Looking for a DAC with optical input


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Jul 17, 2015
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Hello, i'm looking for a DAC with at least an optical input, i have to use it for connct the TV & PC output to a pair of yamaha HS5 (active speakers) + sub. The closest thing i've found looking around is the Audioengine D1 but i don't need the amplification part nor the headphones output, so it wouldn't be well spent money; i currently own an Objective2 DAC (that is good but it lacks of Optical imput), i'd like not to go under this level of quality, and maybe find something that is not cut to 20 KHz like the ODAC, since the HS5 can reproduce much higher frequencies.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion


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jollyroger said:
Hello, i'm looking for a DAC with at least an optical input, i have to use it for connct the TV & PC output to a pair of yamaha HS5 (active speakers) + sub. The closest thing i've found looking around is the Audioengine D1 but i don't need the amplification part nor the headphones output, so it wouldn't be well spent money; i currently own an Objective2 DAC (that is good but it lacks of Optical imput), i'd like not to go under this level of quality, and maybe find something that is not cut to 20 KHz like the ODAC, since the HS5 can reproduce much higher frequencies.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion


A great little product. I think you need to spend significantly more to improve on it.

The reason much equipment rolls off at 20kz is because you probably haven't been able to hear frequencies even that high since you were a kid and the CD format doesn't really go above that.

While hi rez formats may carry information above those frequencies, the idea that those frequencies impact on and cause audible differences to the audible spectrum is a bit controversial.

"The SACD format is capable of delivering a dynamic range of 120 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz[/b] and an extended frequency response up to 100 kHz[/b], although most currently available players list an upper limit of 70–90 kHz, and practical limits reduce this to 50 kHz[/b]."

I'd say the reason you speakers go up to 30kHz is more about taking the breakup point further away from the audible spectrum than to take advantage of any benefits from supersonic frequencies.

I'm not sure that too many people have paid attention to or categorize DACs based on what supersonic frequencies it can play back. It might be something that features mainly on more expensive gear. No idea really, but maybe others have a better idea.


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Jul 17, 2015
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ID. said:
I'd say the reason you speakers go up to 30kHz is more about taking the breakup point further away from the audible

Yes, just for that reason; since the speakers can reproduce higher frequencies and the input audio file is in high quality, i don't like the idea of cutting away part of the sound only for one component. (though the quality of the signal is more important, to me, than to have or not the highest freqs)

Btw thanks for the suggestion, i've checked the D03K and found also the similar D07, i'll keep those in mind, i was wandering, since the prices of those two are fairly low, if it's available something else, with maybe a better quality, let's say around 100$

Have any idea?


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Feb 22, 2010
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Not at that price. So you don't care if it's not audible or about the fact that even a high resolution file might not have anything playing above 20kHz anyway and that CD quality lossless files definitely have nothing above 20kHz?

About the cheapest I can think of is the Fostex HP-A4, but that has a headphone amp you don't need. Handles frequencies higher than your speakers go. You might have to upgrade to some Adam monitors so you can enjoy treble up to 50kHz.


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Jul 17, 2015
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Looking at prices i'd say it becames unwise to spend all that money for what i have to drive.

Just out of curiosity let me rephrased what i ment:

I generally have FLAC files 16 or 24bit (16 are not always findable) for either music or movies, with frequencies going up to, generally, 24KHz; what i ment is: i don't like very much the idea of cutting those highs freqs just for one component in all the system, but i'm perfectly aware that is more important to have an high quality DAC even if freqs are cut off at 20 KHz, than to have a bad one going up to 30KHz (that probably don't even exist).

Thanks for your answers, i'll probably go for the D07 since is just few euros more, and i read that it has some problem with DTS and dolby fixed compared to the D03K, for the rest should be the same.



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