Hi questQuestForThe13thNote said:Dedicated. Are you making any money out of it yet?
kiss these manufacturers arses and they will love you but don’t cross that line in any shape or form as this is a hard market and it’s just about sales. That would be my perception of the industry and if I could ever give anyone any advice.
Andrewjvt said:Hi questQuestForThe13thNote said:Dedicated. Are you making any money out of it yet?
kiss these manufacturers arses and they will love you but don’t cross that line in any shape or form as this is a hard market and it’s just about sales. That would be my perception of the industry and if I could ever give anyone any advice.
Please explain what you mean about crossing the line?
I saw someone filming in one room but couldn’t decide if it was you. When I next looked, you/they had gone!ellisdj said:Just finished up Day one - same as last year its a Great show with some stunning sound.
I have videod a lot of it but if your considering attending tomorrow its well worth it.
Some stunning systems to listen to and a great overall friendly vibe.
nopiano said:I saw someone filming in one room but couldn’t decide if it was you. When I next looked, you/they had gone!ellisdj said:Just finished up Day one - same as last year its a Great show with some stunning sound.
I have videod a lot of it but if your considering attending tomorrow its well worth it.
Some stunning systems to listen to and a great overall friendly vibe.
Might write more another day, but two stand out sessions for me:-
1. A talk from a record producer/Engineer I’d never heard of, Mike Valentine, who started Chasing The Dragon records five years ago. Makes direct cut LPs - you’ll remember Sheffield Labs if you’re ancient like me. Also he makes reel to reel copies and CDs. Showed us period Neumann valve mikes worth ten grand a pop, binaural mikes, all played gorgeously through £20k Magneplanars and Brinkmann Spyder turntable.
2. Absolute Sounds’ Dcs Vivaldi 1 cd/sacd streamer, Dac thingy, into d’Agostino Progression monobloks (500 Watts each side) into Wilson Audio Alexia Series 2. OMG just about sums it up. Seriously realistic recordings from June Tabor, the Royal Concertgebouw, (both regular cd and sacd respectively) and an electronic construction recording, lastly Tosca taped personally by Peter McGrath at Miami Opera, his home town. Colossal dynamic range, utterly effortless, staggering.
And at sensible money, the WHF award winning Revel Concerta2 standmout speakers sounded way better than they had any right to in a small room driven by the new Primare I35 Prisma amp. Reminded me of KEF Ref 1 at about a fifth of the price. Superb.
Talking of KEF they had two rooms. An empty and none too pleasant sounding one with Reference 5 in, and a smaller one completely packed out to hear the wireless LS50s. They were playing the limited edition ones that look like they came off the Alien spaceship!
ellisdj said:nopiano said:I saw someone filming in one room but couldn’t decide if it was you. When I next looked, you/they had gone!ellisdj said:Just finished up Day one - same as last year its a Great show with some stunning sound.
I have videod a lot of it but if your considering attending tomorrow its well worth it.
Some stunning systems to listen to and a great overall friendly vibe.
Might write more another day, but two stand out sessions for me:-
1. A talk from a record producer/Engineer I’d never heard of, Mike Valentine, who started Chasing The Dragon records five years ago. Makes direct cut LPs - you’ll remember Sheffield Labs if you’re ancient like me. Also he makes reel to reel copies and CDs. Showed us period Neumann valve mikes worth ten grand a pop, binaural mikes, all played gorgeously through £20k Magneplanars and Brinkmann Spyder turntable.
2. Absolute Sounds’ Dcs Vivaldi 1 cd/sacd streamer, Dac thingy, into d’Agostino Progression monobloks (500 Watts each side) into Wilson Audio Alexia Series 2. OMG just about sums it up. Seriously realistic recordings from June Tabor, the Royal Concertgebouw, (both regular cd and sacd respectively) and an electronic construction recording, lastly Tosca taped personally by Peter McGrath at Miami Opera, his home town. Colossal dynamic range, utterly effortless, staggering.
And at sensible money, the WHF award winning Revel Concerta2 standmout speakers sounded way better than they had any right to in a small room driven by the new Primare I35 Prisma amp. Reminded me of KEF Ref 1 at about a fifth of the price. Superb.
Talking of KEF they had two rooms. An empty and none too pleasant sounding one with Reference 5 in, and a smaller one completely packed out to hear the wireless LS50s. They were playing the limited edition ones that look like they came off the Alien spaceship!
I was literally hard at it all day. Go to speak to lots of people and had a few really lovely comments made to me by random strangers who have been watching. Really rewarding comments actually.
Yeah the wilson demo is epic and the Magico demo also epic. Not to mention the big YG Acoustics Nagra Room. In the flesh those speakers are Mega.
But aside from these super systems there is lots of great sound at the show.
I will do a write up but lots of vids to make and commentate my thoughts on. Also 1 more day to go. Cant sleep head still spinning. Or might be the cheeky disarono and coke I had with dinner 🙂
nopiano said:.........And at sensible money, the WHF award winning Revel Concerta2 standmout speakers sounded way better than they had any right to in a small room driven by the new Primare I35 Prisma amp. Reminded me of KEF Ref 1 at about a fifth of the price. Superb.
gowiththeflow said:nopiano said:.........And at sensible money, the WHF award winning Revel Concerta2 standmout speakers sounded way better than they had any right to in a small room driven by the new Primare I35 Prisma amp. Reminded me of KEF Ref 1 at about a fifth of the price. Superb.
They had those Revel Concerta2 M16's driven by the previous model Primare i32 last year.
Despite all the £30,000 to £200,000 plus set-ups, I rated it in my 3 or 4 best sounding systems I heard at the show. The others all cost mega bucks.
I'm going tomorrow (sunday) by the way.
ellisdj said:Its funny because 2 people presenting different demos said the same thing which exaplins things nicely why these super systems are important.
They demonstrate just how far the art has come and demonstrate what is capable today from a hifi system.
That in itself is worth attending to hear.
Indded, I headed there first too, as was keen to see what they’d done to my amplifier. The chap said it was better but existing customers are so happy with what they have they aren’t expecting a rush to upgrade. The speakers were a complete surprise though. Simply superb.Gazzip said:gowiththeflow said:nopiano said:.........And at sensible money, the WHF award winning Revel Concerta2 standmout speakers sounded way better than they had any right to in a small room driven by the new Primare I35 Prisma amp. Reminded me of KEF Ref 1 at about a fifth of the price. Superb.
They had those Revel Concerta2 M16's driven by the previous model Primare i32 last year.
Despite all the £30,000 to £200,000 plus set-ups, I rated it in my 3 or 4 best sounding systems I heard at the show. The others all cost mega bucks.
I'm going tomorrow (sunday) by the way.
+1. That Revel Primare setup was the first system I listened to last year and it set the bar very high.
nopiano said:Talking of KEF they had two rooms. An empty and none too pleasant sounding one with Reference 5 in...
ellisdj said:Big chord system Cno
Yes, as above a Chord amp , DAC and CD player. Wasn’t being played in earnest, but distinctly uninspiring. A terrible room though, with all sorts of panels scattered around. Not remotely like any living room I’ve ever seen!CnoEvil said:nopiano said:Talking of KEF they had two rooms. An empty and none too pleasant sounding one with Reference 5 in...
Did you see what system they were on the end of?
ellisdj said:Big chord system Cno
ellisdj said:Big chord system Cno