much obliged 6th
interesting that the close up detail isnt top notch? ive read that these lg's, albeit the 590 are pretty detailed, im sure lg jim, correction, ae jim
will be along soon with some suggestions.
Cheers Max
Due to the sheer number of tweaking options it's hard to say exactly what to adjust really as it's also down to individual taste/environment as much as anything. If getting calibrated professionally this will take some of the guesswork out of it and, from what I've read from others who've had it done, should bring some of that "3D" character into play. I'm still messing about with things on mine 3 months down the line!
I have nailed down a couple of settings for day/night viewing though, night-time being smoother and easier on the eye though a little "flatter" in appearance. The daytime settings I use, on HD in particular add some of that real 3D "pop" to the image (seeing some of the daylight scenes in Quantum of Solace on Saturday after tweaking really impressed in that respect. I think the key is getting bright, but not overblown whites while having black as dark as possible while keeping enough graduation in the subtle shading (as well as colour balance, which thankfully is pretty good right out of the box on this set). To me on these settings it also looked more detailed as a side-effect, something the smoother, lower contrast settings I use at night (in a barely lit room) seem to blend out to a degree.
I would give the panel time to settle, motion will definitely improve and when the phosphors "burn in" a little more it's easier to do more subtle adjustments - I wouldn't bother touching the expert IRE modes without a meter though!
The more expert opinions than mine seem to hold the screen in high regard for calibrating and it seems to come out favourably against the far more pricey Panasonics, since I can't email directly on here I'll add a snippet from the thorough write-up I took the read-outs from on another thread - this is a calibrator for a plasma retailer, not a reviewer and is just his forum post, if the Mods don't like it please remove! :
(US version is PK550 - styled as the PK590 over here but same internals as PK350)
"There was a Panasonic 50G25 I had just calibrated sitting right next to the PK550. I just couldn't let the opportunity for a comparison slip by.
The thing that jumped out at me first is that the PK550 picks up much more glare than the G25. The G25 is probably the best plasma I have ever seen in that regard. With both sets turned off, the PK550's screen might have been a tiny bit darker with the lights on; but the reflections were much more distracting. The slim PK550 seems to run hotter than the thicker G25, which seems to produce surprisingly little heat. With both sets on but with a black 0% input, the G25 subjectively has slightly darker blacks, and it's blacks were more neutral in color than the PK550's slightly greenish glow. The PK550 seemed to be more susceptible to image retention than the G25.
The PK550 has much smoother pans; the G25's 48Hz mode has too much flicker in my opinion, so I never use it. That gave the PK550 the advantage in handling 1080P/24 Blu Ray motion. The PK550 had bolder colors than the G25, and had a harder edged look with more pop. The G25 looked less contrasty and a bit on the washed out side of neutral in comparison. The G25 had more visible shadow detail, but it was a bit too visible to be truly accurate. The G25 had a slightly greener tinge and paler look to fleshtones. If you are the type of videophile who routinely turns down the color saturation to make various sources more palatable, then the G25's presentation would appeal more to you. On the other hand, lovers of rich and vibrant color tones would be more attracted to the PK550's picture." (Accredited to "Chad B".).
For me, if you want some of the 3D effect give these settings a try, which do not feature any colour adjustments and could definitely be improved upon:
Picture mode: Expert 1
Contrast: 85
Brightness: 53
Colour: 50
Tint: even
Sharpness: Horizontal 45, Vertical 30
Expert settings: Dynamic contrast low, black level low, colour temp warm. (this is from memory so may need to shuffle around a bit - every other enhancement should be off - also try picture setting "Just Scan" for finest detail, though personally I use "Original"). Oh, and try with "Edge enhancer" turned on and off - this can't be turned off in the higher models but in some ways it does the opposite of what it's supposed to - plug a PC input into it and the text is very hard to read as it has that anti-aliased look with enhancer turned on, turn it off and everything is crisp and clear!