Bigsounds said:
I'm a new guy so can someone please help me, why do the engineers go to such great lengths of listening to components over and over again and then chose the component that sound best? Surely they just need to copy someone else work, or just chose those that measure best?
It's very simple once you realize that there are basically two camps:
OBJECTIVISTS - who work from specs and go deeply into measurements, as this explains what they hear. They put huge stock in testing (ABX / Double Blind etc) and proof. Their goal is getting a system that's as neutral as possible, which often takes them down the Active or Studio Monitor route. They have no time for what they call "foo", which incorporates things like fancy cables, conditioners and isolation devices. They have what I call, "A Science Brain".
SUBJECTIVISTS - They really don't give a stuff about neutrality or having an in depth knowledge of measurements. They go and listen, and then pick what sounds best to them. They see the appreciation of music as a subjective experience, where measurements do have a role, but aren't the most important factor. Quite often, they are open to the possibility that "foo" has its benefits. They try it, and are prepared to go with what they hear. They have what I call, "An Art Brain".
As you can see, they are the polar opposite of each other, and don't come within an Ass's roar of understanding each other. The Objectivists have little time or patience for the Subjectivists' "non scientific notions," and take every opportunity to tell them so, in no uncertain terms. The Subjectivists get very defensive in the face of such a confrontational approach, as they feel that what they hear is real. So the polemic arguements go on and on and on.............................. :wall: