LG 50PK350


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
Recently bought a 50in LG PK350 and know that one or two regulars are interested to know of another opinion, so here goes... Aesthetically, it's pleasingly slim in terms of depth and frame-width, build-quality isn't bad either. Hooked-up to a Pioneer BDP-320, BDs display a broad and punchy colour palette, but skin tones are realistic; there's very good edge-definition; motion is pretty impressive (used Bourne Ultimatum's general hand-held camera trickery, Casino Royale's building-site parkour chase and various Planet Earth predator vs prey-type pursuits as yardsticks), although panning shots of figures passing corrugated surfaces can induce an initial, albeit slight, watery outline but then it settles; contrast/blacks are pretty good, as is black detail. And after my (rejected) Philips 47PFL7404's woeful clouding, it's good to see a screen that has no issues with backlight-bleed or grey-ish edges during dark/night-set scenes. The PK350's decent edge-definition creates an impression that picture quality is pretty detailed overall. However, during close- and medium-close-up shots, faces and clothing, for example, lack detail compared to the PFL7404, nor is there any hint of the 3D-type depth that the Philips seemed to have in abundance. (Mind you, the 47PFL7404's motion-handling was appalling IME.) Curiously, 1080p upscaled DVDs don't seem to be much of a retrograde step compared to BDs - in other words, DVD images are pretty good, although still lacking in depth. (Thus far, I've had a peep at Alien - Director's Cut, Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles and Haggis's Crash.) Can't comment re broadcast PQ because I'm still awaiting Freesat install... [^o)] I wonder if the lack of 3D-a-like depth and close-up detail can be rectified via the PK350's myriad settings options?
much obliged 6th

interesting that the close up detail isnt top notch? ive read that these lg's, albeit the 590 are pretty detailed, im sure lg jim, correction, ae jim
will be along soon with some suggestions.
hum of course not enough depth like LCD's , but on a dark room the colours just come much more to life.even the 50PJ250 (not full hd) I see everywhere on sale seems top notch.sometimes I even have trouble knowing its the PJ or PK based on image only.
much obliged 6th

interesting that the close up detail isnt top notch? ive read that these lg's, albeit the 590 are pretty detailed, im sure lg jim, correction, ae jim
will be along soon with some suggestions.

Cheers Max

Due to the sheer number of tweaking options it's hard to say exactly what to adjust really as it's also down to individual taste/environment as much as anything. If getting calibrated professionally this will take some of the guesswork out of it and, from what I've read from others who've had it done, should bring some of that "3D" character into play. I'm still messing about with things on mine 3 months down the line!

I have nailed down a couple of settings for day/night viewing though, night-time being smoother and easier on the eye though a little "flatter" in appearance. The daytime settings I use, on HD in particular add some of that real 3D "pop" to the image (seeing some of the daylight scenes in Quantum of Solace on Saturday after tweaking really impressed in that respect. I think the key is getting bright, but not overblown whites while having black as dark as possible while keeping enough graduation in the subtle shading (as well as colour balance, which thankfully is pretty good right out of the box on this set). To me on these settings it also looked more detailed as a side-effect, something the smoother, lower contrast settings I use at night (in a barely lit room) seem to blend out to a degree.

I would give the panel time to settle, motion will definitely improve and when the phosphors "burn in" a little more it's easier to do more subtle adjustments - I wouldn't bother touching the expert IRE modes without a meter though!

The more expert opinions than mine seem to hold the screen in high regard for calibrating and it seems to come out favourably against the far more pricey Panasonics, since I can't email directly on here I'll add a snippet from the thorough write-up I took the read-outs from on another thread - this is a calibrator for a plasma retailer, not a reviewer and is just his forum post, if the Mods don't like it please remove! :

(US version is PK550 - styled as the PK590 over here but same internals as PK350)

"There was a Panasonic 50G25 I had just calibrated sitting right next to the PK550. I just couldn't let the opportunity for a comparison slip by.

The thing that jumped out at me first is that the PK550 picks up much more glare than the G25. The G25 is probably the best plasma I have ever seen in that regard. With both sets turned off, the PK550's screen might have been a tiny bit darker with the lights on; but the reflections were much more distracting. The slim PK550 seems to run hotter than the thicker G25, which seems to produce surprisingly little heat. With both sets on but with a black 0% input, the G25 subjectively has slightly darker blacks, and it's blacks were more neutral in color than the PK550's slightly greenish glow. The PK550 seemed to be more susceptible to image retention than the G25.

