Marantz M-CR610

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ela-ted said:
FM takes the same 5-6 seconds, whether its fm-fm or fm-dab or vice versa. Looking at the display, it seems to me that the software goes back to the mode selector and then starts again, rather than staying in tuner mode and jumping to the preset. Has anyone else experienced this?

No. Not with my M-CR603. FM station preset -> FM station preset takes just over a second or thereabouts. (Using ... 'One elephant, two elephant'. No stopwatch or anything more 'scientific' 🙂 )

DAB preset - DAB preset, sorry I don't use DAB and can't comment on that.

The display goes from frequency/station info to 'P03' (very briefly) then - almost immediately - starts playing and shows the new frequency/station info.

(P03 was just an example preset number.)
Every new gripe I read about the M-CR610 is leading me to the conclusion that the M-CR603 is (was) a better sorted machine. (And that's leaving aside the M-CR610's all-plastic build and it's looks.)

Yes the M-CR610 has sorted out gapless, accepts 24/192 files (but with reports of 'buffering' from some who have tried), and it now has wi-fi. But I am beginning to wonder at what cost?

(Also beginning to wonder if I should 'future proof' myself a bit and buy another M-CR603 whilst there are still a few brand-new ones left.)
I haven't found any operational issues with the Marantz at all, apart from a little bit of instability from the Android app. The build isn't as nice as the 603 but it still feels perfectly solid.
As a very long time Apple user, I find the Marantz user interface a bit counter intuitive, but ok once the quirks have been remembered. I don't mind the plastic body at all - all the bits you touch are aluminium and feel very solid and responsive. The display is excellent and makes the likes of the Arcam Solo Mini look primitive. Its all been faultless so far - wifi connected first try, Airplay works fine etc etc.

I do find the volume using the Mini Fono A2D is a little less than for other inputs which may be a product of the Rega. Instaed of 18 I might have to use 25 for the same loudness.

I think I'll log a question with Marantz about the tuning speed and see what they say.
The main reason why I bought the 610 was because of the spotify function, I am not dissapionted, the sound it produces on this format seems a bit more refined than the PC > DACMAGIC route. Apart from that the PC give me issues with the PC sometimes not seeing the DAC resulting no sound until it decides to behave for a while, Instead the spotify on the marantz works great , The sound of this little unit keeps surprising me
Just dug out this thread for someone else & then noted a disparity between:

matthewpiano said:
I can't see another seperates system in my future...

& your current sig. Has the Marantz also been consigned to history?
Crocodile said:
Just dug out this thread for someone else & then noted a disparity between:

matthewpiano said:
I can't see another seperates system in my future...

& your current sig. Has the Marantz also been consigned to history?

I think that lasted a month.

Matthew's had the Exposure amp a little longer. (2 months?)

I could be wrong. Lost count a bit.
Crocodile said:
Just dug out this thread for someone else & then noted a disparity between:

matthewpiano said:
I can't see another seperates system in my future...

& your current sig. Has the Marantz also been consigned to history?


Actually, much of what I said about the MCR610 still stands. It is a fantastic unit and if it was just a case of the '610 Vs most of the budget seperates by Marantz, Denon, Yamaha etc, I'd still take the MCR610. It is as good as any of them.

However, the '610 got me really enjoying my music again to the point where I thought there must be some way of getting even better sound with seperates. A slightly different approach, helped by a very good small dealer, led me to the Exposure 1010 amp which quite frankly eats most other affordable amps for breakfast. That slotted into place nicely with source components I already had (the Rega and Roksan), and a pair of discounted DM2/6s finished the picture with'icing' from some carefully chosen cables. I've now got a system for very reasonable money which competes with the vast majority of set-ups I've ever heard. It involves me in the music like the 610 did but with more of a feeling that the speakers aren't there. Had it like this for about 10 weeks now and not had a single doubt about it.

I sold the '610 to help fund the Exposure, but if I need something like that for a 2nd system some time I wouldn't hesitate. In fact I am seriously considering a '510 to use as a Spotify and internet radio system next to my computer.
chebby said:
matthewpiano said:
A slightly different approach, helped by a very good small dealer, led me to the Exposure 1010 amp which quite frankly eats most other affordable amps for breakfast.

Dealer's still gotta eat no matter how small ...

