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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi All

Having read the recent what hi-fi review of this TV with interest I have been unable to find anywhere to see it in action. It certainly sounds promising and looks fabulous.

I am interested if anyone has this TV and their thoughts. I guess my main interest is the picture quality as the TV speakers will not be used.



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Mar 18, 2008
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Hi Hemmy, after months of researching several different tv's i decided to go for the 50PK990 - all the reviews had been positive to varying degrees, but had not been able to catch the set in the flesh.

I was able to see the PK350 & 590 models in Currys/Comet so i had to base my decision on these lower models along with the various reviews i had seen of the 990.

Definately made the right decision;

Design - great looking set

Picture - no motion issues, HD very sharp and detailed, SD can look pretty soft though. Black levels are very good from where i am sitting - for the normal user i can't see any problems.

Sound - i think it's better than the reviews state but maybe that's cos my lounge room is quite small and volume never gets cranked too high

Features - built in media player is excellent, plays most file formats and very nicely designed

Only negative would be Image Retention during the run in period - i had the tv about a week and i was watching Sky News HD, i had it on for 1.5-2hrs and when i turned tv off i could see on the black screen before the power down that the IR was pretty bad! I kept tv on and flicked channels for an hour or two - still there but getting better. After a few more hours it had gone completely but i was worried for a while! I had not turned on the Orbitor anti IR feature so that was not very clever either lol.

Not had any IR issues since then (3 weeks ago) and IR only seems to be an issue during the run in period so certainly not a reason not to buy the tv - just be careful initially.

I got the tv thru John Lewis for £1199 price match 5 year warranty but if you are not worried about the 5 year warranty you can find the tv for around £1000.


Hi JSM15

Thanks for your response good post and informative. Like you I saw the 590 plasma in Currys, they had it set on the vivid (their dynamic version I believe) setting, which certainly looks impressive in the store compared to the THX setting which by comparison looked muted. But that could be down to the light levels. I would be interested to know what setting you use.

Interesting to read that there is an anti IR feature - I wasn't aware of that - and admit that reading about IR was a concern. I bet you had an anxious few hours - glad to hear it wasn't permanent.

Thanks for the price indication, I must admit that this is one of the reasons I am giving it consideration it seems a lot of TV for the money.


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Mar 18, 2008
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Hi Hemmy,

To be honest despite it supposedly being the industry standard for movie watching, i really wasn't overly taken with the THX modes (Cinema/Bright Room) on the PK990.

I decided to try the settings listed on another website, the settings were based on their calibration results. They can be applied under the ISF mode on the tv. I turned down the contrast 15 points below the listed settings as lower contrast is generally recommended during the first couple hundred hours.

I think i must be up to around 100-120hrs so far and maybe by the end of the month i will take the contrast up 15 points and add 10 points to the sharpness as i feel that a sharpness setting of 50 is a little on the low side. Sharpness is apparently better left lower during the run in period but maybe that's just an old wives tale? I am no expert but best to err on the side of caution initially.

THX settings obviously are fixed and you will either like them or not but I would never blindly use settings published anywhere without tinkering with the settings to see what i prefer but i think the settings on the 'other website' are very good and can be used as a starting point at least.


Hi JSM15

Thanks once again for your response. Interesting to note that you weren't overly taken with THX settings I thought that it might be just that I viewed the TV in a bright environment. I think that makes a lot of sense to use the ISF mode and tweak the settings to achieve a picture that is pleasing to the individual.

Good advise on the sharpness and contrast levels too.

Now where's my chequebook.........?


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Jun 13, 2008
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For many people getting used to the 'correct' picture (which THX should ideally apply) takes some time.
If you have been used to a picture with oversaturated colours and contrast levels blown out of proportions, the correct picture might look dull.

But give it some time and you are likely to come to appreciate it. You will find out that the picture is more natural and free from artefacts.


Hi Hemmy,

To be honest despite it supposedly being the industry standard for movie watching, i really wasn't overly taken with the THX modes (Cinema/Bright Room) on the PK990.

I decided to try the settings listed on another website, the settings were based on their calibration results. They can be applied under the ISF mode on the tv. I turned down the contrast 15 points below the listed settings as lower contrast is generally recommended during the first couple hundred hours.

I think i must be up to around 100-120hrs so far and maybe by the end of the month i will take the contrast up 15 points and add 10 points to the sharpness as i feel that a sharpness setting of 50 is a little on the low side. Sharpness is apparently better left lower during the run in period but maybe that's just an old wives tale? I am no expert but best to err on the side of caution initially.

