yeah, there was one in immaculate condition that ended on Sunday - finished at £210 - admittedly that was after I bid it up from £100. So some lucky sod just got an extra hundred quid thanks to me - but £200+ was way too much too much for me.
you need to learn how to bid on ebay ... there are different methods, but here is my way ...
if you spot an item that is a low price and no bids are placed, first ask the seller if he has a buy it now ... if he says he wishes the item to run the full duration of the auction, and no bids are placed, place a bid (the minimum bid) ... it then becomes a hassle for him to change the listing to a buy it now if someone offers him an offer he cannot refuse
then ... wait until approx 3 minutes before auction end and open up 2 ebay windows with the item you wish to place a bid ...
in one window, place a proxy bid (the max that you are prepared to pay for this item but dont use a whole number - example: if you are prepared to pay £130, enter £132.77) even if the item is standing on £1.99 ... BUT DO NOT CONFIRM THE BID AT THIS STAGE
switch to the other window with the ebay item and watch the clock countdown ... at approx 1 minute to go before auction end, you will see the price rise with people placing bids ... wait until there is 25 seconds to go ... open the window with your bid, take a deep breath ... then confirm ... works for me (most times)
If you keep on placing bids long before auction end, you will pay much more for the item (in most cases) and give interested parties time to up their bids/offers