Pint: the dm37 will never be a perfect amp.
speakers beeing suggested here can be very good indeed.
I'd always change the amp in a near future.
Yes i know that but all im looking for at the moment is a micro system within £250 and the denon seems to be the best rated. Only other one i considered was the yamaha crxd430 or some of the older onkyo micro hi fi;s. basically anything with at lesat 2 x 25w power. denon is 2 x 30w which is a bonus.
Of course the DM37 isn't a perfect amp. Neither is the Yamaha AX-397 ear uses, the NAD C326BEE I use, the C355BEE Dan is getting or even the Naim Nait 5i that Chebby has. It is a ridiculous statement.
For the money, volume control increments notwithstanding, the little Denon is outstanding.