Cofnchtr:Hi,How can an Aston Martin cost 100 times more than a VW - it's just metal, rubber and leather...How can one TV show pictures better than the other - they're all showing broadcast quality pictures...Cheers,Cofnchtr.
Spurious arguments there I'm afraid, in the latter case you have an analogue element (the final picture) which is always affected by the quality of the components (which is why speaker cable DOES make a difference) and in the former case, well, you're comparing two active devices (cars, with different engines etc) with two passive devices. You could use the car argument if you were comparing DACs for example, because they actively process the signal. I can't actually think of anything in the car world that would beÿequivalent to HDMI cables, roads maybe.
You could have just said the better cable reduces the need for error correction in the receiving device and it would have (rightly or wrongly) sounded entirely plausible but that boat has flown, so to speak...