plastic penguin said:IME there's no difference between cables.
Fixt. *biggrin*
plastic penguin said:IME there's no difference between cables.
plastic penguin said:
ColinLovesMusic said:if the tonal balance of a cable is too bright or too dull it can be easily adjusted
ColinLovesMusic said:OK TrevC If you say so. You do it your way and me and others who can notice differences can do it our way. I'm getting bored now and there must be other things to talk about. What do you fancy talking about? You start a new topic and hopefully this fruitless exchange can be killed off.
ColinLovesMusic said:1. Reply to what and where? Direct me to you new topic if there is one and it might interest me sufficiently for me to have some worthy input.
2. You can't see (or hear either it seems) how copper cable and plugs can sound different.
plastic penguin said:Unlike Trevor I'm NOT a total disbeliever in cables, they can make a difference.
ColinLovesMusic said:For fear of being converted you probably haven't digested what I wrote earlier. The reason some cables let through frequencies differently be it falling treble output or falling bass or a mid dip etc but not flat is the different load charactoristics of that cable. Examples for GAC-1 Capacitance <57nF/km (twinned stereo GAC-1) 146nF/km (single cable GAC-1) those figures are low which means the cable will transport high frequency information even with long cable runs without rolling off before 20kHz. A different cable with say a 400nF/km capacitance would have an early roll off which would make for a dull sound on a full range hifi system but would be an ideal vocal mic cable. Conductor resistance <140ohms/km. Charactoristic impedence 75ohm. Those are a few examples of why not all cables are the same and why cables produce different charactaristics of sound. These charactistics change with the equipment they are partnered with. Also everybodys hearing is different some very acute others very limited. Differences between cables are not huge but subtle. You have to be able to listen with full attention and focus on the music. Differences between cables may only be apparant when doing a direct A-B comparison. In isolation it probably would not be obvious as other things come in like the partnering equipment. The difference in sound does not have to be huge to make it worthwhile upgrading to some good quality and same time good value cables. I'm talking about cables costing £17mtr not £170mtr. Blind listening without visual clues and prejudice does still reveil differences without knowing which cable is which. Not always and not to everyone. I can't really say anymore than that. That is the extent of what I understand beyond just using my ears.
+1ColinLovesMusic said:Of course! as does everything else in the audio chain. Nothing can be without influence to some degree. The world is full of people like trev who trust technical data to the point of not trusting their own ears or eyes just because someone in a technical lab coat says so. Just as some people have trusted their satnav over their own eyes and driven into a lake. By all means I would say be cynical towards the audiophile/esoteric hifi manufacterers and their products who owe their existance to big bank balances over common sense, but a sound engineer working on stage with a famous orchestra, band or whatever would not have available or use such a vast range of different cables all with specific purposes and technical specs if it was not essential to use the right cable for the right task. Load capacitance does not only effect lengths over a kilometer, the influence comes in after about 2 to 3 metres and the longer the length thereafter so the more influence capatacance has. Just as the load resistance of amp and loudspeaker and cable matters to the sound produced. And to quote a previous comment this has been done to death.
ColinLovesMusic said:Of course! as does everything else in the audio chain. Nothing can be without influence to some degree. The world is full of people like trev who trust technical data to the point of not trusting their own ears or eyes.
keeper of the quays said:+1ColinLovesMusic said:Of course! as does everything else in the audio chain. Nothing can be without influence to some degree. The world is full of people like trev who trust technical data to the point of not trusting their own ears or eyes just because someone in a technical lab coat says so. Just as some people have trusted their satnav over their own eyes and driven into a lake. By all means I would say be cynical towards the audiophile/esoteric hifi manufacterers and their products who owe their existance to big bank balances over common sense, but a sound engineer working on stage with a famous orchestra, band or whatever would not have available or use such a vast range of different cables all with specific purposes and technical specs if it was not essential to use the right cable for the right task. Load capacitance does not only effect lengths over a kilometer, the influence comes in after about 2 to 3 metres and the longer the length thereafter so the more influence capatacance has. Just as the load resistance of amp and loudspeaker and cable matters to the sound produced. And to quote a previous comment this has been done to death.
lol 🙂 is that humour tev? -1! Made me laugh mate..had a crap day, cheered me up! Whose the bearded bloke on your avatar? Looks like my uncle Keith? Do you know my uncle Keith? He has never mentioned a trev? When I can prise him out of his lotus position? And when he has finished waxing his twenty Bentleys...ill ask him if he knows a trev! I may even ask for a description? I'm imagining a Gollum type with tiny ears and carrying about a freebie interconnect called "precious" is this you trev? Sometimes your Gollum but sometimes your Smeagol! I prefer Smeagol to Gollum...that Gollum just hates everything..but Smeagol? Just wants to be liked! Desperate to be popular..trev? Be more Smeagol...stop being Gollum...go the Smeagol way! It's the best way!TrevC said:keeper of the quays said:+1ColinLovesMusic said:Of course! as does everything else in the audio chain. Nothing can be without influence to some degree. The world is full of people like trev who trust technical data to the point of not trusting their own ears or eyes just because someone in a technical lab coat says so. Just as some people have trusted their satnav over their own eyes and driven into a lake. By all means I would say be cynical towards the audiophile/esoteric hifi manufacterers and their products who owe their existance to big bank balances over common sense, but a sound engineer working on stage with a famous orchestra, band or whatever would not have available or use such a vast range of different cables all with specific purposes and technical specs if it was not essential to use the right cable for the right task. Load capacitance does not only effect lengths over a kilometer, the influence comes in after about 2 to 3 metres and the longer the length thereafter so the more influence capatacance has. Just as the load resistance of amp and loudspeaker and cable matters to the sound produced. And to quote a previous comment this has been done to death.
keeper of the quays said:TrevC said:keeper of the quays said:Whose the bearded bloke on your avatar? Looks like my uncle Keith?