THX settings obviously are fixed and you will either like them or not but I would never blindly use settings published anywhere without tinkering with the settings to see what i prefer but i think the settings on the 'other website' are very good and can be used as a starting point at least.

So how are you finding it now has the IR settled improved wirth use ?


Hi Guys

Just wondering how the IR is looking on the 50pk990 these days? I'm also in the market, and looking to either get the 60pk750 or 60pk950. Although I am a bit concered about the IR. I have read that it does fade with time, but with it being my first Plasma, I don't want to start getting paranoid if it's not gone in a couple of weeks (couple of hundred hours)!!

Also as far as I can see both models have the same spek apart from the Tru Black filter plus the 990 comes with a dongle. Is that correct as far as you know??




Hi Hemmy,

To be honest despite it supposedly being the industry standard for movie watching, i really wasn't overly taken with the THX modes (Cinema/Bright Room) on the PK990.

I decided to try the settings listed on another website, the settings were based on their calibration results. They can be applied under the ISF mode on the tv. I turned down the contrast 15 points below the listed settings as lower contrast is generally recommended during the first couple hundred hours.


Can you put the link up please ?

Only had mine a day but very impressed so far watched The dark Knight on blu ray (great test disk) and the opening 6 min full screen imax scene was just awesome.

Currently using the THX Cinema mode with HD sources and images are crisp and sharp with no noise.

SD freeview is actually pretty good some channels are soft as already stated but i think thats more to do with the bitrate of the broadcast as bbc1 for the F1 qualifying was really good where as itv4 has "noise" on it.

the pk990 does indeed come with a dongle which i haven't tried, regarding IR mine is set to "orbiter" and i haven't had none as yet.
I was under the impression the 750/950 models are usa models whereas the 790/990 b or e are british or europen models respectively but i might be wrong !

Hope this helps Stu


Ok, thanks for the reply. To be honest, I think I'm actually going to go for the Samsung UE55C6005 (UE55C6505 in the UK I think!) I actually managed to compare the Samsung next to the LG 60PK550 and, for me (no offence to any LG owners) it was a no brainer. I'm not going to get a chance to see the LG 990 but I think what I'm looking for is an LED rather than Plasma although I'm still curious about the motion as, from what I've read, Plasmas are way better at handling motion, but to my eyes the Samsung looked better. Am I missing something? I didn't have a chance to adjust any settings though.....


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Mar 18, 2008
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I don't think you are allowed to link to other websites if they feature reviews of A/V equipment? I may be wrong.

Anyway just to be safe these are the settings i use;
Profile: Expert 1 Contrast 80 Brightness 50 Sharpness 50 Colour: 50 Tint: 0 Dynamic contrast: Off Noise Reduction Off Gamma Medium Black level Low Film Mode On/Off Colour gamut Standard Edge enhancer Off xvYCC Auto Colour filter Off Colour Temperature Warm RGB
Method: 2 points Pattern: Outer Red contrast: -4 Green contrast: 1 Blue contrast: 2 Red brightness: -7 Green brightness: 3 Blue brightness: 3


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I reduced the contrast to 60 during the run in period. I prefer the Sharpness at around 60 instead of 50 but left it at 50 during run in.

I still have Orbitor turned on. Haven't noticed any IR in recent weeks. I have had the tv since 25 June and i guess i use it for 3-4hrs a day average.


Thanks very much, whats your fireware version? i read online that updating the firmware also looses the panel usage hours.
The tv came with 03.02.07 installed on mine and i have some figures after the ESN but i dont know what they mean?
Any ideas ?


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Oct 26, 2007
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stu31:Thanks very much, whats your fireware version? i read online that updating the firmware also looses the panel usage hours.
The tv came with 03.02.07 installed on mine and i have some figures after the ESN but i dont know what they mean?
Any ideas ?
Are you still happy with your PK990, stu31?

Any chance of an update - what's your verdict re black levels?



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Nov 17, 2008
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Godriah:Ok, thanks for the reply. To be honest, I think I'm actually going to go for the Samsung UE55C6005 (UE55C6505 in the UK I think!) I actually managed to compare the Samsung next to the LG 60PK550 and, for me (no offence to any LG owners) it was a no brainer. I'm not going to get a chance to see the LG 990 but I think what I'm looking for is an LED rather than Plasma although I'm still curious about the motion as, from what I've read, Plasmas are way better at handling motion, but to my eyes the Samsung looked better. Am I missing something? I didn't have a chance to adjust any settings though.....

