Monitor Audio RX6 or Polk Audio RTIA7?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Got a Marantz 7003 SA and PM combo currently hooked up to MA RS6's but I'm going to put those with the AV system (Denon 3810) to match the RS Middle and surrounds. The RS6 is a terrific speaker but a little bright would like something a little smoother and with a tad more bass to it. The Polks look interesting though maybe won't have the build quality of the MA's. The reviews on the RX line seem to indicate that some of the rough edges of the RS line are smoothed out. Don't know would like a comparison but that's impossible where I live. Both speakers go for about the same price round here with MA's probably a little cheaper. What do you think?
I never had the chance to listen to Polks, but I compared MA RS6 and RX6. I can tell you that they are quite different speakers. RX6 are much smoother on the treble with a deeper bass. So they indeed could be what you are looking for.
Choices: MA RX 6 - about $1000

MA RX 8 - about $1500

B&W 683 - about $1600

PA RTI A7 - about $1200

Paradigm Monitor 11 - about $1500

The Polks and MA's come with better finish (Veneer)

What about sound quality of these floorstanders. Initially, I wanted to go with the RX8's but the hi-fi dealer tells me the bass is boomy and mushy and is pushing me to the RX6's. How do the other speakers compare? What about matching with the "bright" Marantz Amp? I also heard a pair of Klipsch RF62's with a Marantz 6003 combo and was impressed. Much mellower than the MA's lacking some of the detail, though - weird thing those horns seem to do with treble - throwing it out about 8 feet in front of the speakers. Can pick them up for about $800 might be interested in the RF82's if I could find them.
Thanks, Steffy. That's the kind of info I'm hoping to hear because I can get them at the best price vs. my other choices (markups are high where I live - UAE). Did you get a chance to hear the RX8's?
sounds like your dealer knows his stuff , whfi also rate the rx6s ahead of the rx8s , for similar reasons ..


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