NaimUniti on the BBC....

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Fair enough. But it seemed the woman tried to make it clear several times it was a "high end" product. I just didn't like the guy.

I think I have now hit a new low in arguing over trivial things.
OK, I'll make it simple for you.

Tim Lovejoy did what a lot of people would do, he had to access very fast if the product was for him,

Clearly it was a not and moved on.

It's no crime or even bad TV.
I think Lovejoy is quite funny. He gets obviously bored with things so often on the show, especially the technology stuff.

He's more like a hyperactive kid than a proper presenter.

Their cooking sections are usually ok, although they never make the presentation that great.
Charlie Jefferson:Re: copyright of CDs etc Lighten up, folks. Pedantry doesn't rock.

Eddie and I just had a little aside about copyright, a topic which I find interesting, as do many others, witness the recent post on the Pirate Bay illegal file sharing site. It was as much a comment about the 'throw-a-way' comments made by the presenter. He was unpleasantly critical rather than constructively critical about the Unity IMO.

Yep, I see your point now.

Peace etc.
I once had an argument for over 2 hours about the common and posh ways of pronouncing "scone". Where I'm from if you went into a cafe and asked for a "Skon" you'd probably get laughed at or beaten up, turns out in other areas of the country "Skon" is the common way of pronouncing it and "Scone" the posh way.
Catcher:I once had an argument for over 2 hours about the common and posh ways of pronouncing "scone". Where I'm from if you went into a cafe and asked for a "Skon" you'd probably get laughed at or beaten up, turns out in other areas of the country "Skon" is the common way of pronouncing it and "Scone" the posh way.

Oxford English dictionary says the pronunciation is 'Skon' (to rhyme with Ron) and that is good enough for me.

So long as it is a good freshly baked, warm scone with cream and home-made strawberry jam, then who cares what the 'Hyacinth Buckets' of the world call it?
Catcher:Yet again I find myself fighting for the minorities corner

As you say, it probably depends which part of the country you come from.

On the council estate I grew up on as a child and teenager, we always asked for 'Skons' with our cream teas

People overheard asking for 'Scoans' were viciously beaten with all 20 volumes of the OED to teach them not to be pretentious.
Catcher:Yet again I find myself fighting for the minorities corner

I say, didn't know we are a minority, what what. Is it 4 o'clock all ready and nanny has left the scones out dear boy.......


Catcher:Yet again I find myself fighting for the minorities corner

As you say, it probably depends which part of the country you come from.

On the council estate I grew up on as a young man, we always asked for 'Skons' with our cream teas

People asking for 'Scoans' were viciously beaten with copies of all 20 volumes of the OED to teach them not to be pretentious.

Which of course were nicked from the local comprehensive and then went on the bonfire with jacket potatoes ,the neighbourhoods wooden gates and cans of lighter refiller fluid
I guess I am in the right forum to ask is Uniti pronounced you-nutty or you-knitty?
I was surprised this morning while Spotifying a little bit of the pronunciation of coyotes as in "True Men Don't Kill Coyotes" (TRHCP).

Anyway... ÿBringing the thread back on-topic, I used to find TL rather entertaining and funny on Soccer AM. He was clearly in his element and there was a good chemistry between the true presenters. Two elements which were rather absent from "Something". He seems only truely happy whenever he can bang about Chelsea FC and football in general. As for the product, I believe its only interesting feature (to TL) seemed to be the "swivelling" cd drawer.
I guess I am in the right forum to ask is Uniti pronounced you-nutty or you-knitty?

Naim insist on it being called the NaimUniti (as one word).

Transgressors are flayed with 3.5 metre lengths of NAC-A5 and Naim Power-Lines.
A Chelsea fan? Suddenly his intrinsic annoying smug dislikeability makes sense.
Transgressors are flayed with 3.5 metre lengths of NAC-A5 and Naim Power-Lines.

Is that a freebee or pay in advance?
Don't worry Catcher, Tim Lovejoy probably thinks the same way of a guy who once had an argument for over 2 hours about the common and posh ways of pronouncing "scone".
Very defensive over Tim aren't you Strangelove? I had no idea the man commanded such loyalty
That would be spooky,

Does Andew Everard still live in a little flat near Heathrow?


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