Gazzip said:
The ABX testing refered to here applies to power amplification stages. Think of pre amplification as malt whiskey and power amplification as pure water. As long as it is pure the water will taste the same wherever it comes from. However adding different malts from different distilleries will dramatically alter the flavour of the resulting drink.
Actually, if the manufacturer hasn't tampered with the preamp intentionally, it should have no sonic character and it is a pretty simple gain stage with small power requirements.
On the other hand the power amp requires a lot of power because speakers are essentially a short circuit like an electric heater. Everytime the speaker resistance (impedance) drops, we are getting closer to absolute dead short of 0 ohms. The amplifier needs to have large power reserves (very good PSU) and always deliver sufficient current so the voltage rails wont sag. If the voltage rails sag, the amplifier no longer maintains a flat frequency response (nondeviated original signal) and starts changing the sonic character and if pushed further, it enters clipping.
The best amplifier is a wire with a volume knob. This is only possible with amplifiers ignorant of loudspeaker impedance changes and the perfect amplifier is an endless reserve of power and nothing else. It's not a musical instrument. However, some like flavored water and some like it pure. Everyone has the freedom of spending their money any way they prefer.
Your Brystons and the Electrocompaniet Nemos are well regarded as 'can't be bothered' with what speakers they drive.