Looking for amp to go with Triangle Borea Br08


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Dec 20, 2021
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First of all, i'm a complete newbie with audio so please bear with me.

After a long period of research i decided to buy the Triangle Borea Br08 floorstanders. I had active speakers before this to avoid the amp search (audio pro a36). But the sound of the audio pro's was comparable to my Harman Kardon Go+Play 2 bluetooth speaker so i returned them.

The thing is, i have no idea which amps work with these Triangle speakers and which don't...
I don't want to potentially buy an amp that has features that i don't need, and which drives the price up.

I'll give some info (not sure if this is of any help lol):
  • i won't be listening at VERY loud levels ever. Mostly at average/normal to loud.
  • room is about 25-27m2
  • i have a 4k tv (philips oled 803/12) with a xbox series x as the only device connected to the tv.
  • i will use Tidal and Spotify for music mostly.
  • speaker usage is 70/30 music/movies.
  • Won't use a sub

I have found the following amps myself and was wondering if these are good for the speakers:

Yamaha WXA50
Audiolab 6000A
Denon PME-600NE
Rega io

Can any of these power the speakers at all? That's the most important thing i guess. And is amp the only thing i need?

budget is max €1000 but preferably around €500 or less if possible.

if anyone could help me i'd be very thankful.

Sorry for the bad English
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Apr 24, 2021
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Hi.I think that these speakers has a 92db sensitivity. So , most of the amps from 40 W can drive them properly. I have tried these speakers with my amp (Rotel A11 Tribute - 50W/channel) and I think they were ok ! You have to listen yourself, try to demo first. Another solution in your budget is the Bluesound Powernode. 2x60W , you can connect your TV through HDMI (Arc), and it has a sreamer with the best app. It has also a DAC.


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I haven't heard your particular speakers but I have the Triangle Titus EZ bookshelf matched with the Denon pma 800ne and the combination sounds superb. My speakers are 90db sensitive so I don't think the 800ne (50 wpc into 8 ohms, 85 into 4 ohms) will have any trouble with your floor standers. I believe the pma 800ne is superior to the 600ne, it has slightly more power and has no bluetooth connection so it is simpler and not trying to cram so much into one box. It has no subwoofer out but if you are going with the BRO8 you're not going to need one. I tried the Audiolab 6000a but much preferred the Denon, which to my ears has a richer, fuller sound.


Well-known member
First of all, i'm a complete newbie with audio so please bear with me.

After a long period of research i decided to buy the Triangle Borea Br08 floorstanders. I had active speakers before this to avoid the amp search (audio pro a36). But the sound of the audio pro's was comparable to my Harman Kardon Go+Play 2 bluetooth speaker so i returned them.

The thing is, i have no idea which amps work with these Triangle speakers and which don't...
I don't want to potentially buy an amp that has features that i don't need, and which drives the price up.

I'll give some info (not sure if this is of any help lol):
  • i won't be listening at VERY loud levels ever. Mostly at average/normal to loud.
  • room is about 25-27m2
  • i have a 4k tv (philips oled 803/12) with a xbox series x as the only device connected to the tv.
  • i will use Tidal and Spotify for music mostly.
  • speaker usage is 70/30 music/movies.
  • Won't use a sub

I have found the following amps myself and was wondering if these are good for the speakers:

Yamaha WXA50
Audiolab 6000
Denon PME-600NE
Rega io

Can any of these power the speakers at all? That's the most important thing i guess. And is amp the only thing i need?

budget is max €1000 but preferably around €500 or less if possible.

if anyone could help me i'd be very thankful.

Sorry for the bad English
Hi. All the amplifiers will drive your speakers just fine. However only the Yamaha has streaming for Spotify and Tidal built in also. All the other amplifiers are just that... only amplifiers and you would need to buy another source for streaming.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2021
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The Bluesound Powernode haw the streaming capability built-in (with BlueOS streaming platform) ! It has HDMI (ARC) input, Dac,sub out. For its price below 1000 euros I think it haw everything you need in one box !


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Apr 24, 2021
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Correct...but it is twice the price of the WXA-50...
Yes.But because I have the WXAD-10 streamer from Yamaha, I can tell that the difference between Musicast and BlueOS is night and day. There is no comparison... The Bluesound has also Tidal-Connect. Yamaha's musicast is very basic.


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Yes.But because I have the WXAD-10 streamer from Yamaha, I can tell that the difference between Musicast and BlueOS is night and day. There is no comparison... The Bluesound has also Tidal-Connect. Yamaha's musicast is very basic.
Fair enough...but I think you are hearing the difference between the DACs and the output stages ... not the streaming platform. 🙂


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Dec 20, 2021
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Thanks so much guys, i'm getting closer and closer (to buying) :p.

The powernode sounds interesting but the price is €900 on amazon i see. Would it really give a better sound than the Yamaha? Because that's what's most important for us, sound:). We care less about the apps tbh. As long as it plays great sounding music and movies we're happy. We went from max €700 speakerbudget to max €1100 (price of the triangles) already, so we prefer to not spend too much on the amp unless it improves the sound a fair bit.

Do i HAVE to connect the amp via HDMI to my tv? Because the Yamaha WXA50 doesn't seem to have a HDMI slot. Is there another way?
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Dec 20, 2021
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Yes.But because I have the WXAD-10 streamer from Yamaha, I can tell that the difference between Musicast and BlueOS is night and day. There is no comparison... The Bluesound has also Tidal-Connect. Yamaha's musicast is very basic.

The Powernode question was mainly aimed at you but if more people have experience with it please feel free.


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Dec 20, 2021
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I haven't heard your particular speakers but I have the Triangle Titus EZ bookshelf matched with the Denon pma 800ne and the combination sounds superb. My speakers are 90db sensitive so I don't think the 800ne (50 wpc into 8 ohms, 85 into 4 ohms) will have any trouble with your floor standers. I believe the pma 800ne is superior to the 600ne, it has slightly more power and has no bluetooth connection so it is simpler and not trying to cram so much into one box. It has no subwoofer out but if you are going with the BRO8 you're not going to need one. I tried the Audiolab 6000a but much preferred the Denon, which to my ears has a richer, fuller sound.

Indeed, i won't need a sub i bet. Even the audio pro's had good enough bass without sub. I'm not used to much so i'm happy quite fast.

Between the Yamaha WXA50 and the Denon pma 800ne which one has better sound? Does anyone know? I guess a warmer sounding sound is prefered because the triangles can have a "sharp" treble from what i read. They adviced warmer sounding amps.


Well-known member
Thanks so much guys, i'm getting closer and closer (to buying) :p.

The powernode sounds interesting but the price is €900 on amazon i see. Would it really give a better sound than the Yamaha? Because that's what's most important for us, sound:). We care less about the apps tbh. As long as it plays great sounding music and movies we're happy. We went from max €700 speakerbudget to max €1100 (price of the triangles) already, so we prefer to not spend too much on the amp unless it improves the sound a fair bit.

Do i HAVE to connect the amp via HDMI to my tv? Because the Yamaha WXA50 doesn't seem to have a HDMI slot. Is there another way?
If your TV has an optical output (most do...) then you connect this to the optical input of your integrated amplifier. Both the Yamaha and the Denon have this.
I would say the Denon would sound warmer to most people as it a traditional class AB amp whereas the little Yamaha is class D (detailed, clear and dynamic but perhaps a little 'dry' to some).
Which you prefer of course is up to you...👍


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Haven't heard the wxa 50 but I had its brother, the wxc 50 pre-amp and streamer and never really rated it or Yamaha Music Cast and customer support is woeful. I think the Denon would be a superior product in every sense. What you could do is order it from Amazon and audition it with the reassurance that you could return it if it wasn't for you. And.... give it time, for reasons of running it in and/or getting your ears adjusted to the sound. (It's a controversial one that round these parts, as I discovered in another thread!)
I might also try Marantz pm6007, sister brand to Denon.


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Audiolab 6000A

High end taste at budget end.
Well, that to me is what those who love this amplifier would say - "high end taste" what does that actually mean? It sounds like a status evaluation not an evaluation of sound quality.
What I would say to Mr Bodd, the OP, is sure you may love the Audiolab but definitely try before you buy but that applies to others as well.
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Really? Name some names (or Naims!) that you think the Audiolab might match up to, in your opinion.
Yes, it was very much a 'maybe' as I haven't heard the 6000A - I'd like to though.
I think there's too much importance placed on price (not only with hi-fi of course).
My own Cyrus amp cost me more 19 years ago than the Audiolab does today for example, but it's feasible that I could prefer the Audiolab...'budget' or not.

Based on its significantly higher price that new Creek amp is a good example of something that should sound better in every respect than the 6000A.....maybe it does, but I'd love to do a blind comparison.


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Dec 20, 2021
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Thanks a lot for all the help so far. I'm going to do additional research on all the amps mentioned here. It's a bit of a maze so far, can't seem to make a decision.

I've decided to increase the max budget to €1500. I just want to be done with it and get good enough quality in 1 go(whether that will cost €500 or €1500 doesn't matter). The only thing is it needs to be an all-in-one amp. We don't have the space for multiple devices. It will ruin the "set up". Also, some budget from the speakers came free because i called the shop to negotiate the price and they decided to give a €160 cashback.

I'm thinking about ordering two at the same time, and keep the best sounding one. I'll ask the shopowner if he/she is ok with that. Maybe one that's a bit more high end and a lower end one. To see if the differences are big enough.

Now only thing remains is to pick two out of all the ones mentioned. I'll have made my choice after this week and order next week.

Till that time more ideas are always welcome ofcourse.

Thanks again!!!


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Really? Name some names (or Naims!) that you think the Audiolab might match up to, in your opinion.

It compares pretty well with the Hegel H95. The difference certainly doesn't equate to £1000 in sonic terms. Even here law of dimin ... kicks in.

Sonically not that different with a supremely balanced sound. Those who crave character (no Naims) need not apply.


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It compares pretty well with the Hegel H95. The difference certainly doesn't equate to £1000 in sonic terms. Even here law of dimin ... kicks in.

Sonically not that different with a supremely balanced sound. Those who crave character (no Naims) need not apply.
I presume you have this amp, RoA. You've recommended it in several threads. What is it would you say that you like about it? I'm sure you'll say something along the lines of it not adding anything or taking anything away from what is fed into it. But to me it went further than that to the point of sounding analytical and clinical. I think the clue is in the name: Audio LAB... like it was developed in a lab setting rather than with people listening and reacting emotionally to music playing on it. Bit harsh maybe, but that's my take on it.


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