chebby:Small update..
Been turning a few more sides/tracks.
Now one of my all-time fave Johnny Cash tracks is 'Orange Blossom Special'. It has some fantastic harmonica and sax solos with an acoustic that almost sounds like they were recorded in a very large old Victorian, ceramic tiled lavatory! Towards the end of the track some guy buts in with the words... "Say Man, When You Going Back To Florida ?". I am used to this question just suddenly coming out of nowhere with a very close-miked immediacy followed by Cash ad-libbing his... "I don't care if I do-di-do-di-do" bit.
A great little track that has just been ruined by the Chord Crimsons :-( It sounded like it was recorded in a cupboard! No resonance, ambience, no sense of space that I am used to and the.. "Say Man, When You Going Back To Florida ?" bit sounded like it came out of the same mike cash was singing into at the same level in the same cupboard from the same direction. No sudden 'where did THAT come from?' moment.* No hairs going up at the fantastic harmonica and sax breaks and no speculation going on about the acoustic surrounding them. Cupboard, definitely a cupboard.
Back to Gothams and all is restored.
This is not looking good for my £55 so far. (I have kept packaging, receipt, bag etc. just in case. Luckily the Chord packaging for the custom lengths does not involve cutting or tearing anything to open.)
* Sorry if my references to Johnny Cash sounds like Martian to all you heavy metallers and 'Floydies'
What music was used to review the Gothams and Chord Crimsons?
Sounds to me like you had your mind made up before you started! I had Crimsons before I upgraded and I tried the Gothams in between. I could not hear a difference in my budget system and there is no way that the Gothams were better.