Now this I am looking forward careful, be very careful....... :shifty:acalex said:This weekend I will listen to some Pathos stuff finally...Inpol 2 and Inpower monoblocks!
Findings will follow...
Now this I am looking forward careful, be very careful....... :shifty:acalex said:This weekend I will listen to some Pathos stuff finally...Inpol 2 and Inpower monoblocks!
Findings will follow...
acalex said:This weekend I will listen to some Pathos stuff finally...Inpol 2 and Inpower monoblocks!
Macspur said:Will look forward to your thoughts on Pathos Alex.
Can't really run to the cost of an Impol2, but the Logos interests me.
egoBen said:Yes, please be negative, please be negative.No, seriously, keep posting, you know we love it!
I am, if everything work out as planned, will audition to the Jadis JA30 mono's this weekend. Looking forward to it very much!
oldric_naubhoff said:acalex said:This weekend I will listen to some Pathos stuff finally...Inpol 2 and Inpower monoblocks!
great stuff! when you're at it you could also throw Classic One into the mix, just to know how much of improvement Inpol brings over conventional A/AB amp. I would be very much interested to know your opinion on this. :bounce:
acalex said:Macspur said:Will look forward to your thoughts on Pathos Alex.
Can't really run to the cost of an Impol2, but the Logos interests me.
I will ask the dealer to plug the Logos if he has problem! I will try to take some pictures also 8)
Macspur said:acalex said:Macspur said:Will look forward to your thoughts on Pathos Alex.
Can't really run to the cost of an Impol2, but the Logos interests me.
I will ask the dealer to plug the Logos if he has problem! I will try to take some pictures also 8)
Ah, thanks Alex, that's good of you.
Just wish I lived near you guys!
acalex said:Actually this dealer is not that close, we need to drive 170km to get a is not in the same country :wall:
DocG said:acalex said:Actually this dealer is not that close, we need to drive 170km to get a is not in the same country :wall:
Now that would be a punishment, in a new Alfa! 8)
acalex said:He had the Logos, the Inpol remix (which actually looks great but a closer view shows the wood they used looks a bit cheap, pity), the Ethos, the Classic, Endorphine CD Player...and one of the first Pathos amplifiers, the TT. Unfortunately there was no time to plug all of them (sorry Mac).
tino said:acalex said:He had the Logos, the Inpol remix (which actually looks great but a closer view shows the wood they used looks a bit cheap, pity), the Ethos, the Classic, Endorphine CD Player...and one of the first Pathos amplifiers, the TT. Unfortunately there was no time to plug all of them (sorry Mac).
Sounds like you had a great day out! I hope you had time to listen to the Ethos ... if I were to upgrade ... this would be on the (very) short list.
acalex said:Sorry Tino, there was no time as we arrived at 13.30 and left at 18h...but only managed to listen carefully to InPower monoblocks and Inpol2. If you come here to Belgium I will take you to the shop to try the Ethos :cheers:
tino said:acalex said:Sorry Tino, there was no time as we arrived at 13.30 and left at 18h...but only managed to listen carefully to InPower monoblocks and Inpol2. If you come here to Belgium I will take you to the shop to try the Ethos :cheers:
Only 4 and a half hours ... how much espresso did you drink? 😉 ... Thanks for the offer :cheers:
acalex said:OK...back to the demo.
First CD was Nils Lofgren Acoustic Live - track 5 Keith don't go. This songs immediately shows the speakers are a bit on the bright was maybe just a little bit too much for my taste but still very very enjoyable.
Was this track put in evidence was an impressive neat and huge sound stage. Room was filled with could really feel the 75W pure class A stretching its was like sitting in front of him playing the acoustic guitar.
These monoblocks are tremendously fast, it could cope with the rapid acoustic guitar riff easily. Another thing that really impressed us was the clarity of the sound, it was absolutely transparent, neat, clear with loads and load of details. The involvement was really high, at the end it was for me almost natural to feel part of the crowd and start clapping my hands with them. It was a lifelike presentation...but this system won't forgive any bad recording.
We then moved to something more energic and could appreciate the amount of bass always in control. The impact was there...huge dynamics were beautifully reproduced, the kick drums were suddendly appearing from the dark and punching you in the stomach. Something like that I heard only with AMS and with the Audio research 250 reference monoblocks (at double the price).
Only "negative" (if we can say so) point was the wasn't as warm as I like and used with the Jadis. The dealer agreed fully on that but he still suggested that the InControl would be a perfect match with Monoblocks as they are meant for each other 😀
We also tried the monoblocs with the Graaf preamplifier, fully tube. Once the Graaf was starting to warm, the voice was getting out warmer, with more body. But the all presentation lost a little bit of "openess" he had before. But this preamp is really a beautiful piece of kit, would be nice to try it after two days of demo...well in temperature.
