marantz pm8005 upgrade to abrahamsen 2up

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splasher said:
That's the bit I'm struggling with. I'm sure the Dali's are great speakers but you seem convinced they're capable of better but are being held back by the Marantz. What has lead you to this conclusion - have you heard them with a better amp?

i think it would help the discussion a lot if there was an understanding of what the perceived weakness is in the PM8005 and why you think that. I would have thought it about the ideal amp for the Dalis in terms of price/quality. The debate so far seems to be whether it's sensible or not to throw money at a problem - do we know what the problem is?
Blacksabbath25 said:
emperor's new clothes said:
Hi Blacksabbath,

I was interested to see if the bi-amping made a significant difference although not convinced that the PM8005 was designed with that in mind. Agree, single wire option best as recommended by Dali.

Before splashing the cash on amps, I would invest in a stand - I use the Atacama Equinox. Isolating the cd and amp from floor-born vibrations and each other might pay dividends. Difficult to quantify, but to my ears improves the detail that you seek. Also helps keep speaker cables away from power leads.

I have found that despite the wide soundstage, small adjustments to placement can make a difference and eliminating upper bass boom and overhang again make a big difference as with any speaker.

Lastly, as previously discused, I have found that the 2013 remaster of Rumours finally delivers a comparable sound to the original vinyl. Previous releases and Best Of/Greatest Hits compilations sounding flat and lacking in bass definition. Far too many Cds sit in a cupboard unloved due to poor dynamic range.
you are the only person on here who has the same speakers as me can you explain why I want to buy a better amplifier for what this speakers deserve please because everyone thinks I am nuts

Can only say that I'm more than happy and don't envisage changing for many years, if ever. I auditioned the opticons with Arcam cds27 &A29. The Marantz duo sounded very similar. I auditioned the 8005s with Spendor A6Rs then tried the PM14s. A bit "better" but 3 times the price. Had I bought the SA/PM14s or equvalent, then maybe I'd have gone for the Rubicon 6s at £3k and so it goes on. I owned B&O and Tandberg in the 70s and like Scandinavian HiFi so maybe your chosen amp will be a hit, or a Hegel? It never ends until you get here:

Then there are some new Gamuts that are even more. The Danes are on a roll

As alluded to above, the quality of the recordings are the limiting factor in many cases.
splasher said:
splasher said:
That's the bit I'm struggling with. I'm sure the Dali's are great speakers but you seem convinced they're capable of better but are being held back by the Marantz. What has lead you to this conclusion - have you heard them with a better amp?

i think it would help the discussion a lot if there was an understanding of what the perceived weakness is in the PM8005 and why you think that. I would have thought it about the ideal amp for the Dalis in terms of price/quality. The debate so far seems to be whether it's sensible or not to throw money at a problem - do we know what the problem is?
there is nothing wrong with the pm8005 it is a very good amp to be honest I am only changing because I wanted something better I no it's mad but I am hoping to hear more details in the music stuff that I have not picked up on before like the stings on the guitar being plucked or the emotion in a woman's voice involvement . The sound stage is ok on the 8005 but it's not projected out sound stage the sound is come from the back wall were the Hifi sets not in front of you this is hard to explain the detail I get from the 8005 is good and a vast improvement over the 6005 amp I do like a warm sounding amp with fine detail with good bass control and fast timing My speakers will keep up with anything that's fast very good timing , detail , smooth sound and well controlled this is why I want to get this next amp as Colin said it's as good as a £2500 amp because if I wanted the next marantz model up it would costs £1700 to buy but instead I will be spending £899 on an amp that's far better for less money .
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Paulq said:

What's that supposed to mean? Does it help further the discussion or the OP?

It helps me, deeply.
hay ! Find a picture of the inside of the Abrahamsen 2up and a picture of the inside of the pm8005 let's look under hood !

Here is a gallery with pics snapped by Colin.

And here is the PM8005.
thank you Vladimir I have not got a clue how to put pictures on this site
Blacksabbath25 said:
emperor's new clothes said:
Hi Blacksabbath,

I was interested to see if the bi-amping made a significant difference although not convinced that the PM8005 was designed with that in mind. Agree, single wire option best as recommended by Dali.

Before splashing the cash on amps, I would invest in a stand - I use the Atacama Equinox. Isolating the cd and amp from floor-born vibrations and each other might pay dividends. Difficult to quantify, but to my ears improves the detail that you seek. Also helps keep speaker cables away from power leads.

I have found that despite the wide soundstage, small adjustments to placement can make a difference and eliminating upper bass boom and overhang again make a big difference as with any speaker.

Lastly, as previously discused, I have found that the 2013 remaster of Rumours finally delivers a comparable sound to the original vinyl. Previous releases and Best Of/Greatest Hits compilations sounding flat and lacking in bass definition. Far too many Cds sit in a cupboard unloved due to poor dynamic range.
you are the only person on here who has the same speakers as me can you explain why I want to buy a better amplifier for what this speakers deserve please because everyone thinks I am nuts

Why would he explain why you want to buy a better amplifer,he has the same amp and cdplayer and might find it to sound very good.

why do you wan't a better amp?