The PK550 has much smoother pans; the G25's 48Hz mode has too much flicker in my opinion, so I never use it. That gave the PK550 the advantage in handling 1080P/24 Blu Ray motion. The PK550 had bolder colors than the G25, and had a harder edged look with more pop. The G25 looked less contrasty and a bit on the washed out side of neutral in comparison. The G25 had more visible shadow detail, but it was a bit too visible to be truly accurate. The G25 had a slightly greener tinge and paler look to fleshtones. If you are the type of videophile who routinely turns down the color saturation to make various sources more palatable, then the G25's presentation would appeal more to you. On the other hand, lovers of rich and vibrant color tones would be more attracted to the PK550's picture." (Accredited to "Chad B".).

For me, if you want some of the 3D effect give these settings a try, which do not feature any colour adjustments and could definitely be improved upon:

Picture mode: Expert 1

Contrast: 85

Brightness: 53

Colour: 50

Tint: even

Sharpness: Horizontal 45, Vertical 30

Expert settings: Dynamic contrast low, black level low, colour temp warm. (this is from memory so may need to shuffle around a bit - every other enhancement should be off - also try picture setting "Just Scan" for finest detail, though personally I use "Original"). Oh, and try with "Edge enhancer" turned on and off - this can't be turned off in the higher models but in some ways it does the opposite of what it's supposed to - plug a PC input into it and the text is very hard to read as it has that anti-aliased look with enhancer turned on, turn it off and everything is crisp and clear!

AEJim:For me, if you want some of the 3D effect give these settings a try, which do not feature any colour adjustments and could definitely be improved upon:
Picture mode: Expert 1

Contrast: 85

Brightness: 53

Colour: 50

Tint: even

Sharpness: Horizontal 45, Vertical 30

Expert settings: Dynamic contrast low, black level low, colour temp warm. (this is from memory so may need to shuffle around a bit - every other enhancement should be off - also try picture setting "Just Scan" for finest detail, though personally I use "Original"). Oh, and try with "Edge enhancer" turned on and off - this can't be turned off in the higher models but in some ways it does the opposite of what it's supposed to - plug a PC input into it and the text is very hard to read as it has that anti-aliased look with enhancer turned on, turn it off and everything is crisp and clear!


Whoa! OK, gave the above settings a try and they've made a heeeoooge difference to the depth and 3D-type effect. Now starting to see more detail in faces etc, too.

For example, sampled some scenes from PotC I on BD and the scene where Jack Sparrow first appears (when clinging to his boat's mast) now has excellent depth, with Johnny Depp popping out of the screen. Cheers, Jim

However, I'm not sure where to find/how to ID "try picture setting 'Just Scan'"? Please advise. Ta

Beginning to really appreciate this TV, irrespective of its price.

Sorry WHF?S&V, but if the 50PK350 is not being considered for the Best Budget 50in TV category in this year's awards, then another category should be instigated: Most heinous oversight, ever, by a specialist AV publication in the category of Best Budget 50in TV awards
6th.replicant:AEJim:For me, if you want some of the 3D effect give these settings a try, which do not feature any colour adjustments and could definitely be improved upon:

Picture mode: Expert 1

Contrast: 85

Brightness: 53

Colour: 50

Tint: even

Sharpness: Horizontal 45, Vertical 30

Expert settings: Dynamic contrast low, black level low, colour temp warm. (this is from memory so may need to shuffle around a bit - every other enhancement should be off - also try picture setting "Just Scan" for finest detail, though personally I use "Original"). Oh, and try with "Edge enhancer" turned on and off - this can't be turned off in the higher models but in some ways it does the opposite of what it's supposed to - plug a PC input into it and the text is very hard to read as it has that anti-aliased look with enhancer turned on, turn it off and everything is crisp and clear!


