Is the resurgence of vinyl LP's a fad?

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You don't need SACD or Blu-ray for 192/24 bit. In face SACD is not 192/24, its DSD format.
You can stream or purchase 192/24 high res music
Well yes, I am aware that super audio CD sample rates and bit rates don't directly translate to a 192/24 file. but I still love the quality of a super audio CD.

just bringing up an example of my preference for high-resolution music, be it DVD, audio, super audio, CD, Blu-ray, audio, or files that are downloadable or streaming in high resolution lossless 192/24

Super audio CDs DSD direct stream digital playback was fascinating to me when it came out because of the amount of information it could hold, and the incredible sample rates that were being used to reproduce the analog audio digitally... in addition to the multichannel potential.

Buy then I got into DVD audio, and to be honest, I was just as satisfied with the results of 5.1 playback a day, 192 kHz 24-bit audio track tracks

So, i’m just listing it amongst the beautiful ways in which we were first offered high-resolution audio digitally
I am a huge advocate of the technology, be it super audio CD, all the way to high resolution FLAC audio

I wish every album was released digitally in at least 96/24

I remember when the Beatles released the remasters of all of their albums back in 2009,

they released them on a USB stick in 44/24

And I loved the quality, but I was a bit disappointed. They didn’t up the sample rates.

Which eventually they started to do
Here we are 15 years later and we are seeing it more widespread now than ever

Very passionate about it
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“Many people out there are set in their ways”

That’s rich.
It's people stuck in the past, who are set in their ways. I readily adopt new and better ways of accessing music and other modern areas of technology. I'm an IT manager for a bank and it's impossible to be set in your ways, because the demands of society and the infrastructure we all depend upon, are always changing. You have to change also, or you get left behind. There are many people set in their ways on here and I would call them Luddites and they will get left behind eventually. I'm often surprised they have the interest and inclination to actually use the internet to talk bollox on a forum. Are you suggesting I discard all my modern technology and start buying LPs and other stuff from the dark ages?
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Jan 24, 2014
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It's people stuck in the past, who are set in their ways. I readily adopt new and better ways of accessing music and other modern areas of technology. I'm an IT manager for a bank and it's impossible to be set in your ways, because the demands of society and the infrastructure we all depend upon, are always changing. You have to change also, or you get left behind. There are many people set in their ways on here and I would call them Luddites and they will get left behind eventually. I'm often surprised they have the interest and inclination to actually use the internet to talk bollox on a forum. Are you suggesting I discard all my modern technology and start buying LPs and other stuff from the dark ages?
“Are you suggesting I discard all my modern technology and start buying LPs and other stuff from the dark ages?”

No, I’m suggesting that you enjoy music reproduced how you like it, and let others do the same without criticism. This apparently is beyond you, ie, set in your ways.


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We are all contributing to this forum, to discuss HIFI related topics and it's obvious we won't agree on many subjects, but if you enjoy LPs and won't consider any other method of music reproduction, you are 'set in your ways'. I only attempt to offer the possibility that LP lovers have closed their minds to any other way of doing things. The world gives you an easier way of listening to music and at higher quality, but you shun this method. That is being 'set in your ways'.
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I'm really not here to tell people how to enjoy their music and don't see them as inferior beings. It does seem strange people are still listening to vinyl when it is an inferior format and has no advantage over modern things. This thread is all to do with the resurgance of vinyl being a fad and I believe it is. People have been convinced it sounds better, but it doesn't and they've also been convinced it's the best lifestyle choice these days. If you want to invest in old technology and receive inferior sound quality, then fill your boots, but most people in the modern world would consider old kit and technology to be a step back. The reluctance to engage with the modern world and adopt new things does seem stubborn and I think many fear change. I think many people are set in their ways and are missing out on some fantastic technology. I'm not here to convert people, but I do think they are missing out on an exciting time to be involved with music and its reproduction. If an even easier way of accessing music arrived and at even better quality, then I would give it a go. Humans are curious by nature, that's how we've evolved as a species. It's not just music, but it's art and science and wondering about the world around you. I can't relate to people who want to stick their heads in the sand and hope the new world goes away and leaves them alone to enjoy their familiar and old fashioned way of life. It is sad in a way. I can open Spotify on 4 devices and play any track, within 2 seconds, out of nearly 100 million and at better quality than vinyl. How is that a bad thing and not be something to get involved with? It's great and people are denying themselves so much quality and ease of use, because they are stubborn and set in their ways.
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Jan 24, 2014
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We are all contributing to this forum, to discuss HIFI related topics and it's obvious we won't agree on many subjects, but if you enjoy LPs and won't consider any other method of music reproduction, you are 'set in your ways'. I only attempt to offer the possibility that LP lovers have closed their minds to any other way of doing things. The world gives you an easier way of listening to music and at higher quality, but you shun this method. That is being 'set in your ways'.
“but if you enjoy LPs and won't consider any other method of music reproduction, you are 'set in your ways'. “

Who says I won’t consider other methods of music reproduction? I listen to CD’s and stream, I just happen to prefer vinyl. I’ve said before that CD’s offer a more accurate sound, imo, but for me I prefer the sound of vinyl, simple as that. Now, you might not like it, but constantly restating the same thing over and over, hurling insults (luddites), tarring everyone with the same brush ( it’s just a fad, you’re all stupid, it’s not HiFi) is totally missing the point. You just need to accept the fact that many of us (for genuine reasons) prefer vinyl. At the end of the day, I very much doubt you’re going to change anyone’s mind.