In a shop I'd expect most good LCD/LED's to look far more impressive than a Plasma, they naturally have a bright and bold look which stands out far more - in practice, at home, many prefer a good plasma for natural colour reproduction and movement.

The technologies are improving no doubt but I still think Plasma edges it. My LG PK350 looked astonishingly bad in Curry's, probably the worst screen there - I don't even know how they made it look so bad! When I got it home it instantly looked a hundred times better right out of the box, 3 friends have bought the same screen since... (Same panel as the 990 minus the "Tru Black filter" and is now £580 or so).


jim, have you came across any instances of judder or blurring on camera pans? this is something that annoyed me so much on my v20 that ive decided to take it back, im looking to get a cheapish tv till next year, and you're baby just might fit my bill


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Nov 17, 2008
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maxflinn:jim, have you came across any instances of judder or blurring on camera pans? this is something that annoyed me so much on my v20 that ive decided to take it back, im looking to get a cheapish tv till next year, and you're baby just might fit my bill

Nah, initially I noticed a couple of things when the screen was brand new but nothing major, now it's got a few hundred hours on it I can't see any motion problems at all - World Cup footie looked perfect and Blu Rays in 24p are as smooth as warm butter mixed with double cream...
This is what I talk about when I say it isn't all about black levels - they're a bit of a B+ on the LG's though certainly still decent - but the LG's do colour and motion better than most.


maxflinn:jim, have you came across any instances of judder or blurring on camera pans? this is something that annoyed me so much on my v20 that ive decided to take it back, im looking to get a cheapish tv till next year, and you're baby just might fit my bill

Nah, initially I noticed a couple of things when the screen was brand new but nothing major, now it's got a few hundred hours on it I can't see any motion problems at all - World Cup footie looked perfect and Blu Rays in 24p are as smooth as warm butter mixed with double cream...
This is what I talk about when I say it isn't all about black levels - they're a bit of a B+ on the LG's though certainly still decent - but the LG's do colour and motion better than most.

you should be in advertising, oh?

cheers, im gonna try and get hold of one, yes blacks are lovely and deep on the panas, but im not prepared to risk more money on one right now, too many issues, next year..


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Nov 17, 2008
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maxflinn:jim, have you came across any instances of judder or blurring on camera pans? this is something that annoyed me so much on my v20 that ive decided to take it back, im looking to get a cheapish tv till next year, and you're baby just might fit my bill

Nah, initially I noticed a couple of things when the screen was brand new but nothing major, now it's got a few hundred hours on it I can't see any motion problems at all - World Cup footie looked perfect and Blu Rays in 24p are as smooth as warm butter mixed with double cream...
This is what I talk about when I say it isn't all about black levels - they're a bit of a B+ on the LG's though certainly still decent - but the LG's do colour and motion better than most.

you should be in advertising, oh?

cheers, im gonna try and get hold of one, yes blacks are lovely and deep on the panas, but im not prepared to risk more money on one right now, too many issues, next year..

Hah, yeah, I should see if LG have any jobs going - I'm sure they pay better!

For the money I doubt you can get any better - also tried it with a USB stick for the first time today, very convenient and easy for watching films - interface is very user friendly indeed.


only £599 in richer sounds, but i dont think they will send to ireland, they have them in currys for £650 though, theres a branch up north, in newry, ill ring tmw to see if they have them in stock, if so ill get a van and gallop up there on saturday


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Nov 17, 2008
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maxflinn:only £599 in richer sounds, but i dont think they will send to ireland, they have them in currys for £650 though, theres a branch up north, in newry, ill ring tmw to see if they have them in stock, if so ill get a van and gallop up there on saturday

The in-laws just bought their one from RGB Direct, is £569 on their site now - not sure about their delivery terms but they were quick and painless with that set...


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Nov 17, 2008
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maxflinn:only £599 in richer sounds, but i dont think they will send to ireland, they have them in currys for £650 though, theres a branch up north, in newry, ill ring tmw to see if they have them in stock, if so ill get a van and gallop up there on saturday

The in-laws just bought their one from RGB Direct, is £569 on their site now - not sure about their delivery terms but they were quick and painless with that set...

Ahh, "Out of range", nevermind...


cheers jim

ill ring around tmw, might find someone that will deliver..


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