Matching entry level speakers with amplifier and a cheap turntable?


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
Hello friends,
I have decided to spend somewhere near 800€ and I have done some reasearch,
Here is what I have come up with:
Denon PMA-600NE Amplifier 400$
Pro-Ject Audio Primary E 230$
Dali Spektor 2 210$
I am not aware (since this is my first audio setup) if my amp is a good match for my speakers, or if it is a good match at all.
I am also considering buying the Yamaha R-N303D and a seperate phono preamp,, however I am skeptical
seeing the 140+ watt/ channel (Dali Spektor 2 have a maximum of 100 watt), I am also thinking of buying the Marantz PM5005 and adding a phono preamplifier,
since the Marantz has a more considferable 45 watt/channel and save a couple of bucks while I am at it, and maybe invest them in a better turnable/speaker setup!
What are your thoughts?
What are the correct number figures I should be looking considering I really want to get the Dali Spektor 2 speakers?
Thanks in advance for any advice provided!
Couple of thoughts:
1) Don't get too hung up on figures. If you made sure it always sounded clean and undistorted, there would be no problem using that Yamaha with the Spektor 2.
2) If you went for the PM5005 you wouldn't necessarily need to buy a phono preamp - it's got its own decent one built in.
Figures mean very little as said above.
You will likely find that amps and speakers in the price range you are looking are more forgiving and built to work with similar priced partnering.

The Yamaha would give you streaming, the denon gives you bluetooth. As far as I can tell all these amps have a phono stage.

The denon amp got a very good review from Steve Guttenburg, I'd say there's nothing wrong with the original line up.

Just an alternative option, or rather suggestion. Would you be better with powered speakers and no amp if you're only interested in running a turntable?
Figures mean very little as said above.
You will likely find that amps and speakers in the price range you are looking are more forgiving and built to work with similar priced partnering.

The Yamaha would give you streaming, the denon gives you bluetooth. As far as I can tell all these amps have a phono stage.

The denon amp got a very good review from Steve Guttenburg, I'd say there's nothing wrong with the original line up.

Just an alternative option, or rather suggestion. Would you be better with powered speakers and no amp if you're only interested in running a turntable?
Thanks for the response guys,
No I am not looking to buy powered speakers, mainly because I want to start a hi-fi setup and soon enough get a decent CD player and Network Streaming Hi-fi equipment, I think buying a good amplifier is vital considering I am essentially starting from scratch, I do have a pair of Edifier 1700BT, they will most likely go to my TV from now on,
I think, I will go with the Denon, or maybe, going for the Marantz and spending an extra 100 bucks on the speakers, still a little it of thought needed there,
Thanks for the advice! Much appreciated!!
I think it all comes down to the Denon or the Yamaha, personanlly, since there is a analog option I think I will go for the Denon, will hopes of adding an Internet Radio later.
Whats your opinion?
Without actually hearing them it's hard to say, but the Yamaha has the better spec. I don't know much about internet radio but the Yamaha has musiccast so I think it does all that
Are the analog and Source direct stages that the Denon offers just snake oil? or is there a noticable difference to the richness of the sound? If the sound is produced better on the Denon, I will prefere it over the various connections the Yamaha provides... That being said I think it all comes down to quality and what works better with the Dali Spektor 2...
Does the Yamaha offering- with the incredible inputs and the modern internet connectivity- produce a rich and expressive room filling sound for classical music listeners? Or can the Denon with the noticably lower Watt/channel output produce a more rich sound for vinyl listeners with their Pure Direct and Analog modes?
Always try before you buy, otherwise there is a good chance that the combination will sound poor if you go on specs, reviews and opinions, your ears and preferences are completely different to everybody else’s (As is the room it is going in) so only use specs, reviews and opinions as a guide to narrow down your selection.

I had the predecessor to your suggested Denon amplifier years ago. (I think it was a PMA 350UK?). It was a very nice little amplifier and I really enjoyed it.

It came to life though with tone controls engaged (or loudness on). That way it seemed powerful, open, dynamic and twice its cost. Without this and direct engaged it sounded a little flat, breathless and harsh.

Those loudness buttons are very handy.
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Always try before you buy, otherwise there is a good chance that the combination will sound poor if you go on specs, reviews and opinions, your ears and preferences are completely different to everybody else’s (As is the room it is going in) so only use specs, reviews and opinions as a guide to narrow down your selection.

That is surely ideal... But how can I try something since I havent yet brought it? Take into consideration I am starting from scratch, I have nothing else to pair this amplifier with.
Also, does the Yamaha support internet Radio? Could I for example listen to radio stations from abroad?
Don't get hung up on Internet Radio. Adding a streaming option to an amplifier can be an inexpensive option and if you use it a lot an potential upgrade option, later. The Denon already has Bluetooth. You could event hook up something like a Nest Mini and cast radio to that.
That is surely ideal... But how can I try something since I havent yet brought it? Take into consideration I am starting from scratch, I have nothing else to pair this amplifier with.

You don’t say where you are, but lockdown will not last forever, so just wait until the Hi-Fi dealers re-open so you can try the items out. (Many dealers will also lone you a product to try during the lockdown period, although you will usually need to put down a refundable deposit)

I am also considering buying the Yamaha R-N303D and a seperate phono preamp,, however I am skeptical seeing the 140+ watt/ channel (Dali Spektor 2 have a maximum of 100 watt) WHY ??

You have a car that can go as fast as 120 miles or 200 km/h do you have to drive that fast ?
if the amp isn't powerfull enough for loud music you ned better speakers than Dali Spektor 2

There is a pnono input on the yamaha

Marantz PM5005 and adding a phono preamplifier WHY ??? It has a phono input

Don't buy an entry level amp that has a phono input and a phono preamplifier SIMPLY buy a better amp than an amp + phono preamplifier

What are the correct number figures I should be looking considering I really want to get the Dali Spektor 2 speakers?

Nothing, just make shure it sounds good (amp/speakers). for low sensitive speakers i wouldn't get less than a marantz PM6006/6006 or a Rega brio R, more powerfull if possible 70-80 or a peak power of 100 watt or more in 8 ohm
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Hello all, its been a couple of days and I have my build finalized:
Dali Spektor 2 Black Ash
Pro-Ject Audio Primary E (Black)
YAMAHA R-N303D (Black)
Pro-Ject Phono Box E Black phono stage
I think its a solid start, can you please tell me your opinions? Does the turntable preinstall cartridge synergize with the preamp?
I really like this line of amplifiers, I find them very modern and a great entry level start, now keep in mind that I will upgrade all those things one by one, so having an amp that is more capable than the budget speakers is good, its also good to have an external phono preamp because i will upgrade my turntable in the future, but doesnt it all come down to the stylus? I find the Ortophon cartridge easy to upgrade and very capable.


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