Have i made a mistake? Im worried. Denon DM37DAB + Mordaunt short 902i HELP!!

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Ok so i just got back from audio t and richersounds, this is what happened;

Both audio t and richersounds recommended that i give the speakers a
further run in (only about 10 hours so far) becuase all speakers need to have that done, this is understandable but will i really notice much of a difference?? Richersounds say the harshness will wear off and the bass will tighten up on the 902i's (not that bass was a problem anyway).

I demoed both the q acoustics and wharfedale 10.1's in audio t along with denon dm37, i demoed 2 cd's which sounded a bit strange or very different and harsh on my 902i's these were muse-absolution and kasabian - west ryder pauper lunatic asylum. I also brang pink floyd - dark side of the moon.

Ok so the q acoustic 2020's intially sounded much warmer and pleasing on the ear compared to my 902i's however the detail was not as good by a fair bit. The bass and vocals sounded very good and overall they had a good musical sound, just lacked that extra punch, i was pretty happy with them for the price. Pink floyd sounded warm and nice on them with no real problems. The harshness and brightness was not a problem with the heavier muse tracks i played which is promising, detail wasn't as good as my 902i's but wasn't far off. I do like them and the fact i can mount them with tilt and multi positioning, all without having to screw into the cabinet, but this is more of a convenience thing and i dont think its really worth sacrficing performance over convenience and i should just work with what i can do. however these q acoustics may sound even better in my room....

Then i demoed the wharfedale diamond 10.1's which sounded brilliant, they had a bigger soundstage and the detail and depth was better then the q acoustic's, then i put pink floyd cd in and this is where i noticed why the wharfedales are so popular and are highly regarded, the vocals sounded so clear and amazing, it was like david gilmour was in the room! (no kidding!)
The clarity wasn't as good as the 902i's but wasn't far off at all and is defintley much better then what i had beforehand with my budget philips system, anyway surely maybe upping the treble on the denon dm37dab may help them along a bit right with detail if it sounds a bit muddy, right???

I don't really like the finishes of the 9.1 as they don't match anything in my room becuase the colours are different, suppose i could get the black ones... (this isn't too much of a problem though) main problem is the moutning of them on a wall becuase i don't want to be screwing into the cabinet and becuase the 9.1's are curved it makes it a bit of problem as the mounts i have are side clamps and have straight edges, the brackets i have however are very strong and sturdy (they are the b tech bt77's)

Now my question is are the diamond 9.1's similar to these 10.1's? becuase i heard alot people saying there isn't much difference or none at all, and considering the 9.1's were £199 originally it seems like a good idea to get some.

I listened to both speakers on shelfs (at head level) in audio t so they weren't in ideal or their best positions, they were also both fairly close to the wall, a little bit further then the gap i have.

Gaah, just had a listen of my set up again with the 902i's and do sound a little bit better now, but still different.. maybe this is due to them being further run in. Or maybe its becuase of the comparison between the Q acoustic 2020's and Wharefedale's that i just listened to. Think i slighly prefer the diamonds 10.1's and if the 9.1. are just as good then it may work better for me..

The best thing about these 902i's is the detail they dish out, its just the harshness that i hate and the way i find them with heavy rock music, maybe this will clear up with further run in, or maybe its just how the recordings are?? The guy in richersounds said they need at least 30 hours run in and at best 48 hours, but will i really notice a big difference!?

The wharfedale's are £50 cheaper so that's a plus for me, however richersounds aren't letting me return the 902i's and will only do an exchange with a 15% handling fee unless i spend over £200 on a new pair of speakers in an exchange. Seems like i may aswell sell them on ebay if richersounds won't let me return them.

Argh decisions, decisions.
I'm not sure whether to do a speaker change or just change the system for the yamaha crxd430 as i do really hate these volume increments on the Denon! I kept tooing and throwing between 11 and 12 earlier today.

Any other micro systems or systems that don't take up to much room that you recommend paired with the Mordaunt short 902i's??

One thing's certain is that i prefer the look of my speakers over any others i've looked at.

Do you think ear is right with the yamaha crxd430 matching the 902i's better then the denon dm37??
Try your Denon with different speakers. I set up a system for a friend with Q Acoustics, and it sounded good.
smuggs:i really would try and let them run over night on low volume facing each other they say thats the best way to run them in. then play with your tone settings. you do need good stands and if you have lots of glass windows near that does not help. I would also try your set up in a differant room or even house and if you get the same sounds its the kit if not it may be your room. i have never heard your kit but im sure that its not the worst thing denon have made.

Yeah that's fair enough with the running them in i will do that tonight.

Although its a very good idea trying them in another room i don't really want to it becuase i don't have a proper place for them to go other then on a shelf, plus i don't see the point in doing that test becuase at the end of the day its how it sounds in the room its going to be used in.

