JMR anyone?


New member
Apr 12, 2014
Hi all,

I've become pretty obsessed with Sonus Faber lately. Currently using Toy Towers and love their warmth and easy sound. Unfortunately moving up through the range gets out of budget pretty quickly. Another brand that is regarded as having a warm and forgiving nature is JMR. They're reported to be a bit more lively than Sonus Faber which could be a good thing. I have a pre owned pair of Bliss Silver coming to me next week that I may or may not keep. Anyone have any experience with the brand please? I'll be using a Unitiqute 2/ Nap 100 combo to drive them. Thanks.
I auditioned a pair of JMR Bliss standmounts a couple of weeks ago, with exactly UQ2+nap 100, and for my tastes they did everything right, with 2 minor quibbles: 1 they're huge, and 2, I thought they would be tiresome over long listening sessions. They weren't overly sybillant or anything, but the top seemed a bit hard. Other then that, they're some of the best standmounts I heard - their timing, imaging and their way with music is amazing. Let us know what you make of them.
That sounds promising thanks! I had seen some of your posts recommending them. Was it the regular bliss or the bliss silvers you tried. I've read that the silvers have a more refined top end, it may make them less tiring.

They certainly are large cabinets, my previous SCM11s were quite large too so I'm hoping it won't be too much of a shock.
ChrisIRL said: previous SCM11s were quite large too so I'm hoping it won't be too much of a shock. 
I've been out of the loop for a while....what was it about the ATCs that didn't work for you?
I miss the ATCs a lot, but kids getting mobile made me think floor standers would be a safer option. I came across an extremely nice pair of JMRs however for a very good price. Have to try them and make them as kid friendly as possible if keepers. My time with Sonus Faber has also given me an appreciation of a warmer presentation.
Thx for the clarification.

IMO. A Standmount Blu-Tak'd to a fairly wide, solid stand, can be more stable than a narrowish Floorstander.

I have some LS50s B.Tak'd on Atacama Stands (the bottom of which are themselves Blu-Tak'd to a Granite slab....instead of using spikes). The whole thing is very solid.
Oh I'll be blutacing galore. It's what I should have done with the ATCs. Then again I would never have experienced this lovely SF warmth. In fact I think I might prefer a warmer presentation more than I realised. Sometimes we get sucked into the whole analytical thing because it's in fashion. By all accounts JMR are a nice mix of the two. Warm yet fast and detailed.
I agree.

I don't like mixing all analytical components....For me, it's either neutral speakers with an organic amp; or a neutral amp with some warmth in the speakers

If the sound is akin to scooping your brain out of your ears with an ice axe, then the system won't be played very often (and certainly not at volume).
ChrisIRL said:
That sounds promising thanks! I had seen some of your posts recommending them. Was it the regular bliss or the bliss silvers you tried. I've read that the silvers have a more refined top end, it may make them less tiring.

They certainly are large cabinets, my previous SCM11s were quite large too so I'm hoping it won't be too much of a shock.

It was the regular bliss standmounts, cheapest in the JMR range. I also auditioned ATC SCM11 curved a week or so before that, and I didn't find them tiring at all, but I felt they needed a little more power then my combo could muster (even tried bi-amping them, but something was lost imo). JMR did PRaT with ease, though.


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