I need to put something straight, because i just read back my earlier review and i feel my opinion has changed after testing and comparing the two amps for a long time and i feel it needs to be adjusted for possible other people who might read these posts and are looking for advice/info. As i don't want to possibly put people on the wrong foot:
The Audiolab actually sounds better with slower/laid back type music. For example: Jazz, blues, slower classic rock, rasta. It sounds more refined to our ears. More pleasant to listen to. I did not test much of these types of music in the first 30 minutes or so of testing before the initial review so that's why my opinion changed.
The powernode though, sounds more lively with pretty much everything that has some kick to it. Harder type rock, trance, pop, reggae, r&b, metal, heavier orchestra and almost everything with a decent beat/bass period. For example, if you listen to trance, most of the time in the song there is a build-up, and then at some point it "explodes" into an adrenalin rush. With the node you really feel that intense feeling, but with the Audiolab you don't. It sounds flat, sterile. It's missing emotion.
Another example, i listened to some latin (club style) reggae songs, and on the node i felt like making a party right there and then, while on the audiolab i didn't. Plus If you like bass, the node is a no brainer over the Audiolab.
But if you like blues, jazz and other slow laid back music (which is not meant to give you a rush), buy the Audiolab for these speakers. They sounds better for that.
It's funny, the playlist that i made for/with the Audiolab doesn't sound that good on the Node (i don't even listen to that list anymore on the node), while the playlist that i made consisting of songs that sound great on the node, sound (in comparison) boring on the Audiolab.
So, these two amps are just different. Audiolab costed me about 650 euro's, Powernode 1000. If you like more relaxed music then go for the cheaper audiolab. It sounds more "high class" with that kind of music. I've never liked or listened to blues/jazz much, but the Audiolab made me like those genres on it, lol.
I've send the Audiolab back. The node is better for our music tastes in general. Is it worth €350 extra? Yes. We think so. It's also much smaller which is a + and it looks better imo.
These speakers (+amp) really grew on me over time and i'm listening to them a lot now. Am already thinking of selling them and buying better ones within 8-12 months time. Not because these sound bad, but it's the concept of: "the starter at the restaurant tastes great, and now you can't wait for the main meal".
Maybe a higher tier Triangle set.
The person who said this is a costly hobby, you are very correct. This is going to be a moneysink over the years Lol.
Unfortunately i have to delay the denon for a while, we're a bit tight with finances atm due to new bills(munincipal bills come in januari here and are high in €€), kind of forgot about that before. So for now it's not a good idea. Will still buy the amp, but might take a week or few weeks longer. If the denon is good though, i'll keep both the Denon and the Powernode, as my wife's son is building a sound system too (i "infected" him, lol) and he said he'd buy one of the two from me if it was good enough for his liking. That way we can swap them every now and then, for variation.
Hope this was helpfull for possible people looking for info.
Robdmarsh i'll pm you once i tested the Denon, and will let you know how they are/compare, as i don't want to make this a "i'll just review endless amps for the Triangle speakers" thread lol 😉).
I've found 1 amp that's a match with the Triangles thanks to the help/tips i got here, so if you want to close the thread, go ahead (And if you don't, then don't, hehe). Thank you.
Ps. I'm a firm believer of break in now! 😉