Whoa! OK, gave the above settings a try and they've made a heeeoooge difference to the depth and 3D-type effect. Now starting to see more detail in faces etc, too. For example, sampled some scenes from PotC I on BD and the scene where Jack Sparrow first appears (when clinging to his boat's mast) now has excellent depth, with Johnny Depp popping out of the screen. Cheers, Jim
However, I'm not sure where to find/how to ID "try picture setting 'Just Scan'"? Please advise. Ta
Beginning to really appreciate this TV, irrespective of its price.Sorry WHF?S&V, but if the 50PK350 is not being considered for the Best Budget 50in TV category in this year's awards, then another category should be instigated: Most heinous oversight by a specialist AV publication, ever, in the category of Best Budget 50in TV awards

Glad it's working better for you now 6th! You see why I'm so "pro" this TV now - it's up with the best at less than half the price, I just don't want people needlessly spending their hard earned... With regard to the "Just Scan" it's the picture mode right at the top of the options page with brightness/colour etc. "Original" fills the screen well and to me looks the best all-round option, Just Scan is the true "Original" zero overscan mode (despite being rather confusingly labelled!), so you may find this preferable in pure sharpness terms.
6th.replicant:[Sorry WHF?S&V, but if the 50PK350 is not being considered for the Best Budget 50in TV category in this year's awards, then another category should be instigated: Most heinous oversight, ever, by a specialist AV publication in the category of Best Budget 50in TV awards

Tell that to LG, whom have so far failed to provide us one for review. And we've already had to buy one LG TV to test this year....
Clare Newsome:
6th.replicant:[Sorry WHF?S&V, but if the 50PK350 is not being considered for the Best Budget 50in TV category in this year's awards, then another category should be instigated: Most heinous oversight, ever, by a specialist AV publication in the category of Best Budget 50in TV awards

Tell that to LG, whom have so far failed to provide us one for review. And we've already had to buy one LG TV to test this year....

They need a more pro-active PR department I think - most likely focus on shows and dealing with the large retailers rather than the mags who generate the interest in the first place... Something guys like Sony, Pioneer and Marantz have always done quite well.
The PK350 rather confirms what I believe to be a 'hole' in all TV manufacturers' marketing strategies re product lines. That is to say, producing TVs aimed at home cinema enthusiasts, which merely deliver an excellent picture and are devoid of spurious/unnecessary - and fault-inducing? - costly gimmicks/'add ons'.

A savvy marketing-type should instigate maintaining the 'budget' price point but brand the range as 'Home Cinema Pro Essential' or such like, thus lifting the TVs' appeal above that of mere "pile 'em high, sell 'em cheap"-type interweb fodder.
6th.replicant:The PK350 rather confirms what I believe to be a 'hole' in all TV manufacturers' marketing strategies re product lines. That is to say, producing TVs aimed at home cinema enthusiasts, which merely deliver an excellent picture and are devoid of spurious/unnecessary - and fault-inducing? - costly gimmicks/'add ons'. A savvy marketer would instigate maintaining the 'budget' price point but brand the range as 'Home Cinema Pro Essential' or such like, thus lifting the TVs' appeal above that of mere "pile 'em, sell 'em cheap"-type interweb fodder.

Hah, if you go back about 5 months you'll see I started a thread looking for exactly that! With a little research this TV seemed the best bet - but of course does not get the marketing push of the top models unfortunately
6th.replicant:The PK350 rather confirms what I believe to be a 'hole' in all TV manufacturers' marketing strategies re product lines. That is to say, producing TVs aimed at home cinema enthusiasts, which merely deliver an excellent picture and are devoid of spurious/unnecessary - and fault-inducing? - costly gimmicks/'add ons'. A savvy marketer would instigate maintaining the 'budget' price point but brand the range as 'Home Cinema Pro Essential' or such like, thus lifting the TVs' appeal above that of mere "pile 'em, sell 'em cheap"-type interweb fodder.

Hah, if you go back about 5 months you'll see I started a thread looking for exactly that! With a little research this TV seemed the best bet - but of course does not get the marketing push of the top models unfortunately

Take your point, in fact I think I mis-worded my post. In hindsight, I don't think it's a lack-of-marketing issue, more of a branding oversight?

If a TV manufacturer launched a basic spec/high-quality PQ 'Home Cinema Pro Essential' range, perhaps it wouldn't need a mega £s/?s/$s ad spend, because the range would swiftly build a credible reputation via forums such as WHF.com et al?
Clare Newsome:
6th.replicant:[Sorry WHF?S&V, but if the 50PK350 is not being considered for the Best Budget 50in TV category in this year's awards, then another category should be instigated: Most heinous oversight, ever, by a specialist AV publication in the category of Best Budget 50in TV awards

Tell that to LG, whom have so far failed to provide us one for review. And we've already had to buy one LG TV to test this year....