More details,more bass,more control, more smooth top/treble, more spl....... what?

Blacksabbath 25 why are your threads/topics sooo looong (mine isn't) *ROFL*
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Paulq said:

What's that supposed to mean? Does it help further the discussion or the OP?

It helps me, deeply.
hay ! Find a picture of the inside of the Abrahamsen 2up and a picture of the inside of the pm8005 let's look under hood !

Here is a gallery with pics snapped by Colin.

And here is the PM8005.
thank you Vladimir I have not got a clue how to put pictures on this site

If you buy the Abrahamsen Animesh will troll your threads out of jealousy. The Leema Tucana II has over x2 the power rating of the Abrahamsen V2.0 UP, but it has half the energy capacity in the PSU. Kind of embarassing really.
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Paulq said:

What's that supposed to mean? Does it help further the discussion or the OP?

It helps me, deeply.
hay ! Find a picture of the inside of the Abrahamsen 2up and a picture of the inside of the pm8005 let's look under hood !

Here is a gallery with pics snapped by Colin.

And here is the PM8005.
thank you Vladimir I have not got a clue how to put pictures on this site

If you buy the Abrahamsen Animesh will troll your threads out of jealousy. The Leema Tucana II has over x2 the power rating of the Abrahamsen V2.0 UP, but it has half the energy capacity in the PSU. Kind of embarassing really.
yes well I should of trusted my own judgement really on the abrahamsen I should of went for it straight away instead of mucking around with a marantz power amp . The shop got the power amp back today and they tested it and it all lights up but no signal from the 2 channels on the power amp that's a first for marantz but in a way it saved my bacon it not working but still like the idea of bi amping and Colin has some nice power amps and mono block amps too
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Paulq said:

What's that supposed to mean? Does it help further the discussion or the OP?

It helps me, deeply.
hay ! Find a picture of the inside of the Abrahamsen 2up and a picture of the inside of the pm8005 let's look under hood !

Here is a gallery with pics snapped by Colin.

And here is the PM8005.
thank you Vladimir I have not got a clue how to put pictures on this site

If you buy the Abrahamsen Animesh will troll your threads out of jealousy. The Leema Tucana II has over x2 the power rating of the Abrahamsen V2.0 UP, but it has half the energy capacity in the PSU. Kind of embarassing really.
yes well I should of trusted my own judgement really on the abrahamsen I should of went for it straight away instead of mucking around with a marantz power amp . The shop got the power amp back today and they tested it and it all lights up but no signal from the 2 channels on the power amp that's a first for marantz but in a way it saved my bacon it not working but still like the idea of bi amping and Colin has some nice power amps and mono block amps too

Don't do it Ozzy! That will give you same power rating as the Tucana II, but x4 the power supply energy capacity. The Leema Boys™ will go nuts!
Blacksabbath25 said:
My speakers will keep up with anything that's fast very good timing , detail , smooth sound and well controlled this is why I want to get this next amp as Colin said it's as good as a £2500 amp because if I wanted the next marantz model up it would costs £1700 to buy but instead I will be spending £899 on an amp that's far better for less money .

What makes you sure the amp is holding back the speakers though and not the other way around, for example? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I can't see anywhere in the thread where you explain.
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Paulq said:

What's that supposed to mean? Does it help further the discussion or the OP?

It helps me, deeply.
hay ! Find a picture of the inside of the Abrahamsen 2up and a picture of the inside of the pm8005 let's look under hood !

Here is a gallery with pics snapped by Colin.

And here is the PM8005.
thank you Vladimir I have not got a clue how to put pictures on this site

If you buy the Abrahamsen Animesh will troll your threads out of jealousy. The Leema Tucana II has over x2 the power rating of the Abrahamsen V2.0 UP, but it has half the energy capacity in the PSU. Kind of embarassing really.
yes well I should of trusted my own judgement really on the abrahamsen I should of went for it straight away instead of mucking around with a marantz power amp . The shop got the power amp back today and they tested it and it all lights up but no signal from the 2 channels on the power amp that's a first for marantz but in a way it saved my bacon it not working but still like the idea of bi amping and Colin has some nice power amps and mono block amps too

Don't do it Ozzy! That will give you same power rating as the Tucana II, but x4 the power supply energy capacity. The Leema Boys™ will go nuts!
the abrahamsen 2up will be even more powerful when you start adding power amps or bridging be like a Ford Mustang with 750 horse power
Blacksabbath25 said:
Animesh Ghose said:
MajorFubar said:
'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.

calm down major!

some time its fun to learn things hard way.
in respect of me getting the abrahamsen 2up amp you was the one who told me to not get the abrahamsen amp as you said it was a side ways step and that my marantz pm8005 was better on the abrahamsen post .

2. If I want to talk or write posts on this site then that's up to me not you ! so you have sit down and have a cup of tea and have a break

3. Before you got your self the leema Tuscan you had a creek amp what was the matter with that then ? you sure you did not make a side ways step in buying the leema amp ? Because I see no one judged you when you got your amp but it's ok for you and everyone else to judge me !