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CDs offer a more accurate sound, but you prefer the sound of vinyl? I honestly wouldn't trust your opinion on any product designed to recreate the emotion and essence of any recording already available, or anything released in the future. I think the new generation puts convenience before quality, that's why many people stream at medium quality, via their average sounding earphones. Vinyl offers neither convenience, nor sound quality, compared to a state of the art streaming amp etc.
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Jan 24, 2014
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CDs offer a more accurate sound, but you prefer the sound of vinyl? I honestly wouldn't trust your opinion on any product designed to recreate the emotion and essence of any recording already available, or anything released in the future.
“I honestly wouldn't trust your opinion on any product designed to recreate the emotion and essence of any recording already available, or anything released in the future.”
I’m ok with that. Is that the end of it? Or will you never accept other people’s choices?


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I think LPs will survive as long as people are convinced it's a fashionable thing to listen to and eventually they will realise it's not the means to the end they expected. Many new to HIFI will abandon LPs, when they finally realise the new stuff is actually going to give them what they wanted in the first place, better sound quality, not an alternative lifestyle. Isn't the whole point of enjoying music, getting closer to the original recording? Why are people denying themselves a closer approximation of their favourite artist's work? Bonkers. Click, hiss, click, hiss, click, hiss, click. 'I'm more than happy to get a worse experience and more than willing to pay more for it' Hmmm.
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You already do you listen to Spotify. Bonkers
Vinyl won't sound as good as Spotify, even with older, analog recordings. An LP cannot hold as nuch information as a digital file of any recording, new or old. I also play CDs and they also sound much better than vinyl. I'm hoping Spotify release a new package, which includes lots of clicks and pops and surface noise to all the quality, well produced music I listen to. Bonkers.


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“'I'm more than happy to get a worse experience and more than willing to pay more for it' Hmmm.”

Who are you to say how we experience our music? That’s very presumptuous, and frankly, ignorant.
I really don't care how people listen to their music, but I like to state facts and the fact is, vinyl sounds inferior to CD and newer, higher resolution formats. LPs will stick around for a while, but in 20 years people will want higher quality sound and delivered in a more convenient way. Digital files, across wireless connections is the future and I hope I live long enough to prove it.
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Vinyl won't sound as good as Spotify, even with older, analog recordings. An LP cannot hold as nuch information as a digital file of any recording, new or old. I also play CDs and they also sound much better than vinyl. I'm hoping Spotify release a new package, which includes lots of clicks and pops and surface noise to all the quality, well produced music I listen to. Bonkers.
I said nothing of the sound quality difference . I insinuated you listen to outdated “rubbish” format.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2014
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I really don't care how people listen to their music, but I like to state facts and the fact is, vinyl sounds inferior to CD and newer, higher resolution formats. LPs will stick around for a while, but in 30 years people will want higher quality sound and delivered in a more convenient way. Digital files, across wireless conections is the future and I hope I live long enough to prove it.
“I really don't care how people listen to their music,”

And yet, you’re more than happy to insult them, hmm.

And it’s ‘connections’, since you like your accuracy
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I said nothing of the sound quality difference . I insinuated you listen to outdated “rubbish” format.
State of the art music servers and distribution across high bandwidth connections? No, you've missed something crucial, it's the 80 year old vinyl nonsense that's the rubbish format. There are ZERO advantages to vinyl when it comes to the accurate playback of audio.


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“I really don't care how people listen to their music,”

And yet, you’re more than happy to insult them, hmm.

And it’s ‘connections’, since you like your accuracy
(Abuse deleted by moderation.)

This is what I typed:

I really don't care how people listen to their music, but I like to state facts and the fact is, vinyl sounds inferior to CD and newer, higher resolution formats. LPs will stick around for a while, but in 20 years people will want higher quality sound and delivered in a more convenient way. Digital files, across wireless connections is the future and I hope I live long enough to prove it.
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State of the art music servers and distribution across high bandwidth connections? No, you've missed something crucial, it's the 80 year old vinyl nonsense that's the rubbish format. There are ZERO advantages to vinyl when it comes to the accurate playback of audio.
your defending a point I didnt make.

Spotify uses an inferior sound codec. Thats worst the mp3 in some cases
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It's amazing how many people on this forum are so misinformed about technology and how things work. I've always said you can't win an argument with someone who's stupid and this forum proves that time and time again.


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