digital streaming alternatives


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Aug 10, 2019
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I have just aquired a Sony S370 blu ray and it leaves me an interesting decision. I have a Roku SoundBridge streaming wirelessly from all the 4 computers in the house, then through a Quad cdp-2 99 (allows me to use the onboard DAC). Generally I'm happy with the results with the benefit that I can stream FLAC files too, and surprised that this has not come up more often as a suggested option by WHF. My new sony can also stream, albeit not FLAC and not currently wirelessly and again use the CDP as a DAC. I am under pressure to reduce boxes and this seems like a good option. Clearly the issue is, will the sony be able to accept FLAC files, and either way, could the results be at all comparable.


To stream Flac to ur Sony, something in your setup will have to transcode the Flac.

If u used something like Tversity - which is a free dlna/upnp transcoding media server - on ur pc then it can detect what devices are connected and transcode if necessary.


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