Yes, good thinking Chebby. He really is excellent and any future upgrades will definitely involve him, though at this stage I feel absolutely no need.
matthewpiano said:
It involves me in the music like the 610 did but with more of a feeling that the speakers aren't there. Had it like this for about 10 weeks now and not had a single doubt about it.

If there was such a thing as a Marantz MC-R710 or 810, this is how I envisage it would be. Strange that Marantz can't see there is such a huge market-gap for something like the 610 with all the same facilities (and computer connection would e nice...) but in the next sonic-league up, let's say at the £899 slot. Maybe in their home market there isn't the demand. Naim and Linn prove that there surely is over here.
MajorFubar said:
If there was such a thing as a Marantz MC-R710 or 810, this is how I envisage it would be. Strange that Marantz can't see there is such a huge market-gap for something like the 610 with all the same facilities (and computer connection would e nice...) but in the next sonic-league up, let's say at the £899 slot.

And with polished teak side panels, 'champagne' anodised fascia, blue backlit VU meters* and early Marantz style 'copperplate' lettering 🙂

*They could be an option on the OLED display panel.
Yes, I agree with Major Fubar, lets have MC-R710 or 810 - up against the ageing Arcam Solo as well as Naim, neither of which have AirPlay, or a decent display. They could put a faster processor in it as well so you didn't have to wait 10 minutes for each preset ...
ela-ted said:
Yes, I agree with Major Fubar, lets have MC-R710 or 810 - up against the ageing Arcam Solo as well as Naim, neither of which have AirPlay, or a decent display. They could put a faster processor in it as well so you didn't have to wait 10 minutes for each preset ...

Or just use the one from the M-CR603 where the presets only take a second or two to flick between.
matthewpiano said:
I promised a couple of forum members I would report back with more detailed thoughts once I'd had the chance to listen more extensively, so here I am sticking to my promise!

I've been eyeing up the Marantz systems for quite some time, since the M-CR603 came out. That was a really nice looking and well made system with a wealth of features and, on the occasions I heard it, I thought it sounded excellent. I was, however, still clinging on to the 'seperates are better' mantra (despite my head being turned by Chebby's love of the system after replacing a Naim system with it), and there were two features missing that I really wanted any such system to have - Spotify support built-in, and gapless playback of lossles files from a network.

Fast forward to this year, and Marantz launched the new version of this system - the MCR610 - complete with the two features I really wanted them to add. The only thing that initially put me off was the fact that I'd seen the black plastic finish and thought it a real step back from the all-metal fascia of the 603. Well, that and the fact that I was enjoying the sound from a Denon DCD720AE/Pioneer A-30 combination with my Dali Zensor 3s. Finding the white and black version of the 610 was the solution to the first problem (still plastic but somehow much nicer looking), and the second required something of a leap of faith - albeit a leap based on having previously heard the 603, and on previous positive experience of a Marantz/Dali pairing when I had a PM6004 amp with Lektor 2 speakers.

Looking again at what the 610 offers I could see it gave me all the connectivity I need - 2 analogue RCA inputs to provide for my phono pre-amp and a spare for the future, a digital input for the TV, built-in wireless connectivity, headphone output, and USB.

Setting the unit up was relatively easy, it being a one-box system. All I had to do was connect my existing Dali Zensor 3s up to the speaker outputs with my existing Chord Company Carnival Silverscreen cables (using only the A set of outputs as the Dalis are single-wire) and connect up my Cambridge Audio 540P phono stage to the first set of analogue inputs to allow use of my turntable.

When I switched the unit on the Easy Setup process found my wireless network straight away, and a password later it was connected. I'd downloaded the Marantz Controller app from the Google Play store in readiness so all I had to do was open up the app on my phone, select the 610, select Spotify and I was quickly listening to music complete with artwork on my phone's display. As I listened first to the recent album 'Laylam' by folk stars Carthy, Hardy, Farrell and Young, and then to my CD of Steeleye Span's new album 'Wintersmith', it quickly became apparent that I was going to be pleased, and that the 610 was working very well with my Zensor 3s. Plenty of detail and a real solidity of sound, very nicely balanced between being punchy and rhythmic, and smooth. A listen to some Classic FM on the DAB tuner gave more of the same, the tuner having easily picked up a large number of stations using only the supplied wire aerial. A little later the same day, after attending to a couple of jobs, I returned to the system to listen to a couple of Asia albums I wanted to hear on Spotify and again I felt totally involved with the music, the set-up handling all the various textural strands with real finesse.

Since then I've played a wide variety of music and sources including Marc-Andre Hamelin's 'A State of Jazz' solo piano CD, a CD of Sibelius' First Symphony under Ashkenazy, some FLAC files of the band America streamed from my PC, Supertramp albums on vinyl, a bit of Planet Rock on DAB, and various stuff from Spotify (including 'Live and Electric at the Union Chapel' by All About Eve) and it has all been totally enjoyable.

The only aspect of set-up that wasn't quite as smooth as expected was getting the unit to stream files from the PC. Initially I tried using Windows Media Player 12 as the server and the folder kept coming up as [empty] on the Marantz. However, a quick search of similar matters relating to the earlier 603 model brought up a thread on the good-old WHFS&V forums where another member was advised to use Foobar with the UPNP plug-in. A quick download of Foobar2000 and the plug-in, and all was working really well, again complete with the album artwork displayed on the Controller app.

I'm extremely happy with my decision to move to the Marantz. It genuinely sounds superb and I don't miss anything about the various seperate systems I've had here. It is every bit as good as any of them and it handles being used at lower volume levels better than most amplifiers I've owned. It drives the Zensor 3s with ease, and keeps control even in the most large-scale and complex musical moments. In the Sibelius 1st the orchestra was beautifully positioned and the inidivudal timbres of the instruments were all handled naturally - a real quality of the Dalis that I didn't want to lose by changing the amplification. The WHFS&V review suggests the only downside of the 610 is its slight propensity towards being laid back, but I haven't sensed that at all. Either the Dalis help to counteract this or the magazine's idea of punchy is the forward and tiring sound that I've tried to get away from over the years. There is plenty of rhythmic enjoyment to be had here and plenty of drama but, at the same time, the music isn't thrown at you. It is an exceptionally unified and natural sound which simply invites you into enjoying the music, whatever the source or format.

If you want a system for party-like volume levels move on, but otherwise I'd highly recommend the M-CR610 for real musical enjoyment of a wide range of music, from a wide range of sources, and at a good range of domestically acceptable volume levels. I can't see another seperates system in my future and I suspect systems like this, and the growth of active speakers as another option, will do real damage to the budget seperates market.

First of all thank you matthewpiano, That is a great detailed review for this nice ( i assume) system.

I am planning to buy my first decent sound system (i am coming from mid-level multimedia 2.1 system) so i can enjoy my digital music and some movies/tv shows. my plan is to buy the M-CR510 because i am not using any CDs and basically i only need an optical input for the TV and also airplay capabilities so i can stream my ALAC and MP3 files from iTunes straight to the marantz.

My setup is like this
(Apple TV + Cable TV box + PS3) * connected to the TV via HDMI —-> optical out from TV connected via optical cable to the Marantz. (i guess is clear enough) … for movies and TV show, and some gaming on and off.

taking the above into account i got some questions to ask you and all the forum members who wish to provide some input.

1. Speakers: Dali Zensor 1 (i might add a sub later on if the bass is poor) or Dali Zensor 3 and most likely no Sub at all. in both cases i will get speakers stands.

2. Get this System (M-CR510) or invest in something more complicated like a Marantz MCR6005 (comes with optical input and COAX. so apple TV will be the streamer for music and audio from movies TV shows etc) also the TV will be connected via RCA. Alternative, instead of the above or the Marantz M-CR510 get a MCR6004 (ex-demo, almost new) and a dedicated DAC (a really cheap one from amazon, something like 60eur) i can get a brand new DACmagic from Cambridge Audio but that bad boy will cost me 175 euros. in this case the same philosophy as above will be applied. DAC fror apple tv which will be connected via RCA to the Amp. RCA audio out from TV connected to the AMP.
i am looking for a solution that will be wallet-friendly and also provide a good sound quality and full fill my needs.
i am open to any additional suggestions and advice

Thank you for your time and all the information that your are providing.

Looking forward for a reply!


P.S: I am listening to Depeche Mode right now via Spotify from my iMac speakers. Damn this will sound like crystal from that little thing i believe. (am i right on that?)
I have been using the CR-610 for a few months now.. I have been fairly happy with it.
Can anyone tell me what sound quality is transferred over airplay?. Will I get a better SQ using a DAC?
I have a macbook pro and am considering a DAC. Using the headphone out direct to the marantz is not great- bass response is noticeably thin etc.

