Given that the tenor of the thread has got somewhat heated, I'd simply like to make a couple of observations, directed at no-one in particular.
AVI speakers are undoubtedly very, very good.
However, I could not honestly on technical grounds make a case for them as being the best HiFi speaker available, regardless of cost, which is a very biased claim I have read several times elsewhere, and certainly inferred here by innuendo, if not directly.
Corresondingly, being very familar with Maggies, Apogees, Quad Electrostatics etc, I could not make a case on technical grounds such as to claim them to be the worlds best loudspeaker either.
Indeed, nor would I, or have I, on any forum anywhere, made such claims for my own B&O Beolab 9's.
I have yet to hear the worlds best loudspeaker system, but I am pretty sure it would likely be in the realm of something like a Steinway Lyngdorf reference system, MBL Radialstrahler's, or similar - i.e. price no object, highly technical esoterica - the HiFi equivalent of something like a Pagini Zonda perhaps.
As such, the sorts of kit we are discussing on this thread, don't really match up on technical and of course cost terms.
But above all, petty and obsessive arguments about different brands of HiFi are just that - petty and obsessive.
At the end of the day, we all do the best we can to hear the kit we are interested in, through either recommendation, or reading etc, and if we hear it and like it, and can afford it, we usually buy it. To then go on to infer either directly or by innuendo that OUR choices are the ONLY choices for everyone else is just rude and arrogant to be honest.
Unfortunately, the AVI marketing machine started out with this sort of dismissal of others consumer buying, HiFi choices, and unfortunately it tends to come back and bite them on the bottom from time to time, as if you poke someone long enough with a sharp stick, you're liable to get a reaction you're not necessarily going to like very much.
To my mind, there is 'error' if I could call it that, on both sides.
There is no doubt, and I do mean NO doubt, that all other variables in a speaker design being equal, active is technically superior to passive - science and measurement says it is so, in hard, irrefutable FACT.
Does that make all active speakers automatically better than all passive speakers?
No, of course not. There's good and bad actives, just as there are good and bad passive speakers about.
Does the active approach automatically render the hobby of mixing and matching for those interested in tinkering with sound, as a home hobby etc, null and void?
No, of course it doesn't - for some the active solution is just too closed, and for those who like to tinker with kit, not really a viable option.
I would suggest that the mix and match approach is going to be the ideal solution re system building for someone for whom HiFi is in itself a hobby.
I would also suggest that an active system is likely to be the best solution for someone who is interested in kit, but not really into mixing and matching, but just wants a plug and play, hi quality, and finished music or AV system for home entertainment.
Getting up on ones hobby horse and shouting at others, or throwing out ones lego bricks at another forum from the heights of ones imagined ivory tower, is pretty insensitive behaviour in my view.
The middle ground as always, is where ideals met reality; Actives do have an technical edge, all other things being equal, but are not for everyone. A really well sorted passive system may provide a huge amount of pleasure for a HiFi enthusiast, re the mix and match, tweak approach etc, of the kit as a hobby, as well as providing musical satisfaction.
If the passive fans stopped slagging off the active boys, and the active/AVI fans stopped touting AVI's as being the only optimal solution to every buyers needs, we'd probably all get along a great deal better, and have no need to keep throwing the toys out of the pram.
Live and let live as they say...
Peace and love etc....
JB.. :cheers: