Ok so i went with the Audiolab 6000a for now. Speakers took longer than expected to be delivered because they were out of stock and had to come in from France.
I've been listening to this speaker/amp combo for maybe 15 hours total now, spread over 6-7 days.
My small review:
It sounds good, BUT only if the recording is good. If you listen to everyday music then 90+% of the recordings are just average-bad. And on the triangle's they sound like you're playing them on a kitchen radio. Flat'ish. Nothing special. It lacks life or depth or "courage" if you know what i mean..
BUT, if you play a (very) good recording like Dave Grusin "Discovered Again" album then it sounds like the man himself is performing in your own living room.
But then there is another problem... My ears start to hurt/feel fatigued/feel pressure when i listen too long to (especially) high quality sound music... I don't know, maybe too much treble? It doesn't sound like it's TOO much... but i can't listen for more than 30-45 min. without taking a break.
I connected the amp to the speakers and via optical cable the amp is connected to the smart tv where i have the tidal app and play the music from.
Am i doing something wrong? Again, speakers sound great, but only if the source is great, otherwise they are definately NOT better than the cheap audio pro a36's i had before this. The audio pro's actually sounded BETTER on low-mid volumes and on not so great recordings too.
And here is another funny thing.... The Harman Kardon Go+Play 2 sounds better too in the same way the A36 does. That's a bluetooth speaker costing about €220 when i bought it years ago. Although it's definately worth more imo.
Well, just in case i don't get any more replies, i hope this was at least of some help to anyone reading this who's in my situation.