nad c355bee vs marantz pm8003, soundstage wise


Well-known member
May 30, 2010

I had some time back listened to marantz pm8003 and pm7200 with CD5003, and pm6002 with cd6003 all with Monitor Audio BR5. it was a casual listen for very short time and not with my cds

pm8003 had a huge tall and wide soundstage, pm7200 equally or maybe taller but less wide and darker kind of sound. pm6002 had smaller soundstage but sweeter may be because of the paired cd6003.

How does Nad C355bee and c326bee compare to these soundstage wise.

ill will demo them in future but wont get a demo with br5 as nad dealers dont deal in monitor audio out here at my country

Wthf review of c355bee at £400

"detail levels are good, they can be bettered by the very best price rivals. The impressive punch and attack remains but this isn't matched by the same aptitude when more subtlety is required"

Is the best price rival here pm6003 being the 'up to £500 Best buy'??
Just my opinion, but the NAD C355bee is a brilliant performer for the money. I prefer the NAD to anything Marantz, CA, Denon, or Rotel offers for similar money. And I personally feel that Marantz's budget offerings are among the weakest on the market.
Well, I have a totally different opinion. I'm a big Marantz fan. All the NAD amps I've heard have overblown bass and not enough detail. Marantz has great bass and a more cohesive, inviting sound. IMO even the PM6003 has a better sound than the C355bee.

But it's all down to personal taste. I advice you to audition some amps......
ive had a nad c326 bee and now a marantz pm6003 ..

imo the marantz is clearly better , i found the nad to be too bassy, overpowering bass ..

the marantz has a wider soundstage , more open , revealing , more detailed , better seperation etc , imo...
The NAD C355BEE for me is a superb amp and it should be demo'd, even if just to rule it out.

Dont go on reviews; it's all down to your hearting and tastes in music but the bass weight of the C355BEE is silud and punchy yet well timed and taut; it's not 'overblown' as some people say; it's just very, VERY good!

Speakers like the M/A BR5's or the RX6's will highlight the bass well though as they have a very deep soundstage!
among these which will be the right amp that can bring the sound out of the speakers and place it much above the MA BR5's hight & width without needing to go too loud.

Although my kind of music requires well timed fast authoritative bass and agility, but im also looking for a big soundstage ÿ
IMO you'll not go far wrong with the NAD C355BEE

The fact that it's a powerful amp and will drive your BR5's to their best would be enough IMO
Comments on the PM8003 elsewhere come with this: "Detail isn't the utmost, but great vitality make this amplifier quite thrilling". £750-800. Maybe worth a listen if you have the opportunity. Going by that, it sounds like the firm have beefed up their amps to have a little more bite to them.

Always very good before, they could reasonably be accused of being a little "dry". This sounds like it has a bit more bottom end to it.
d_a_n1979:IMO you'll not go far wrong with the NAD C355BEE The fact that it's a powerful amp and will drive your BR5's to their best would be enough IMO i have heard the Nad C355bee great sound and has a nice flow to the music
owned both in the past, different sound characteristics. soundstaging i'd prefer the nad.


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