when I searched information about Jadis, then like everytbody else reading I was very curious what you were going to chose in the end. Personally, I have listened to the smaller brother (sister?) of the Jadis familiy, the Orchestra Reference and was stunned! At the moment I have quite difficult speakers for low powered amplifiers (Dynaudio), so I chose to get a 75 watt McIntosh tube amp instead to get a much more controlled bass. The music I'm hearing now is fantastic, but I can't forget the glorious midrange sound of the Jadis that struck me. No matter what we chose, I guess there will always be doubt in mind. I haven't heard the Jadis JA50, I wish I had. I was told it has much more bass control than the Orchestra Reference. Now, I can't help checking the second hand market now and then and see what comes up, maybe there will be a Jadis amp for me also in the end, either a more powerful integrated or mono blocks. Time will tell.

Again, thanks for sharing and good luck in the future with your search for other hifi equipment. Don't forget about us, the readers of this forum, what you come up with or if you have more things to say about your new Jadis. We want to know it all!


Hi Ego and welcome.

Another speaker to throw into the mix for you are Harbeth Super HL5... a beautifully balanced loud speaker.


CnoEvil said:
Proac and PMC are reasonably easy to drive, but not like those I listed. Audio Note are designed to be in the corners and against the wall, which makes them a good choice if this has to be the case.


Even though the ones you mention are designed for corner/near wall placement they are quite big. And they look kind of funny (or even ugly) aswell. Which is a pity. Some of the models might be ok looking, but then there is the problem of finding a dealer that sells them. I guess a trip to London would be appropiate for this?

Yes, PMC and ProAc are easier to drive than my Dynaudio's, but I'm not quite sure I prefer them soundwise. The ProAc D28 are much bigger in size and twice the price of my Dynaudio Focus 160, but fact is I actually got a deeper and more ear pleasing bass from the smaller Dynaudio's. Quite impressive! Overall, the ProAc D28's are a tad better speakers, with a nice punchy bass and a very delicate overall sound. A pair of D18 would be nice to try out some day as I actually don't need a very deep bass in my small room.

I have never listened to Harbeth but I really hope I'll get the chance to do so some day. I've read a lot about them lately and I might like sound from the very much. At least that's what I imagine I'll do. They are quite uncommon where I live (Sweden), so are ProAc and PMC aswell. B&W or Monitor Audio are more well known and are sold in just about every hifi store there is. Nothing wrong with that, I love the B&W design and I used to own a pair of small Monitor Audio speakers myself, but it would be nice with some other UK choises, like the ones mentioned. By the way, I kind of like the looks of the Harbeth's, very very old school. My girlfriend likes them aswell, which is quite surprising I have to say.
acalex said:
Thanks for sharing this. I am glad there is here another "Jadis lover" 😀! I have never heard the Orchestra but I can assure you the DA50 has a nice, punchy and controlled bass. I was quite surprised as I wasn't expecting this level of bass from a tube amp. Midrange is absolutely is what made me prefer the Jadis to the amazing AMS from MF that despite being a solide state amp (pure class A) is very close to the warm and emotional sound of Jadis. gf also fell in love with the Jadis since the beginning...and I din't have too many convincing arguments to prefer the AMS. If you are around Brussels you are more than welcome to come and have a listen. For now I still have my "old" Monitor Audio RX6...but hoprefully soon will get the speakers...

People often say there isn't that big of a difference between amplifiers. I you listed to Jadis, you will hear right away that nothing could be more wrong. What I have heard, there's isn't much like it really. Though I haven't listened to that many tube amps over the years, maybe five or six, the sound from Jadis is really special and can't be compared to anything else. I would love to listen to the Jadis DA50, especially in Brussels in your place! I have actually never been to Belgium even though I've planned a trip several times. What could go wrong? I love the beer, the moules and listening to Jadis!
egoBen said:
Even though the ones you mention are designed for corner/near wall placement they are quite big. And they look kind of funny (or even ugly) aswell. Which is a pity. Some of the models might be ok looking, but then there is the problem of finding a dealer that sells them. I guess a trip to London would be appropiate for this?

You are right to take your time, trust your instinct and listen to as many choices as possible.

The Audio Notes (AN-J and AN-K) are not the prettiest, but look a lot better in the more exotic finishes....they do sound very good least on the end of an Audio Note system.
egoBen said:
acalex said:
Thanks for sharing this. I am glad there is here another "Jadis lover" 😀! I have never heard the Orchestra but I can assure you the DA50 has a nice, punchy and controlled bass. I was quite surprised as I wasn't expecting this level of bass from a tube amp. Midrange is absolutely is what made me prefer the Jadis to the amazing AMS from MF that despite being a solide state amp (pure class A) is very close to the warm and emotional sound of Jadis. gf also fell in love with the Jadis since the beginning...and I din't have too many convincing arguments to prefer the AMS. If you are around Brussels you are more than welcome to come and have a listen. For now I still have my "old" Monitor Audio RX6...but hoprefully soon will get the speakers...