Didn't realise that, obviously.

How stoopid are LG??!!

much obliged 6th

interesting that the close up detail isnt top notch? ive read that these lg's, albeit the 590 are pretty detailed, im sure lg jim, correction, ae jim
will be along soon with some suggestions.

Max how did it go? it was today wasn't it?

yep, i have the v20 here, the new one, too early to say if its up to scratch, ill keep you posted
maxflinn:yep, i have the v20 here, the new one, too early to say if its up to scratch, ill keep you posted

Just to let you guys know that I have also purchased one of these and glad to see there is a thread for it.

I am at work at the moment but I will be going through what has been discussed so far and will be adding my own summary this week.

Had the set for a week, so early doors but I will say how good the HD picture is.

More to follow ...................................
Be good to learn your views, Theo12

Amazon has dropped the price to £554.07 (incl free delivery with Amazon Prime) from £590, the latter being, of course, what I paid a whole four days ago

But Amazon is currently "temporarily out of stock".
AEJim:6th.replicant:AEJim:... also try picture setting "Just Scan" for finest detail, though personally I use "Original"). Oh, and try with "Edge enhancer" turned on and off - this can't be turned off in the higher models but in some ways it does the opposite of what it's supposed to - plug a PC input into it and the text is very hard to read as it has that anti-aliased look with enhancer turned on, turn it off and everything is crisp and clear!
... However, I'm not sure where to find/how to ID "try picture setting 'Just Scan'"? Please advise. Ta
With regard to the "Just Scan" it's the picture mode right at the top of the options page with brightness/colour etc. "Original" fills the screen well and to me looks the best all-round option, Just Scan is the true "Original" zero overscan mode (despite being rather confusingly labelled!), so you may find this preferable in pure sharpness terms.
Tried 'Just Scan'. Excellent. Now seeing much more close-up detail in faces and clothing etc. For example, during PotC's opening ship scene, 'young Elizabeth Swann's' freckles are far more prominent. And during the jetty scene when Jack Sparrow is recruiting, when the old pirate with the parrot opens his mouth to show he's had his tongue cut out, the 'stump' is clearly visible in full gory detail - eww!

Ta, Jim

This TV is brilliant - still can't believe it costs less than £600. And the PQ will be even better after pro calibration
Ok guys, my turn.

First up I have moved from a 32 inch HD ready TV to a 50 inch full HD TV. So some of my observations are affected by this fairly big jump.

Also my opnions regarding performance are blu ray based.

So to get my opnion of SD performance out of the way. DVD is a bit of a climb down although I think both picture tweaking and cailbration may help. That's not to say that I didn't like the DVD play back, just have to get used to the difference between the 2 formats.

TV is supplied through a SCART lead from a Samsung Virgin box and therefore seems very soft. But it is no wonder it seems dissappointing compared to the blu ray playback performance. I think I should wait a few weeks and allow myself to adjust.

Before I bought this set I had the chance to spend an unadulterated 4 hours in front of a V20 courtesy of a friend, whom, at the time was bursting with pride at his new toy. Oh boy was that something. The aesthetic of the design along with an unbelievably good picture was a pleasure to behold. I was gob smacked.

When I got my set home I was also suitably brimming with joy.

Of course immediatlley I set about watching Avatar, closely followed by Baraka and Inglorious Basterds.

I kind of expected to be blown away considering where I had come from TV wise.

It wasn't until this evening watching Dark knight that I appreciated just how it is possible to compare the picture perfornmance of ny TV to the V20. But I will add this comparison is just at Blu ray level. SD TV looked much better on the V20.

I simply cannot emphasise enough that the PK350 produces an incredibly enjoyable, believable and at times downright amazing picture in Full HD.

The Dark Knight for instance, during the early bank raid scene simply looked clean clear and accurate, to the point that I felt that I could not tell the difference between the Pana and this one. It was amazing.

Also some of the helicopter shots used during the early part of dark knight looked surreal in the sense that I had not seen such great pictures on a TV like this before and almost felt like I was in the helicopter. Depth and clarity were really to the fore and treated me to the kind of experience I have been waiting for moving up to a large screen full HD set up.

