More dynamic


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008

Hi my system is as follows: Michell Gorbe TT with Origin Live Illustrious arm and Benz Micro low cartridge with trichord dino mk2. digital is Musical Fidelity KW sacd. Pre is Cyrus 7 with Cyrus psu. Power is 4 Cyrus mono x bi amping Gershman Avant Ggarde florstanders these are a Canadian 3 way speaker. Iam fairly happy with the system but I think I need more punch and dynamics from my TT. Iam considering changing my cartridge buying secondhand say around £700 to £800. Iam wondering will this give me what Iam after or do I need to change my phono amp or both? I listen to most music but pop. I like a bit of rock but, mainly acoustic, jazz, classical, folk, occasionaly electronic. Any suggestions much appreciated.

MIke Byrne.
Lyra Dorian will pep things up quite a bit. Discontinued but plenty of new ones out there for way under your budget. Or perhaps a Clear Audio Concept. I personaly would steer clear from s/h carts. Your phono is fine mate.

Or flog the lot and by a pair of Icon Audio 845 monos and the PS3 phono (you wont need a pre-amp as the phono has a vol pot ) . Going by your main musical tastes this will float your boat and then some.

Or flog the Origin Live and nail a Series iv/v onto the Orbe.

Or even better , the two 'ors' together.

I likes spending peoples money I does. 🙂
Lovely tonearm, I've got one myself.

Get shot of the phono preamp and buy something by Tom Evans. Failing that get a Zyx cartridge.

Not reviewed that much or that well known but brilliant (best to buy direct from Japan and save yourself a fortune). 🙂
Al ears said:
Lovely tonearm, I've got one myself.

Get shot of the phono preamp and buy something by Tom Evans. Failing that get a Zyx cartridge.

Not reviewed that much or that well known but brilliant (best to buy direct from Japan and save yourself a fortune). 🙂

Sticking with the cartridge theme, Zyx are a good choice, as are Dynavector and of course Benz, why not go higher up the range? Personally I wouldn't get a phono pre unless spending plenty more - if you are going to make a jump, make it a big one.
Tear Drop said:
Al ears said:
Lovely tonearm, I've got one myself.

Get shot of the phono preamp and buy something by Tom Evans. Failing that get a Zyx cartridge.

Not reviewed that much or that well known but brilliant (best to buy direct from Japan and save yourself a fortune). 🙂

Sticking with the cartridge theme, Zyx are a good choice, as are Dynavector and of course Benz, why not go higher up the range? Personally I wouldn't get a phono pre unless spending plenty more - if you are going to make a jump, make it a big one.

If he's sticking with low output MC cartridges then he's going to need a phono pre amp isn't he?

No point in going for hi output MC's I feel you would be better off with high end moving magnets in my opiion.

The Trichord Dino is prettygood, had one myself many moons ago, but they can now be bettered for not much more money.
On the tonearm font you could replace it with an SME IV as has been suggested (by floid droid) but this would put you over budget unless you can find one second-hand (your current tonearm is probably worth around £700).

Another possibility is to speak to Mark Barker and trade it in for a better OL (Illustrious Mk3C) tonearm, just a thought. 🙂

Unless that is the version you already have, in which case scrub that suggestion.
Al ears said:
Tear Drop said:
Al ears said:
Lovely tonearm, I've got one myself.

Get shot of the phono preamp and buy something by Tom Evans. Failing that get a Zyx cartridge.

Not reviewed that much or that well known but brilliant (best to buy direct from Japan and save yourself a fortune). 🙂

Sticking with the cartridge theme, Zyx are a good choice, as are Dynavector and of course Benz, why not go higher up the range? Personally I wouldn't get a phono pre unless spending plenty more - if you are going to make a jump, make it a big one.

If he's sticking with low output MC cartridges then he's going to need a phono pre amp isn't he?

No point in going for hi output MC's I feel you would be better off with high end moving magnets in my opiion.

The Trichord Dino is prettygood, had one myself many moons ago, but they can now be bettered for not much more money.

erm, what?


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