MarkJones83 said:
I am taking on board your opinions, I just wonder if it's necessary for you to sound quite so aggressive - this is obviously a bug bear of yours
Sorry Mark, I did try to keep my replies to you, as a new enthusiast, sensible and polite but sometimes the message is a tough one to take and nobody likes to hear that they have blown a substantial amount of cash on something that is really not what they expect or want. I try and save my ire for the more experienced enthusiasts who post on here and really should know better.
I know you 'just want it to work' and I sympathise with that, but there are really only two ways of putting together a system that is going work well and give you exactly what you want.
Either you take your time and learn a little about how this equipment works, what makes it good (or not so good) and aquire some 'system building' skills that will allow you to select an appropriate system or at least put you on the road to achieving such a system or,
You find a competent dealer and let him take you through the basics and then show you the kind of options that are available to you for your current budget and outline how that system can be improved on, if that is your inclination.
If you are really interested in this hobby, (music and hi-fi) then asking your mates or people on fora like this is only going to be of limited use as the advice given regarding specific components is going to be contradictory and reflect their requirements, not yours.
I have refrained from making any specific recommendations as I am pretty sure that my choices of components would not give you what you want so I will repeat what I said above, find a good dealer and get him to demonstrate the kind of options that available to you.
Apologies for the lecture, I'm an ex dealer and tend to go on a bit, sorry......