Download dilema !!


Well-known member
May 28, 2008
To-day for no apparent reason brain suddenly wanted to hear Eagles - Desperado it's not on Spotfy and I own it on vinyl but it's in attic along wth the turntable , so too much hastle get get vinyl and really wanted to hear it so I downloaded it and 1 hour later could listen to album (FLAC) . Am I a pirate bringing death to the industry or someone just enjoying music I'm allowed to listen to.

Note This is first time I've ever done this, leaves me with mixed feelings! Thoughts all?
Since you have bought the album in one format already I to have mixed feelings. I have borrowed CDs from friends and downloaded them where I have already previously owned the album as vinyl and/or cassette. With paying for Spotify I figure that for some albums I am now onto my fourth format (vinyl, cassette, CD and music off the PC).

With changes to format and 're-masters' the music industry has been squeezing us paying public for every penny. Illegal downloading and file sharing and before that home taping off the radio and copying friends cassettes is the backlash.
Thanks for reply idc , I'm surprised you were only one (brave enuf) to comment considering replies to other postings on contentious issues .. Power leads etc. Tho wasn't trying for another of those types postings ..

Edit - IDC To lowecase idc in case of confusion
I used to download music all the time as a student. I bought a lot of vinyl so was contributing something to the industry, but still, i knew it was wrong. I always said I would spend money on music when I could afford it, and now I do. I still download music, and if I like it, I buy it, if I dont, I delete it or it will end up in a random folder somewhere never to be heard of again.

As far as I'm concerned, my conscience is clean on that front, because I contribute more than my fair share.
Hi Kena, I too thought this thread would get far more hits than it has. I posted a thread about Pirate Bay that ran and ran. Maybe, because of the Pirate Bay prosecution, a whole load of music disappearing from the likes of YouTube and more action from internet service providers, those who illegally download are more inclined to keep quiet.

I have also read news that illegal downloading is on the decrease. I presume that is also to do with the major growth of online legal music provision from itunes, Spotify, Napster and the soon to be Sky Songs.

Like you Genfish my conscience is clear. I have paid for the vast majority of my music and if everyone behaved as I do then the 'illegal' sharing of music would be only a few percent.
al7478:i wouldnt be feeling in the least guilty after downloading one song.

Really about the fact I won't have access to my turntable for a while so recording the vinyl isn't an option so If I get desire to listen to something do I download with clear consience or wait.. Can survive urges if it's on Spotify as usually 1 or 2 listens is all i'm after.
I was thinking earlier that we hadnt made enough of th efact that you can listen to it on myspace, youtube and last fm. So i checked all of them. And the original and full version is nowhere to be found, far as i could see.
al7478:I was thinking earlier that we hadnt made enough of th efact that you can listen to it on myspace, youtube and last fm. So i checked all of them. And the original and full version is nowhere to be found, far as i could see.

Good idea tho Al hadn't thought about those..


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