iPad to Emotiva TA1 via CCK - No sound help

Feb 1, 2025

TL;DR: Looking for technical help with connecting lightning iPad (for Apple Music streaming) into DAC/Amp. Have iPad 7th Gen (lightning) -> CCK (Lightning to USB 3) via USB 2.0 USB A to USB B-> Emotiva TA1 and am getting no sound (iPad plays only out of its own speakers).


I am looking to stream Apple Music hi-res lossless and play via passive bookshelf speakers (through Emotiva TA1). I read on the forums that Apple mobile devices could be used to stream if directly connected via digital input to DAC/amp if you used the USB 3.0 CCK (bypassing iPad DAC).

So, I have a rarely-used 7th generation iPad and I bought a Lightning to USB 3 Camera adapter HERE and a USB A (male) to USB B (male) HERE and got it all hooked up (i.e., iPad out to CCK, CCK has lightning cable plugged in and male USB A cable plugged in (which runs to male USB B, plugged into the Emotiva TA1)).

However, I am getting no sound (when I play on Apple Music or other services, the iPad just plays out of its onboard speakers).

I've read some setups require a powered USB hub (but believe this wouldn't be the case for this setup as this particular CCK has lightning in for power (pass-thru to iPad).

Appreciate any/all experience or troubleshooting advice - thank you so much!


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