been doing a bit of reading up on this years lg range of plasmas, as one does when one is waiting for a new toy to be delivered
anyways, heres how i understand the range..
50pk350, the cheapest 1080p plasma, no frills, you're usual picture controls, 2 hdmi ports..
50pk590, add two more hdmi ports,artificial edge enhancement, two thx modes, and a freeview hd tuner, where applicble, the irish version wouldnt have one..
50pk790, add the sleek infinia design, bluetooth, some internet functions, etc..
50pk990, add the true black filter..
so, apart from the artificial edge enhancement, which is said to actually hinder the picture quality, a firmware fix is being readied for this, and in the case of the 990, the true black filter, there's very little difference between the picture quality of them all? surely not?
Pretty much correct, though WHF obviously preferred the pic on the 990 to the 590 in this months group test (4 and 3 star for performance respectively) bearing in mind a £600 price difference, so perhaps the "True Black Filter" does a lot for the image? Not seen one in the flesh so no idea.