I never said CD was an inferior format to streaming, but vinyl is. It is incredible that some people readily admit they are not interested in sound quality, it's just about the pleasure derived from the process, or ritual. If you're happy with this system you have, then fine, but I was under the impression this site was the pursuit of better sound quality. I must have misread the title.
Playing music from a vinyl source has been classed as HiFi since the term was instigated, that new formats have come along, CD and now streaming doesn't mean that vinyl replay is less than HiFi just because these new formats now exist.
In claiming that What HiFi is a forum that is in pursuit of ultimate High Fidelity is bizarre, in addition to claim that vinyl replay cannot possibly be classed in your world as HiFi is quite frankly even more bizarre. What HiFi is, is simply a forum where like minded folk can get together chew the fat, put the world to right and help each other get the most from the common fact that has brought them together - listening to music.
I do not judge others on this forum on their kit, I do not judge them on their chosen source, how any individual chooses to listen to music is their choice not mine and I respect that.
However, your constant belittling of Vinyl is becoming somewhat disturbing, you seem to be on some kind of crusade to have vinyl wiped from the face of the earth, you appear to be completely ignorant of the fact that there are many millions of vinyl users out there who are very very happy with the sound they get out of their speakers, in some cases a sound that would probably make your set-up appear pretty damn ordinary.
Streaming is new, it may well be the future, it may be simple to access, it may have unlimited tracks, but at this moment in time it is not the first choice as source material for many people and not every person streaming has a HiFi output.
Not every streamer uses an expensive streaming box and speakers to act as their source and output, in many cases it is just a phone and a pair of BT headphones used to offset the drudgery of the commute or help on the daily jog. So your claim that streaming is the answer to High Fidelity is complete nonsense.
There is ample space in the HiFi world for all these different methods of listening to music to co-exist quite happily, a vinyl junkie can stream music via a phone and headphones whilst on the work commute, equally they may also play CD's as well as Vinyl. There is nothing stopping a convert to streaming from having a vinyl set-up and adding a streaming box to his HiFi set-up.
@podknocker please get off the vinyl is rubbish bandwagon, go and enjoy your streamed music, go an enjoy those 80,000,000 Hi-Res tracks all there at the click of your mouse or at the push of a button and leave those of us who are keen vinyl enthusiasts to enjoy our music in the way that we wish.