Marantz CD63II KI Sig with dodgy RCA?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Anyone familiar with the inside of one of these. There's one on ebay with a slight fault - of a possible loose RCA connector. e.g. sounds drops off on one channel - but wiggle the RCA plug usually fixes this.

Wanted to know if this sounds like an easy repair?

Anyone familiar with the inside of one of these. There's one on ebay with a slight fault - of a possible loose RCA connector. e.g. sounds drops off on one channel - but wiggle the RCA plug usually fixes this.

Wanted to know if this sounds like an easy repair?

My dad's CDP has the same fault and I removed the lid the other day. Not something I could do, but should be easy enough for a shop, just a replacement part which will probably need soldering in.
saw that one on ebay, could be a bargain ... even if you cannot fix it yourself, should be cheap to sort out ...

on ebay, they sell for approx £130 in good condition ... some guys advertise to upgrade and tweak them ... (up to £900 for a level 4 upgrade) ... not sure how a tweaked one sounds but not sure if it will be worth the extra £900?

would be cheaper (and possibly better to have it tweaked/beefed up by Lampizator (can be found on google) ... someone from this forum mentioned them last week and looks very interesting)
yeah, there was one in immaculate condition that ended on Sunday - finished at £210 - admittedly that was after I bid it up from £100. So some lucky sod just got an extra hundred quid thanks to me - but £200+ was way too much too much for me.

Am quite into getting a Marantz of some description. Back in the day it sounded very bright on my system and I plumped for an Arcam instead. BUt I didn't have the Tannoys at the time and it all sounded a tad laid back since then - so maybe the brightness would be good. THe upgrading is tempting also.

But then so is getting a new Cambridge Audio.
I have one ... paid £130 and is in mint condition with the box/remote and certificate etc ... is not too bad for the price paid, however ...

also have an old Pioneer PD-S703 ... cd's are placed upside down ... soundstage seems a bit bigger compared to the marantz and somedays I feel the pioneer is a bit better than the marantz ... these sell for approx £60-£80 and built like a tank (got mine for £3 from a carboot)

Best one I have owned was a Rotel RCD-9658x limited edition (it is not the same as the more common RCD-965x) ... hard to find these

yeah, there was one in immaculate condition that ended on Sunday - finished at £210 - admittedly that was after I bid it up from £100. So some lucky sod just got an extra hundred quid thanks to me - but £200+ was way too much too much for me.

you need to learn how to bid on ebay ... there are different methods, but here is my way ...

if you spot an item that is a low price and no bids are placed, first ask the seller if he has a buy it now ... if he says he wishes the item to run the full duration of the auction, and no bids are placed, place a bid (the minimum bid) ... it then becomes a hassle for him to change the listing to a buy it now if someone offers him an offer he cannot refuse

then ... wait until approx 3 minutes before auction end and open up 2 ebay windows with the item you wish to place a bid ...

in one window, place a proxy bid (the max that you are prepared to pay for this item but dont use a whole number - example: if you are prepared to pay £130, enter £132.77) even if the item is standing on £1.99 ... BUT DO NOT CONFIRM THE BID AT THIS STAGE

switch to the other window with the ebay item and watch the clock countdown ... at approx 1 minute to go before auction end, you will see the price rise with people placing bids ... wait until there is 25 seconds to go ... open the window with your bid, take a deep breath ... then confirm ... works for me (most times)

If you keep on placing bids long before auction end, you will pay much more for the item (in most cases) and give interested parties time to up their bids/offers
If you keep on placing bids long before auction end, you will pay much more for the item (in most cases) and give interested parties time to up their bids/offers

Cheers for the advice, but I pretty much did what you said - I'm well aware of the pitfalls of bidding up an item way before the auction ends - but that's not going to change the fact that someone put in a bid for way more than I wanted to pay, three days before the auction ended.

There was only four bids with two minutes to go - and there was only me putting in bids at that time of the auction end.

Like I said, if I hadn't of decided I wanted a CD player this time last week - that person's CD player would have sold for just over a £100.

If you keep on placing bids long before auction end, you will pay much more for the item (in most cases) and give interested parties time to up their bids/offers

Cheers for the advice, but I pretty much did what you said - I'm well aware of the pitfalls of bidding up an item way before the auction ends - but that's not going to change the fact that someone put in a bid for way more than I wanted to pay, three days before the auction ended.

There was only four bids with two minutes to go - and there was only me putting in bids at that time of the auction end.

Like I said, if I hadn't of decided I wanted a CD player this time last week - that person's CD player would have sold for just over a £100.

seller may have 'shill bidded' (got his mates to place a proxy bid early on, so as to push up the price ... in the old days, you could pick this up by using ... now ebay has hidden bidders identies (main reason is that they dont mind shill bidding as they charge a comission on the final sold price, -the higher the better) ...

and the seller eventualy relists the item which means more revenue again

not saying this is the case here, but keep watching the seller ... you may find the item relisted again in a few days time and will sell for a lot less ... but dont be impatient ... keep looking ... as I said £130 or less will get you a good one boxed with remote
... But then so is getting a new Cambridge Audio ...

certainly ... or any one of the other, better, modern players. IMO only of course.

... But then so is getting a new Cambridge Audio ...

certainly ... or any one of the other, better, modern players. IMO only of course.

Hmmmm ... I think you may be correct there ... am happy with my speakers/amp but think I could have done a bit better than the Marantz (for price paid) ... so that will be an upgrade shortly ... still prefer 2nd hand though
Anyone familiar with the inside of one of these. There's one on ebay with a slight fault - of a possible loose RCA connector. e.g. sounds drops off on one channel - but wiggle the RCA plug usually fixes this.

Wanted to know if this sounds like an easy repair?

Ironically enough a bog standard CD-63 a friend gave me last year developed a similar fault and the right channel finally gave out for good over the weekend. Popped of the lid & the whole RCA was loose on the PCB. Not quite sure how it happened but probably 15 years or usage took it's toll plus the lack of flexibility on my Van Den Hul interconnect may have also contributed. The RCA unit looks as a whole little a little flimsy on the inside.Anyhow I reckon it could be an easy fix if your skilled with a soldering iron & have a steady hand. I may risk having a go on my freebee standard CD63 but would probably get a professional to do it on a KI given the prices they go for.Searching images for Marantz CD63 does provide a few images of the internals with the RCA's the red block on the top right (not sure if I can link to them as they are on other forums).I'm back using my 5 year old NAD C521BEE which had a dislike of 1 in 4 cd's leading to constant skipping. Post internal lens clean it's improved to 1 in 7 cd's skipping so I'd be wary of used NAD's too.Good look searching.


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