4 . I made some of my judgments on the power amp because I did not want to make a side ways step and to combine taking a risk on an amp like the abrahamsen that I have never heard of before which is the point of the forum to find out more and if any risks in buying one i felt nervous of buying the abrahamsen amp as I did not want to make a side ways step so I decided that I would play safe and keep 8005 and bi amp with it so that is why I got the power amp but that's wrong too with you and everyone one on here so I got my refund and now everyone should be happy I will be buying the abrahamsen 2up amp which I was going to do in the first place before you said it was a side ways step .

5 . I am not some spotted little kid in his bedroom playing with his Hifi if I want to buy 10 amps this year that's down to me and not anyone else on here .

i had my cup of tea, it was quite nice actually.

i did say it would be a sideway move and i stick by that, i also mentioned that you should demo before you buy the abrahamsen amp.

as far as my buying the tucana not tuscan btw. I don't think many people can argue that moving from a creek evo 50a to that amp isn't a real upgrade.

This is a public forum so if you post something you will get reaction, buy as many amp as you want but if you go and tell people about it, you will be judged weather you like it or not.
MajorFubar said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
MajorFubar said:
Animesh Ghose said:
MajorFubar said:
'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.

calm down major!

some time its fun to learn things hard way.

Think you read something in my post that wasn't there. It was meant to be humorous not a rant.
no it was not on this post but i am pissed off

Yeah I know mate, it was directed to Animesh..perhaps that kind of humour doesn't translate well when English is not your native language. Actually I couldn't be more looking forward to your feedback on the Abrahamsen. I'm sure you'll love it.

you missed the humour in my reply. May be i should have wrote lol in the end.
Animesh Ghose said:
MajorFubar said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
MajorFubar said:
Animesh Ghose said:
MajorFubar said:
'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.

calm down major!

some time its fun to learn things hard way.

Think you read something in my post that wasn't there. It was meant to be humorous not a rant.
no it was not on this post but i am pissed off

Yeah I know mate, it was directed to Animesh..perhaps that kind of humour doesn't translate well when English is not your native language. Actually I couldn't be more looking forward to your feedback on the Abrahamsen. I'm sure you'll love it.

you missed the humour in my reply. May be i should have wrote lol in the end.
how can you say it's a side ways move if you have not owned or heard the abrahamsen 2up and have you owned the marantz pm8005 how can you judge something that you have not experienced . Lol
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Paulq said:

What's that supposed to mean? Does it help further the discussion or the OP?

It helps me, deeply.
hay ! Find a picture of the inside of the Abrahamsen 2up and a picture of the inside of the pm8005 let's look under hood !

Here is a gallery with pics snapped by Colin.

And here is the PM8005.
thank you Vladimir I have not got a clue how to put pictures on this site

If you buy the Abrahamsen Animesh will troll your threads out of jealousy. The Leema Tucana II has over x2 the power rating of the Abrahamsen V2.0 UP, but it has half the energy capacity in the PSU. Kind of embarassing really.

oh Vladimir you misundertand me, i am anything but 1 who trolls.
Animesh Ghose said:
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Paulq said:

What's that supposed to mean? Does it help further the discussion or the OP?

It helps me, deeply.
hay ! Find a picture of the inside of the Abrahamsen 2up and a picture of the inside of the pm8005 let's look under hood !

Here is a gallery with pics snapped by Colin.

And here is the PM8005.
thank you Vladimir I have not got a clue how to put pictures on this site

If you buy the Abrahamsen Animesh will troll your threads out of jealousy. The Leema Tucana II has over x2 the power rating of the Abrahamsen V2.0 UP, but it has half the energy capacity in the PSU. Kind of embarassing really.

oh Vladimir you misundertand me, i am anything but 1 who trolls.

I have multiple forensic evidence of you trolling Abrahamsen threads by talking up Leema.
Blacksabbath25 said:
Animesh Ghose said:
MajorFubar said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
MajorFubar said:
Animesh Ghose said:
MajorFubar said:
'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.

calm down major!

some time its fun to learn things hard way.

Think you read something in my post that wasn't there. It was meant to be humorous not a rant.
no it was not on this post but i am pissed off

Yeah I know mate, it was directed to Animesh..perhaps that kind of humour doesn't translate well when English is not your native language. Actually I couldn't be more looking forward to your feedback on the Abrahamsen. I'm sure you'll love it.

you missed the humour in my reply. May be i should have wrote lol in the end.
how can you say it's a side ways move if you have not owned or heard the abrahamsen 2up and have you owned the marantz pm8005 how can you judge something that you have not experienced . Lol

ok you seemed have cheered up. Which is a good thing. I have heard the 8005 and i think its a brilliant amp and punches way above it's weight. As far as abra is concerned i haven't heard it and it is my understanding that it is not a worthwile upgrade, yes, it may well be better than 8005 but howmuch better? Is it going to be better enough for you not wanting to upgrade 6 months down the line?

Thats all.


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