There have been other highlights, Star Trek 2010 looked superb and so did Wall-E.

But now down to some impotant realisations.

This television sets something of a standard at it's price point. Also regardless of the fact that it is missing many add ons it still represents a serious option to the Panasonic, depending on your requirements. If you have a full HD diet this TV is magnificent, if you don't then there are better options including LCD/LED TV's.

Because I don't know what the expert colour controls do, I am loathe to use them. I tried some of AEJim's recommendations and they worked perfectly although I preferred medium when it came to colour temperature. However I am still definitely going to have it calibrated. Tinkering without proper training is unlikely to work IMO.

Lastly, sitting here now, what a bargain.

Fact 1 50 inches

Fact 2 Excellent PQ for Blu ray

Fact3 £599 in the hand

Fact 4 If WHF want to borrow my set to review, please let me know.

One happy 50PK350 owner at your service

And to sign off "Maxflinn get a demo tout suite, you may just find this is just the ticket for your gap year"
cheers theo, im glad to hear that you are also very happy with your pk350, im not sure what im going to do at the moment, but i will defo have a demo of the lg if needs be
Nice write-up Theo

I think your issue with SD quality is most likely down to the scart connection - it's simply not very good on a screen this size. SD over Sky HD on HDMI looks a little softer but at times can be almost mistaken for HD, depending on the channel quality. I think if you upgraded to the Virgin HD box, funds permitting, you would see a decent improvement as well as having the benefit of the HD channels, I found it pretty pointless on my 32" but since getting the 50" really see the benefits.

On the colur temp - I felt exactly the same as you about using "Normal" over "Warm" - I found the whites brighter and crisper and warm just made everything sort of brown tinged. Having discussed it with a few more knowledgeable people than I, they said that warm was far closer to the industry standard 6500k colour temp and that I'd get used to it pretty quickly - "Normal" actually has a blue tinge to brighten the whites. Now I've changed over the normal setting looks rather artificial and I no longer see the brown on warm - it just looks right. It's down to your personal preference at the end of the day but if you get it calibrated you will end up with something a lot nearer the warm setting!

I'm glad you're enjoying the set - it is a total bargain! If you find it a little bright in a darker room you can turn the contrast down to 75 or so, or even turn on the "Eco" function - this is a simple way of dimming the screen, low or medium are both acceptable without taking too much out of the picture, auto you can see change so it becomes distracting! It would be worth putting some SD content on a disk and playing it through your Blu-Ray player to see if you'd get better over a HDMI, I've found SD surprisingly good on this set for the size.
maxflinn:cheers theo, im glad to hear that you are also very happy with your pk350, im not sure what im going to do at the moment, but i will defo have a demo of the lg if needs be

Hey Max, just be aware that if you have a demo in a shop - you have a choice of two settings when you first turn the screen on, I think it's "Normal" or "Shop Mode", if they've chosen shop mode you'll most likely have a horrible "Vivid" style pic... Just something to bear in mind!
maxflinn:cheers theo, im glad to hear that you are also very happy with your pk350, im not sure what im going to do at the moment, but i will defo have a demo of the lg if needs be

Hey Max, just be aware that if you have a demo in a shop - you have a choice of two settings when you first turn the screen on, I think it's "Normal" or "Shop Mode", if they've chosen shop mode you'll most likely have a horrible "Vivid" style pic... Just something to bear in mind!

hi jim, the first thing i do when demoing is mug the salesman for the remote, and change things around
, i may have to drive to dublin, a 200 mile round trip, to demo one, but if i need to i will, all this positivity regarding this tv has me very curious
, id love to see one in action, i wonder how the pk590, pk990 fared in the supertest? i cant wait till tmw when i can buy the mag

I really want you to see one of these sets in action, but my heart goes out to you when you mentioned the 200 mile round trip. So all I can say is your call. The last thing I want to hear is "thanks lads nice TV shame about the petrol bill" and then you decide not to buy. Godd hunting


Thanks for the reply, I am going to watch 2 scenes from Star Trek again to consider the colour temperature. Then I am going to play with a film called The Fall. It has some absolutely stunning cinematography both in terms of location and framing as well as brilliant use of colour.


Don't want to borrow the set then?


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