I hope Roby will integrate my review with his thoughts on the more energic albums he brought and he knew much better than me. We realised straight away that the Foo Fighters album was really compressed...everything sounded so flat. This system doesn't forgive anything...
The Inpol2 was then connected, let it warm for a little while...and CDP was loaded with Diana Krall best of - Peel me a grape. Once the beast started playing it was almost shocking to hear how perfect it was. Voice of Diana was stunning and really standing out...piano was beautifully reproduced. The presentation of Inpol 2 is a bit more laid back compared to the monoblocks but very very enjoyable. We lost a little bit of soundstage and separation of instruments, as expected since we lost a little bit of power.
The Inpol2 is still a very fast and dynamic amplifier, so much closer to the Jadis romanticism than the monoblocks, but with a bit more muscles. It would be great to hear it connected to the SF speakers....the dealer suggested that it would be a great match.
So if I had to choose between the Inpol2 and the monoblocks for me the Inpol2 would be the choice. If I had to swap with my Jadis now...not sure what I heard would be enought to justify the price difference (Inpol2 is sold at almost 9k euro). For sure I got intrigued and would like to try the Inpol2 with Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento.
Between Inpol2 and AMS? I think I would pick the Italian amplifier...this demo with hybrid amps really opened my eyes about the opportunity to get the best of both....of course at its price.
CnoEvil said:Pathos is a communication technique used in rhetoric, which dates back to Aristotle. It is designed to persuade an audience into your way of thinking, by appealing to their emotions using passion, and is the most likely way to spur them into action.
CnoEvil said:As for 35i vs Inpol, it would be which ever one had the Adrenalin connected to it!
oldric_naubhoff said:acalex said:OK...back to the demo.
First CD was Nils Lofgren Acoustic Live - track 5 Keith don't go. This songs immediately shows the speakers are a bit on the bright was maybe just a little bit too much for my taste but still very very enjoyable.
Was this track put in evidence was an impressive neat and huge sound stage. Room was filled with could really feel the 75W pure class A stretching its was like sitting in front of him playing the acoustic guitar.
These monoblocks are tremendously fast, it could cope with the rapid acoustic guitar riff easily. Another thing that really impressed us was the clarity of the sound, it was absolutely transparent, neat, clear with loads and load of details. The involvement was really high, at the end it was for me almost natural to feel part of the crowd and start clapping my hands with them. It was a lifelike presentation...but this system won't forgive any bad recording.
We then moved to something more energic and could appreciate the amount of bass always in control. The impact was there...huge dynamics were beautifully reproduced, the kick drums were suddendly appearing from the dark and punching you in the stomach. Something like that I heard only with AMS and with the Audio research 250 reference monoblocks (at double the price).
Only "negative" (if we can say so) point was the wasn't as warm as I like and used with the Jadis. The dealer agreed fully on that but he still suggested that the InControl would be a perfect match with Monoblocks as they are meant for each other 😀
We also tried the monoblocs with the Graaf preamplifier, fully tube. Once the Graaf was starting to warm, the voice was getting out warmer, with more body. But the all presentation lost a little bit of "openess" he had before. But this preamp is really a beautiful piece of kit, would be nice to try it after two days of demo...well in temperature.
I hope Roby will integrate my review with his thoughts on the more energic albums he brought and he knew much better than me. We realised straight away that the Foo Fighters album was really compressed...everything sounded so flat. This system doesn't forgive anything...
The Inpol2 was then connected, let it warm for a little while...and CDP was loaded with Diana Krall best of - Peel me a grape. Once the beast started playing it was almost shocking to hear how perfect it was. Voice of Diana was stunning and really standing out...piano was beautifully reproduced. The presentation of Inpol 2 is a bit more laid back compared to the monoblocks but very very enjoyable. We lost a little bit of soundstage and separation of instruments, as expected since we lost a little bit of power.
The Inpol2 is still a very fast and dynamic amplifier, so much closer to the Jadis romanticism than the monoblocks, but with a bit more muscles. It would be great to hear it connected to the SF speakers....the dealer suggested that it would be a great match.
So if I had to choose between the Inpol2 and the monoblocks for me the Inpol2 would be the choice. If I had to swap with my Jadis now...not sure what I heard would be enought to justify the price difference (Inpol2 is sold at almost 9k euro). For sure I got intrigued and would like to try the Inpol2 with Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento.
Between Inpol2 and AMS? I think I would pick the Italian amplifier...this demo with hybrid amps really opened my eyes about the opportunity to get the best of both....of course at its price.
I wish I could be there with you guys. 🙂
yet another thumbs up for an Inpol amp. I'm getting more and more convinced that there's no need to look elsewhere. I guess I'm sticking with Pathos for a long time to come. can't wait when I finally upgrade to a TT Anniversary (mostly because it's cheaper than Inpol2).
Macspur said:Don't know if you're aware Oldric, Audio Oasis are selling a TT for £3,100 reduced by 40%