HELP! - New to Hi Fi


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've been reading posts and researching and saving up money for months now and I am ready to plunge into Hi Fi.

I am considering the CA 650A and 650C combo.

But I don't know where to start with speakers, I know WHIFI recommends the MA BR2s, but what are people's opinions about pairing up the CA combo with MA RX6s? Is that overboard? Any other speakers that people have tried or recommmend?

I will start auditioning this week.
I am to considering the MA CA combo, i have read that both a quite bright so that could be a problem.

I think it might be easier to decided on speakers you like first, and then find the electronics to match.
Hi firstly have you considered using your pc or ps3 (if you have one) as your music source? if so by connecting the source to an external dac, then you will bypass the sound card by either connecting a usb cable from the computer to the dac or an optical cable.

Secondly you ask about speakers, it really depends on what you are after i.e. do you room to move the speakers away from the back wall and preferably further away from side walls? if so, then you might like to consider floorstanders.

The speakers you mentioned are a little bright, i.e. the treble is a little more forward and the same is true for CA electronics. However I can't say how these two would sound together. I do think you should consider other amps to though but then it becomes a question of do you want to go second hand?

Also what is your overall budget?
Thanks for the quick replies. I may restructure my plan and consider the above options. It feels overwhelming with all the knowledge required and combinations when starting with hi-fi! My budget is $3000 - 3500 (Canadian $) approx. 1800 - 2100 pounds.
It seems overwhelming at first I know lol but you quickly grow into it, so what room are you going to put the hi fi in and how big is the room?
It will be the general sitting room,. My room is presently 14 ft 18 ft, but I intend on changing apartments soon.
Try and listen to the Rotel RA04 as an alternative to the cambridge amp - horses for courses, but I prefer the Rotel sound to Cambridge, the latter I've always felt sounded a little synthetic.

But I'll second using the PS3 with a DAC. 75% of my listening is the MacMini via the Beresford DAC.
I agree with you that the CA sounds a little synthetic. I demoed them at the same time I demoed the Rotel.
Where in Canada? I ask because I spend time in Toronto and Kingston. I live in Rochester NY.
Hi Don, I happen to use you using Rotel CD player with CM7. I am currently using Cyrus CD6SE with Rotel RC 850, RB850 and RB890 (bi-amping) to drive my CM7. My Cyrus player is giving me a lot of problem. I plan to switch to RCD1520. I would appreciate if you share with how you feel about your system. Sorry...I know it is not appropriate to interrupt the discussion here.....

Simon Toh:
Hi Don, I happen to use you using Rotel CD player with CM7. I am currently using Cyrus CD6SE with Rotel RC 850, RB850 and RB890 (bi-amping) to drive my CM7. My Cyrus player is giving me a lot of problem. I plan to switch to RCD1520. I would appreciate if you share with how you feel about your system. Sorry...I know it is not appropriate to interrupt the discussion here.....


I'm very happy with the RCD1520. I'm not very good at explaining what makes it great because I did a complete system swap. It seems to be very open and detailed. It's by no means bright and that was a concern of mine. The slot loader is easy to get used to. It ejects the CD out about halfway down the disc so you can either grab it from the sides or the hole. I still have my NAD gear and will connect the CD player and try to decipher the differences. I went from standmount to floorstanders and that seems to be the most difficult part of the system to get used to. I hear a lot more detail but have lost some of the thunderous punch. That's really a good thing. I'm getting used to listening to a more accurate reproduction of the music. It used to be that when I turned up the volume, it was a though I was at a club. Now I hear detail I never knew existed in the recordings. I would surely give it a listen. I read a professional review of my gear that said the RCD1520 was the star of the show and that my pre and amp were just ok.
Hi Don, Noted and thanks. If the CD6SE continues to give me problem, I think I would ask for a refund and get the RCD1520. In Singapore, RCD 1520 is half the price of CD6SE!
To answer your question, I live in Toronto. Thanks for all the help, I was really married to the idea of a CA 650 combo, but I am now trying to keep a more open mind. To be honest I do not fully understand the combination with the PS3, but I do own one.


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