I am also having a problem with airplay where it can intermittently cut out. Also if the marantz goes on standby, it will not connect to the airplay device when resumed. I then have to turn wifi off/on on my macbook and reset iTunes.
sixty2strat said:
I am also having a problem with airplay where it can intermittently cut out. Also if the marantz goes on standby, it will not connect to the airplay device when resumed. I then have to turn wifi off/on on my macbook and reset iTunes.

I will re-quote my earlier post ...

chebby said:
Which is why it's best to set it's standby state so it defaults to 'Network Standby'. (Then it always remains connected to your network and you don't get the delay you mentioned.)

On the M-CR610 you need to set 'Network Control' to 'On'. (Page 86 in manual.)

Intermittent AirPlay drop-outs could be due to a 'flaky' / unreliable / slow internet connection or some problem with your wireless (changing your wireless channel can hellp).

You should really have the M-CR610 connected to your hub / router with ethernet for best performance (even if you are streaming from AirPlay).
chebby said:
sixty2strat said:
I am also having a problem with airplay where it can intermittently cut out. Also if the marantz goes on standby, it will not connect to the airplay device when resumed. I then have to turn wifi off/on on my macbook and reset iTunes.

I will re-quote my earlier post ...

chebby said:
Which is why it's best to set it's standby state so it defaults to 'Network Standby'. (Then it always remains connected to your network and you don't get the delay you mentioned.)

On the M-CR610 you need to set 'Network Control' to 'On'. (Page 86 in manual.)

Intermittent AirPlay drop-outs could be due to a 'flaky' / unreliable / slow internet connection or some problem with your wireless (changing your wireless channel can hellp).

You should really have the M-CR610 connected to your hub / router with ethernet for best performance (even if you are streaming from AirPlay).

Thanks for your quick reply.. I do already have my network control on. I have just turned off the auto standby feature which hopefully will help..

I will try connecting the marantz to my router directly.. good idea.

Still interested in airplay SQ and DAC for Macbook use..
Hi all,

I'm considering to buy this object.... my first Hi Quality buy!

Just to know, can flac files (and mp3 too) be played on USB drive through a playlist?

Can I enter url for a webradio? Otherwise where does it search / list/ suggest web radios?

Does it have an equalizer / tone adjustment? Is needed or best to keep them flat?

Hi all,

Is there any possibility to connect a microphone to the Marantz? We have a small singing star who is getting into the karaoke stuff... we play karaoke songs at our laptop which are sended to the marantz using airfoil and they sound great but I wasn't able to send the microphone sound, it is still played to the laptop speakers and it's terrible ( the lack of amp I guess? ). Maybe it's just a setting that I couldn't find even if I was digging the solution for a couple of hours.

I was wondering if I can connect the microphone directly to the unit, there are some xlr - usb cables but will the Marantz recognize it? Does anyone has some experience in this matter that could give me some guidance, please?
hybridauth_Facebook_1367058312 said:
Hi all,

Is there any possibility to connect a microphone to the Marantz? We have a small singing star who is getting into the karaoke stuff... we play karaoke songs at our laptop which are sended to the marantz using airfoil and they sound great but I wasn't able to send the microphone sound, it is still played to the laptop speakers and it's terrible ( the lack of amp I guess? ). Maybe it's just a setting that I couldn't find even if I was digging the solution for a couple of hours.

I was wondering if I can connect the microphone directly to the unit, there are some xlr - usb cables but will the Marantz recognize it? Does anyone has some experience in this matter that could give me some guidance, please?

You have two issues.

Microphones have low output compared to hi-fi line level. You will need a pre-amp.

There is no obvious way the mix the microphone with the backing track on the Marantz.

An external mic/line mixer is the way to go.
Thanks for the reply, I found a easier way to do it: I connected the laptop to the tv with the hdmi cable and the tv is always connected to the Marantz by optical cable! The sound now it's much, much better and powerfull! Even on the tv speakers, not to mention on the dali's from the marantz!
It would be more convenient to connect the microphone directly to the smart tv or the blu-ray player but I don't have a mic entry to any of this two, so for the moment it's a way to go!


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