Ashley James:The problem is that prices of consumer and pro audio electronics have fallen as the technology and performance has improved while hi fi, which is lower technology and should have done the same, hasn't. It has become far to expensive and it is trailing behind everything else technically as the presenter on the TV program indicated.
IMHO, much of the hi fi industry has to a large extent become specialised and elitist and it hasn't been rational. The result is that is has become marginalised. What is needed is innovative, exciting and new technology at real world prices and not arguments about the superiority of turntables or whatever and I don't see it happening.
Ashley, I was rather hoping for something more upbeat in the nature of suggestions from those in the industry (like yourself) as to how you can make high quality sound an excting and aspirational thing that makes people want to spend their money on it.
Carping about other sectors of the same industry (and their approach to marketing high quality audio) is not a suggestion or a solution. Your bottom line depends on you getting the public enthused about your solutions and getting as many ordinary people interested in getting high-quality sound from the multitude of sources on offer, not bothering about the perceived deficiencies of your competitiors surely?
Hs anyone from the world of manufacturers, dealers, marketing, recording, media etc got anything unilaterally positive to offer as a solution to the problem of getting the public (us the consumer) interested in high quality music replay?
I think you're starting from the wrong premise. Hi fi people like you believe they are are getting better sound, but the rest of the world isn't convinced. Why they are not convinced is that some PMPs with good headphones sound much better than specialist hi fi and that's playing MP3s or AACs that hi fi types have been so rude about. And there are lots of other similar examples.
If hi fi specialist want to be part of the mainstream they need to come down off their high horse and make products for real wold prices that deliver. But they don't Chebby do they, instead they prefer to be elitist and look down their noses at everything that isn't "hi end" and it isn't working.
The first step to resolving these issues is facing up to the problems and addressing them but as I said before, for as long as it lasts, for some dealers, it's a cash cow and not something they will give up easily.
Ashley James:The problem is that prices of consumer and pro audio electronics have fallen as the technology and performance has improved while hi fi, which is lower technology and should have done the same, hasn't. It has become far to expensive and it is trailing behind everything else technically as the presenter on the TV program indicated.
IMHO, much of the hi fi industry has to a large extent become specialised and elitist and it hasn't been rational. The result is that is has become marginalised. What is needed is innovative, exciting and new technology at real world prices and not arguments about the superiority of turntables or whatever and I don't see it happening.
Ashley, I was rather hoping for something more upbeat in the nature of suggestions from those in the industry (like yourself) as to how you can make high quality sound an excting and aspirational thing that makes people want to spend their money on it.
Carping about other sectors of the same industry (and their approach to marketing high quality audio) is not a suggestion or a solution. Your bottom line depends on you getting the public enthused about your solutions and getting as many ordinary people interested in getting high-quality sound from the multitude of sources on offer, not bothering about the perceived deficiencies of your competitiors surely?
Hs anyone from the world of manufacturers, dealers, marketing, recording, media etc got anything unilaterally positive to offer as a solution to the problem of getting the public (us the consumer) interested in high quality music replay?
I think you're starting from the wrong premise. Hi fi people like you believe they are are getting better sound, but the rest of the world isn't convinced. Why they are not convinced is that some PMPs with good headphones sound much better than specialist hi fi and that's playing MP3s or AACs that hi fi types have been so rude about. And there are lots of other similar examples.
If hi fi specialist want to be part of the mainstream they need to come down off their high horse and make products for real wold prices that deliver. But they don't Chebby do they, instead they prefer to be elitist and look down their noses at everything that isn't "hi end" and it isn't working.
The first step to resolving these issues is facing up to the problems and addressing them but as I said before, for as long as it lasts, for some dealers, it's a cash cow and not something they will give up easily.