Marantz news, as it happens...

Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
We'll be bringing you detailed news/blogs on the new Marantz range later - but in the meantime, you can catch the details as we find them out via our Twitter feed.

Exciting stuff so far, including a streaming system and new hi-fi separates from £250...
Oh Clare, your an easily excitable lass.
Oh come on, Ken Ishiwata just waded into the USB cable debate, BIG style - saying the differences are 'shocking' between diff cables - that's exciting on a wet Wednesday morning

Plus a range of streaming products that support all formats and DAB/DAB+ radio...and now we've moved onto AV.
JohnDuncan:And I an excitable lad. NA7004 network player. Pictures! Pictures!

Pics to follow! Most interesting stylng so far is the new SR7005 AV receiver, which takes on the styling of the KI Pearl hi-fi kit.
Oh, and that Pearl-styled SR7005 receiver has a phono stage, too. Now onto universal Blu-ray players from £450 (including streaming support) - more details on Twitter feed and now in our News section
JohnDuncan:And I an excitable lad. NA7004 network player. Pictures! Pictures!

They're coming, they're coming!
3D upgrades in December?

To exisiting products?

To my NR1501?
wonder if they'll release a new version of the cinemarium sound bar thingy that decodes HD audio

Err, sorry.

Still, good to see that the forum supports that, even if the computers of most forumites doesn't.

Err, sorry.

Still, good to see that the forum supports that, even if the computers of most forumites doesn't.

I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so...


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