Demo of speakers

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Audioholic said:
Have you thought about trying to listen to an old i model. The PB1i signature springs to mind. That will give you the fullness you are after.

This is a very good idea I can tell you from personal experience that the PB1i's are an exceptional pair of speakers that will probably be more balanced than the 26's and the SF's imo of course *smile*.

Considering they were £6995 at the end of their production they are now an absolute bargain at £5499 brand new from Fanthorpes not the signature version but there is little difference apart from the finish.
Womaz said:
I have sort of decided it is between the SFs and the PMC26s as sometime you just have to stop reading reviews and listening to loads of speakers. Its also difficult up here in the NE to do that at times anyway.

I know exactly what you mean.

The Olympicas have really grown on me, they might not be as accurate as the PMC brand but they seem more enjoyable to me. I have the 26s arriving for a home demo in the next couple of weeks so i guess I will make my fibal decision then.

Right now I feel the sweet sound of the Olympicas will be hard to get rid of......oh and they are probably the best looking speaker I have ever seen.

Yes, the SF's are a work of art... keep us posted on your final decision.

I appreciate all the replies suggesting the PB1 model but I am at the stage where I need to pull the trigger.

The SFs are a significant step up from the 23s so I was very tempted to go for them as in my opinion they are worth the extra expense.

What is stopping me right now is that when i put the 23s back in I still like something about them. They just seem faster and a little more exciting. The SFs are a much better speaker but the 23s definitely have something they dont have, which is why i feel I need to hear the 26.

My gut feeling is the sweet treble of the Olympica will sway me towards them
CnoEvil said:
IMO. Always go with the most emotive gives more pleasure in the long term.

Hi Cno, my old friend *biggrin*

Yes I will ultimatley go for the speaker I enjoy the most.......right now I think that will be the Olympicas as I love the treble. Of course the 26 may better it.

I hope that you are well and good to see you are still contributing on here. You helped me a lot in my early hifi days
Womaz said:
CnoEvil said:
IMO. Always go with the most emotive gives more pleasure in the long term.

Hi Cno, my old friend *biggrin*

Yes I will ultimatley go for the speaker I enjoy the most.......right now I think that will be the Olympicas as I love the treble. Of course the 26 may better it.

I hope that you are well and good to see you are still contributing on here. You helped me a lot in my early hifi days
Thank you for your kind words.

It is my very personal opinion that "spec chasing" and getting fixated on measurements, neutrality and distortion etc. Is missing the point of what music is all about.

Clean accurate amps combined with "musical" speakers, is a very addictive also works the other way round.

Given the care you are taking, I know you will make the right choice...go with the heart (and the SFs *diablo* )
CnoEvil said:
Womaz said:
Yes Cno, I was beginning to wonder where you were hiding... I guess there haven't been too many topics to spark your enthusiasm?

Well I hope it's that and not your back problems reoccurring.


CnoEvil said:
IMO. Always go with the most emotive gives more pleasure in the long term.

Hi Cno, my old friend *biggrin*

Yes I will ultimatley go for the speaker I enjoy the most.......right now I think that will be the Olympicas as I love the treble. Of course the 26 may better it.

I hope that you are well and good to see you are still contributing on here. You helped me a lot in my early hifi days
Thank you for your kind words.

It is my very personal opinion that "spec chasing" and getting fixated on measurements, neutrality and distortion etc. Is missing the point of what music is all about.

Clean accurate amps combined with "musical" speakers, is a very addictive also works the other way round.

Given the care you are taking, I know you will make the right choice...go with the heart (and the SFs *diablo* )
Macspur said:
Yes Cno, I was beginning to wonder where you were hiding... I guess there haven't been too many topics to spark your enthusiasm?

Well I hope it's that and not your back problems reoccurring.

Hi Mac, my friend,

I have been in good form and recently back from a weeks skiing.