As my room is fairly small its about 3m by 2.5m could this be a big factor?
There are two issues at play here.

1. The sound. This can easily be resolved by trying the Denon with alternative speakers.

2. The Denon's rubbish volume control. Some might play this issue down but your description of switching between 11 and 12 matches the experience I had. 11 is too quiet and loses some of the quality of sound but 12 is too loud. Somewhere in between would be perfect but it can't be achieved.

Ultimately your next step depends on whether you can live with 2. I couldn't when I tried the Denon, which is a shame because I still think it is the best unit of its type in every other way.
matthewpiano:There are two issues at play here.

1. The sound. This can easily be resolved by trying the Denon with alternative speakers.

2. The Denon's rubbish volume control. Some might play this issue down but your description of switching between 11 and 12 matches the experience I had. 11 is too quiet and loses some of the quality of sound but 12 is too loud. Somewhere in between would be perfect but it can't be achieved.

Ultimately your next step depends on whether you can live with 2. I couldn't when I tried the Denon, which is a shame because I still think it is the best unit of its type in every other way.

Cheers, this pretty much clears it up, im looking at no.2 therefore probably going to swap the denon for the yamaha or something similar you guys would recommend.

Just one other point, does the volume increments stay like that or is it just when they are bought new? in oher words what im saying is does the volume increments problem improve in anyway with age?
matthewpiano:Unfortunately the volume increments are fixed and they will not fluctuate with use.

Most probably Yamaha it is then. Seperates for the future 🙂
the yamaha and the 9.1 would be great.the yamaha and the 902i will be to bright.
ear:the yamaha and the 9.1 would be great.the yamaha and the 902i will be to bright.

Well i'll be the judge of that, and when i heard it in the richersounds i liked it (as i recall) demo wasn't the best though becuase of how short it was.

Placement of the the 9.1's its throwing me off becuase they don't really fit on my brackets becuase of their curved shape plus i dont want to screw into the cabinet.
Given that you can't live with the volume increments on the Denon and that you enjoyed the Yamaha/MS combination at audition, I think you are making the right move.

Let us know how you get on. I hope this all works out for you and you can get back to enjoying the music instead of being distracted by the hi-fi kit. I'm in the process of making my last tweak by changing the speakers and then I'm hoping to do the same and sit back for a bit.

All the best!
Yeah i am hoping so, thanks for all your help by the way matthewpiano.
Oh yeah do you know how the matching Yamaha nxe700 speakers are? They only retail at about £80-100 on various sites so i guess they're not in the same league as the 902i's??

I just wondered if anyone has had any expereince with them as they look quite good and i love the finishes, i know usually the supplied speakers aren't exactly the best, but still... ?
the nx700 are small.the nx800 are much much better.very good speakers.detailed,smooth.not to much bass.
Ok thanks ear but i can't find the nx800's anywhere online, can they not be bought seperatley??
Cidershed:I bought some Mezzo 2s from Richer Sounds and they were happy to refund them used up to a couple of weeks, so you may wish to decide soon. However, I get the impresion with RS that it depends as much on the staff member you get as anything else. Good luck.

Not the case with me :/ they only offered exchange.
barryboy98:just checked not in stock ...................

Superfi do them. 🙂
Been running the 902i's a bit more now and am starting to like them
more then originally, it just the volume increments that are annoying me on the denon dm37, is the
yamaha the only good alternative for the same sort of price as the denon? and is the slightly lower wattage power going to be any problem with the 902i's? the denon is 2x30w and yamaha is 2x 25w.

Also, am i right in thinking onkyo micro hi fi's and
mordaunt short will be too bright? as they are both bright sounding...

Yamaha's are warm and mordaunt short is bright so makes sense right?

I would look for a marantz cr502 as marantz own part of mordaunt short
(i've been told) but that system costs alot more..
roblikeshismusic:Been running the 902i's a bit more now and am starting to like them
more then originally, the volume increments are just annoying me on the denon dm37, is the
yamaha the only good alternative? am i right in thinking onkyo and
mordaunt short will be too bright? as they are both bright sounding...

Yamaha's are warm and mordaunt short is bright so makes sense right?

I would look for a marantz cr502 as marantz own part of mordaunt short
(i've been told) but that syatem costs alot more..

I have an Onkyo cr-515 (not the latest model but a 3 times whfi award winner I think) as a second system and I think it is great, I would not say it is bright at all. I think it trounces the Denon equivalent which I found to be a bit bass heavy and lacking in detail although this may be my general taste. I have no idea if it would fit with your speakers though.
Thanks, that's a fair comment i appriciate it.

I have some phots of my room if you guys want to see my layout.

Only thing is how do i upload the pictures? Can't find anything..


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