Animesh Ghose said:I am quite glad its a broken 1. Get your refund and run as fast as u can.
here's my advise:
a) take a break from this forum for a while.
b ) buy some cds that u always wanted to buy but never got round to buying them.
c ) enjoy your system and music. More focus on music less on sound.
d ) by august/ september start researching on a dedicated pre and power amp combination.
i will put the kettle on now.
Blacksabbath25 said:right just got to wait for a refund on the power amp i had a chat with colin about the abrahamsen 2 up amp and he said the abrahamsen amp will knock spots off the marantz pm8005 amp so will be ordering one as soon as i get my refund sorted out
someone on here comment saying it would be a side ways step and the fact that this company is a bit unknown in the uk and would it break on me as soon as I got it I can not demo it unless I travel miles which I not going too do anyway plus I do not no what it would sound like so all this is a big gamble .stevee1966 said:Blacksabbath25 said:right just got to wait for a refund on the power amp i had a chat with colin about the abrahamsen 2 up amp and he said the abrahamsen amp will knock spots off the marantz pm8005 amp so will be ordering one as soon as i get my refund sorted out
4 days ago on a different thread you said you'd been put off the idea of the Abrahamsen.
What happened ?
colin does the nord mono block amps class D + power amps . there only 2 of us on here that have this dali opticon 6 speakers on here they have only been out 4 months new from the company there is no reason for me to change them they are very good speakers the best i have ever owned pair them with a very good amp that's clear , tight bass control , big sound stage warm , detailed then i have cracked it the marantz does a good job but if i can pick more detail up with a better amp i would be happyAndrewjvt said:A very good imo upgrade would be to have a pair of abrahamsen power amps in mono.
Youll get 250w and a real upgrade over just running one .
Then you are going to want better speakers lol.
Then maybe youll be happy or maybe a devialet 800?
Seriously id be happy with the 2 abrahamsens in mono.
This way you have a good upgrade path if you start with one amp for starters.
Oh forgot to say enjoy it and let us know how it sounds.
Id def go to iq and test all the options including the nord first though.
i am happy with what i gotchebby said:See if Colin can persuade you into trying out some IQ/IPL loudspeakers
MajorFubar said:'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.
Blacksabbath25 said:i am happy with what i gotchebby said:See if Colin can persuade you into trying out some IQ/IPL loudspeakers
in respect of me getting the abrahamsen 2up amp you was the one who told me to not get the abrahamsen amp as you said it was a side ways step and that my marantz pm8005 was better on the abrahamsen post .Animesh Ghose said:MajorFubar said:'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.
calm down major!
some time its fun to learn things hard way.
you are the only person on here who has the same speakers as me can you explain why I want to buy a better amplifier for what this speakers deserve please because everyone thinks I am nutsemperor's new clothes said:Hi Blacksabbath,
I was interested to see if the bi-amping made a significant difference although not convinced that the PM8005 was designed with that in mind. Agree, single wire option best as recommended by Dali.
Before splashing the cash on amps, I would invest in a stand - I use the Atacama Equinox. Isolating the cd and amp from floor-born vibrations and each other might pay dividends. Difficult to quantify, but to my ears improves the detail that you seek. Also helps keep speaker cables away from power leads.
I have found that despite the wide soundstage, small adjustments to placement can make a difference and eliminating upper bass boom and overhang again make a big difference as with any speaker.
Lastly, as previously discused, I have found that the 2013 remaster of Rumours finally delivers a comparable sound to the original vinyl. Previous releases and Best Of/Greatest Hits compilations sounding flat and lacking in bass definition. Far too many Cds sit in a cupboard unloved due to poor dynamic range.
no it was not on this post but i am pissed offMajorFubar said:Animesh Ghose said:MajorFubar said:'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.
calm down major!
some time its fun to learn things hard way.
Think you read something in my post that wasn't there. It was meant to be humorous not a rant.
Animesh Ghose said:MajorFubar said:'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.
calm down major!
some time its fun to learn things hard way.
Blacksabbath25 said:no it was not on this post but i am pissed offMajorFubar said:Animesh Ghose said:MajorFubar said:'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.
calm down major!
some time its fun to learn things hard way.
Think you read something in my post that wasn't there. It was meant to be humorous not a rant.
i hope so i really do and hopful to put a stop to the upgrades tooMajorFubar said:Blacksabbath25 said:no it was not on this post but i am pissed offMajorFubar said:Animesh Ghose said:MajorFubar said:'Tis a rocky path for sure this hifi upgraditis *biggrin* Then one day you fall for a significant-other of your preferred gender, they take one look at your pile of boxes and monolith speakers and declare "well all that's going for a start!!", and hey presto, down you go to Curry's to replace everything with Sashio iPod dock.
calm down major!
some time its fun to learn things hard way.
Think you read something in my post that wasn't there. It was meant to be humorous not a rant.
Yeah I know mate, it was directed to Animesh..perhaps that kind of humour doesn't translate well when English is not your native language. Actually I couldn't be more looking forward to your feedback on the Abrahamsen. I'm sure you'll love it.
Blacksabbath25 said:i do try to do things level headed but some somtimes your heart rules your head .
the thing is we all make them i am just trying to sort mine out its painful when you thought you got it right the first time i do try to do things level headed but some sometimes your heart rules your head . i have someone lined up for my old setup so will get money back and its not like i did not get any enjoy out of it all . one rule i follow is never buy anything on the never never i always save up for this things so its an even hard hit when you get it wrongMajorFubar said:Upgrading is cool, though wallet-emptying. The only thing not cool is randomly throwing money around hoping to fix a problem. That always ends up being more expensive than being more level-headed about it 🙂 Feel free to quote me as an example of how not to do it. I've got a system I'm very happy with, it's the best sounding system I've ever owned, but to get here, over a period of about 27/28 years I've probably spent ten times the cost of the system's RRPs when new. My pathway to here is littered with sidways moves, dubious purchases and probably a few backward steps if I'm being honest with myself.
its ok i am getting a grumpy old sod myself PMTMajorFubar said:Blacksabbath25 said:i do try to do things level headed but some somtimes your heart rules your head .
Tell me about it. Been there got the T-shirt. But unlike you, in my day there wasn't a cantakerous old busy-body on an internet forum called MajorFubar, telling me I'm being a blithering idiot and trying to stop me from spending my money unwisely :-D