I look in on the forum most days but have found little that, as you say, sparks enthusiasm.
CnoEvil said:
Macspur said:
Yes Cno, I was beginning to wonder where you were hiding... I guess there haven't been too many topics to spark your enthusiasm?

Well I hope it's that and not your back problems reoccurring.

Hi Mac, my friend,

I have been in good form and recently back from a weeks skiing.

I look in on the forum most days but have found little that, as you say, sparks enthusiasm.

Skiing hey! you must be in fine fettle! good stuff.

Nar, not too much to get over excited by... how I long for the days of Roby and Alex.

Do you belong to any other HiFi forums?

Macspur said:
Skiing hey! you must be in fine fettle! good stuff.

Nar, not too much to get over excited by... how I long for the days of Roby and Alex.

Do you belong to any other HiFi forums?


I go 4 days a week to a Gym, which allows me to remain pretty active.

As for other forums, I'm tempted to join Snowheads, which is a skiing seems to have the enthusiasm, knowledge, patience and spirit of helpfulness that I find somewhat lacking here. I have been skiing for over 40 even longer than being into Hifi.

Apologies to OP for diversion.
Macspur said:
Nar, not too much to get over excited by... how I long for the days of Roby and Alex.

Although I wasn’t around in the fabled days of Roby and Alex, I too find the forum less interesting these days, and probably for the same reasons as you guys. There seem to be fewer people buying kit at the (shall we say) non-budget and non-mid-fi end of the price bracket. Fewer people also seem to want to put in the hours to demo a wide range of kit. Fair enough, people are busy.

I suspect there are a few things going on in the background:

1. Hi-fi continues to grow less fashionable year on year: people don’t sit and listen to music at home so much (more fool them, I say, but that’s the way it is)

2. People have less disposable income due to the huge increases in house prices in the UK

3. Technology is evolving. Streaming services are now the norm. The CDP is less in demand. So are the big expensive boxes made by Linn and Naim. Does a Google Chromecast Audio perform at the same level as a Linn Majik DS or even an Auralic Aries Mini? Maybe not, but the price differences really are laughable.

4. Active speakers. Yes, I’m sorry to raise this one yet again, but I really do think there are some splendid active systems out there that perform at a very high level.

In other words, traditional hi-fi separates systems are under attack from several different directions.
The PMC 26s arrived earlier today
Well a few hours listening now and this could be a difficult choice The 26s are also excellent and a massive step up from the 23s. My first impression was that some of the brightness was back but not sure that's the case after a few more hours.The treble on the 26s is a massive improvement on the 23s so that's a really nice surprise. I think the bass is tighter and works better in my room that the SFs , maybe it's the front porting ...not sure. But I definitely like the bass more.The 26s don't have the sweet smooth sound of the SFs though, and I am definitely missing that right I will of course listen more.
Very interesting: a much more even comparison than the 23s of course.

Do you still have the SFs at home? If so, you have a wonderfully accommodating dealer!
matt49 said:
Very interesting: a much more even comparison than the 23s of course.

Do you still have the SFs at home? If so, you have a wonderfully accommodating dealer!

yes I have them still and the dealer is excellent, goes way beyond the call of duty

The treble on these 26s is in a different league to the 23s. It's going to be an interesting few days
A further update

Think the Olympicas have a better room filing sound than the 26s.

The 26s sound more boxy to me , like I know the sound is comimg from the speaker.
With the Olympicas the instrument separation seems better too, and music seems to come at me from all angles, if that makes sense
That tallies with my experience of the Olympica II: a lovely speaker. It seems like SF are still producing speakers that have that wonderfully open and easy tone.
Womaz said:
matt49 said:
Very interesting: a much more even comparison than the 23s of course.

Do you still have the SFs at home? If so, you have a wonderfully accommodating dealer!

yes I have them still and the dealer is excellent, goes way beyond the call of duty

The treble on these 26s is in a different league to the 23s. It's going to be an interesting few days

How about giving the dealer a well earned plug.

