dvd quality


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Aug 10, 2019
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after just moving into a shared house for a while( long story). i have put most of my system into storage and just using what i need to get buy. this comprises of xbox 360 connected via hdmi to a full hd lg 32 inch lcd tv. tonight i hired green zone on dvd. from the moment the film started the pic quality was awful. i started to think mabey it was the xbox and played with some settings but this was no use. i really cant see that the xbox could be this bad, so started to wounder about the transfer quality of the dvd itself. and wondered if mabey they had started reducing the quality to get people to buy blu ray just to confirm in some darker scences it really was like watching vhs. has anyone else noticed this of late? or could the xbox really be that bad at dvd playback?


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Aug 27, 2008
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Ive not seen green zone on dvd so unsure of the quality. Though I do wonder if yours is legit or a compressed copy?

Have you got an updated xbox? Im a PS3 guy myself, but if it follows the same way then there was probably an update at some point to get a better upscaled picture going (Assuming youve set the xbox to upscale?)

As for your question. Yes, ive definitely seen drops in quality for certain films which I also perceive to be to get people to buy blurays (Biggest one I can think of was Harry Potter 5, which in certain scenes looked absolutely awful)


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Dec 28, 2007
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I've only watched one film on DVD on the Xbox 360 and I remember it provided a substantially worse picture compared to a cheap DVD player I had (hence only ever watching one film!) so I wouldn't rule it out.


My xbox is hooked up to my Pani G20 and i have no complaints, it does run through my amp though so could greatly effect the quality. I haven't got Blue ray though so i cant comment on what that would look like.


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