People often say there isn't that big of a difference between amplifiers. I you listed to Jadis, you will hear right away that nothing could be more wrong. What I have heard, there's isn't much like it really. Though I haven't listened to that many tube amps over the years, maybe five or six, the sound from Jadis is really special and can't be compared to anything else. I would love to listen to the Jadis DA50, especially in Brussels in your place! I have actually never been to Belgium even though I've planned a trip several times. What could go wrong? I love the beer, the moules and listening to Jadis!

Yes, I know what you mean. It's the type of sound that can't be forgotten...

More then welcome to come and have a listen to the Jadis D50! If you like beer and moules than nothing can go wrong :cheers:

Soon I will post some pics and a longer review of the Jadis...

I have also read this somewhere...amplifier all sound the same more or less. In my opinion is absolutely false. I even proved it by trying a blind test with my gf and letting her listen to the Jadis and AMS...same songs, same volumes (measured with a noise meter)...and every time she picked up the right one after a few notes only...and I can assure you she doesn't have a clue about bass depth, control, punchy sound, brightness etc.... :shame:
acalex said:
I even proved it by trying a blind test with my gf and letting her listen to the Jadis and AMS...same songs, same volumes (measured with a noise meter)...and every time she picked up the right one after a few notes only

The AMS? :rofl:
Roby said:
acalex said:
I even proved it by trying a blind test with my gf and letting her listen to the Jadis and AMS...same songs, same volumes (measured with a noise meter)...and every time she picked up the right one after a few notes only

The AMS? :rofl:

Every time she could say which one was that was playing...but she preferred always the Jadis :rofl:
Well well well....I just heard a VERY good system yesterday which has become my reference so far. What I really enjoyed is that this is the presentation I like and I would like to achieve one day. Everything sounded great...even stuff I would ever listen at home. I was also very impressed as the room was not treated yet (the delaer opened a second room in the shop) with no curtains, no carpet, concrete floor and quite reflective. But still it sounded like heaven....

Well the system was this

- Clearaudio Innovation turntable

- Audio Research Reference Phono 2 SE - Vacuum Tube Phono preamp

- Audio Research LS 27 - Class A Vacuum Tube preamplifier

- 2x Audio Research Reference 250 - Vacuum Tube Monaural Power amp (250W)

- Sonus Faber Amati Futura

Here a pic of this dream system

At the beginning it sounded like "nothing special" as my expectations were quite high...after it warmed up properly (more or less 30-40 minutes) it was like hearing a new system.

Everything was there...huge soundstage and neat image, very musical, punchy and controlled basses, loads of detailes....and a glorious midrange. Voice at the beginning was not as full bodied as on the Jadis but he got definitely better after warming up period. Delaer said he still needs to set-up the room and fine tune the system...stil can get a 15-20% better in his opinion. I really want to hear it when the room will be ready :dance:
Young man - you are incorrigible.....and I like it!

AR make fantastic sounding kit, but is expensive outside the States. There is no doubt that Valves + SF is the way to go.
8) ... but did you ask the price? :shifty:

How far away from this "reference" would you say your new amplifier + SF speakers is at the moment?
tino said:
8) ... but did you ask the price? :shifty:

How far away from this "reference" would you say your new amplifier + SF speakers is at the moment?

I already knew the prices :dance:. I think the all lot is around 60-70k euro....

But is a well balanced system as the power amps cost both as much as the speakers :cheers:

Eh...tricky tricky terms of midrange I would say not far....well not veryt far. Is the scale, the space, the separation of instruments and overall clarity which was stunning. This system would be amazing in a proper room with a lot of space...
CnoEvil said:
Young man - you are incorrigible.....and I like it!

AR make fantastic sounding kit, but is expensive outside the States. There is no doubt that Valves + SF is the way to go.

Ahaha, I know...but I am still looking for my "Nirvana" type of sound and I am happy to see I am on the right path :bounce:

Having said rush, if I won't get there I won't be unhappy as my kit sounds very very good...especially when I will get the SFs...but you know dreaming is free

But Cno trust me, the Amati Futura with all tubes AR kit was a dream kit. Plus the dealer is the "owner" of last pair of Sonus Faber Stradivary Palladio (special edition), last pair available worldwide! :read:

Ah...the guy had also the Jadis DA88 from a client (needed to change tubes) and he promised me we would have a listen before it gives it back!!! :wall:

But anyway got back with this one: :cheers:

acalex said:
Ahaha, I know...but I am still looking for my "Nirvana" type of sound and I am happy to see I am on the right path :bounce:

Having said rush, if I won't get there I won't be unhappy as my kit sounds very very well...especially when I will get the SFs...but you know dreaming is free

But Cno trust me, the Amati Futura with all tubes AR kit was a dream kit. Plus the dealer is the "owner" of last pair of Sonus Faber Stradivary Palladio (special edition), last pair available worldwide! :read:

Ah...the guy had also the Jadis DA88 from a client (needed to change tubes) and he promised me we would have a listen before it gives it back!!! :wall:

With a €70k budget, a variety of great systems can be put together from the likes of Audio Note, Pathos, Icon Audio, Unison Research and MF AMS....and once you've heard the perfect system, it's then the goal to see if you can get 85% of the sound, for 60% of the cost. For example, you can get a superb from Icon Audio mono blocks for a lot less.

I think you will be very impressed with the DA88.


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