Yes I think thats a good call. The dealer is HiFI Sounds in Stockton. They really have gone out of their way to help me. Drove up to my place, which is about a 90 mile round trip. to deliver the demo speakers/ Also did a good 3 hour demo at the shop, where you are just left alone to listen to music at your own pace.

Second time I have used them and last time was exactly the same. Excellent service.
Ok this is now getting really interesting. I have had the PMC 26s in now almost exclusively for 3 days.
Today I put the Olympicas back in and it took me back to a month ago when I first started this search. They sounded a little dull and all I could hear was the bass. I am now starting to think that you just get used to a speaker and then when you put another one in the system you get a bit of a shock.The Olympicas definitely have a lovely sweet treble and they beat the PMCs i think in this area, but the 26s treble is a massive improvement on my 23s.For me though tonight the Olympicas have definitely lost a bit of clarity and detail compared to the PMC. Also the bass for me can sometimes just make everything else seem cloudy if that makes sense. Whereas the PMC26s have a really good tight controlled bass. So the bass to me sounds much better. My daughter disagrees as she likes the bass pumping.One thing I really dislike with the PMCs is the plinth and the spikes. For me on a speaker costing this much this is a poor effort. They are one big brute of a speaker to sit on the spikes supplied. The Olympicas definitely have a better finish and look too.......but is that really important......probably not if they sound the best. I also have to have the bass at -3db on the Olympicas whereas the PMCs need no adjuestment. I also have to pull the olympicas right off the back wall again to tame the bass, so i think i am having to make a lot of adjustments just to go with my room. I have not even tried SAM on the PMCs as I cant be bothered with that configurator and switching back and forth. Of course the SAM is set to 0% on the Olymicas anyway to tame the bass. I could live with either of these speakers as they are both excellent , but quite different at the same time......the exciting thing for me is I am going to own one of them soon. Although right now I have no idea which one.
Well, one thing you do know is that you're in the best position possible to judge. You have both pairs of speakers at home, and you have time to listen.

Ultimately it's going to be your decision alone and your responsibility alone (well, unless your daughter gets a say). *bomb*
IMO. There is something in what you say about getting used to a sound. If you listen to the SFs for 3 days, the PMCs will probably sound a little forward and lean. There is also the fact that certain presentations suit certain genres of music....mood also plays a factor.
Ok today I took delivery of my new Olympicas........a good feeling
For me they pipped the 26s , they are exceptional with vocals , giving a lovely full soundThe bass has much more authority' and weight although it is not as tight and controlled as the 26s IMO.The Olympicas sweet treble makes the acoustic guitar a joy to listen to. Percussion is excellent too and has real slam. The PMCs are excellent too ,but when I put the Olymoicas back in I realised it was the room filing sound that I missed the most. They do that so much better than the 26s.When you listen you have no idea where the speakers are as the room seems to have music coming from every angle. The 26s in comparison seem boxy. In the end I went for the speaker I enjoyed the most.
I'm a long-term user of sonus faber. Mine will be eighteen years old this year, and I still can't really fault them. I realise they are far from their top flight models, but were the best I could afford (the grand piano floor standers) .

Every so often I go to a demo of something new, like Linn Akubarik or KEF Blade and rarely feel that I'm missing out.

A few years ago I heard the PMC twenty series when they were launched. I like them all, and slightly favoured the smaller ones (21 and 23, I think). Subsequently, I enjoyed an afternoon with the fact .8 on the end of a Naim system as part of a Chord cable demo. I loved them! Last Sunday, I very much liked the 26 at the Bristol show. So, I'm a bit of a fan, though I'd not contemplate changing my current system piece meal.

Having also heard Devialet several times, they are pretty much my dream amp, and I can't imagine anything better than sf to go with them. Especially with SAM tuning. I'm sure the Olympicas are keepers!

Many thanks for a great thread!


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