Desperately need help for NAD + Dali + Chord combination


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All,

I just upgrade my cabling system & put my speaker on the stand and I notice a lot of improvement on output. The low & middle are superb, so much detail I heard. But I very disappoint with high output. Although, they maintain high output detail, but seem some cloud overhang the sound, so the clarity is very poor.

So to all expert out there, any suggestion to improve my system's high output? I really desperate to enhance the quality of the treble section.


My Systems are:
CD Player: C545BEE
Int. Amp: C326BEE
Speaker: Dali Lektor 2
Power Cable: Chord
Interconnect Cable: Chord Crimson
Speaker Cable: Chord Comp. SilverScreen
Speaker Stand: Epos
You have a fantastic system. All your equipment and your cables are top notch. You should have fabulous sound top to bottom. So this is a bit of a mystery. Assuming there's nothing defective with any of your equipment (which I doubt), the only thing you can try is:

Seating position. You should be seated at ear level with the tweeters in the speakers. You should be just slightly farther away from the speakers than then distance between the speakers.

Room acoustics. If you have tons of heavy fabrics and rugs in the room, this can make high frequencies sound dull.

Speaker position. You can experiment with toeing the speakers in towards your listening position. If you toe in to the point where the speakers are beaming directly towards your ears, this should product the most prominent high frequency content.

Oh yeah, make sure that you haven't accidentally set the tone controls on the amp for reduced treble.
Hi Jaxwire, thanks for your reply.
Actually I also thought the problem is with my room. So I decided to move some of the fabric from the room & also double re-check all cable connection. But all of these not improve the treble sound. This morning, before I read your reply, I also tried to change the position of the speaker. But, it not help either.

Is it because Dali sound characteristic, which deliver top notch middle & low sound rather than high one? The guy from the store, where I bought the cable suggest to add power on my system & recommend NAD C272. What do you think of it? Is it will help my system performance?

Again, thanks.

Btw. I double re-check treble tone control, as you suggest, and I put on the middle (0).
Anyone there? Like I said, desperately need help.
If someone has same experience with mine, I appreciate if you could share your knowledge.
Btw. My preference of music is very wide. From Classic to Jazz & Metal Rock; from Easy & Smooth Listening to House & Contemporary.

Hi I am responding to your post although I don't have an answer to give you, in fact, I am responding because I have exactly the same questions, more or less. My kit is:

Exposure XX integrated amplifier

B&W 685 speakers

An old Technics SL-PS7 CDP

Chord Crimson interconnects

Ixos speaker cable

The sound is weighty, powerfull, fast, dynamic, really good on the middle and low frequencies. But I am missing some clarity, such as you. In my case we could easily find that the CD player could be the problem but I have already ordered a CA DacMagic that should take care of the sources (CD and computer). I am thinking of getting exactly the same cables as you have, Chord Carnival Silverscreen and I have posted a request earlier, asking for help to improve the clarity and the overall balance of the sound, but I didn't get many responses and I am lacking certanty as for the path I should follow to take care of this. The amplifier was suggested to me here by Andrew Everard and I love every bit of it, but I would surely appreciate it if he could leave us an opinion about what to do to improve clarity and detail on the high frequencies. For me I think that the DacMagic will help a lot but I am really lost about choosing the cables.

You have Chord Carnival Silverscreen and you are suffering from what I don't want to aggravate, so I guess I should avoid that... But I don't want to lose all the thing I love about the current sound (low-mid frequencies).

What cable should do the trick? Any of the editors, please? Andrew Everard?
Tough:Hi Jaxwire, thanks for your reply. Actually I also thought the problem is with my room. So I decided to move some of the fabric from the room & also double re-check all cable connection. But all of these not improve the treble sound. This morning, before I read your reply, I also tried to change the position of the speaker. But, it not help either. Is it because Dali sound characteristic, which deliver top notch middle & low sound rather than high one? The guy from the store, where I bought the cable suggest to add power on my system & recommend NAD C272. What do you think of it? Is it will help my system performance? Again, thanks. Btw. I double re-check treble tone control, as you suggest, and I put on the middle (0).

One thing I can assure you, the problem is definately NOT your CD player. The C545 is more forward than most CDPs. Regarding adding power like the C272, nope, that's pretty ridiculous suggestion for your problem. You don't lack the power needed to driver your speakers and the 272 would mostly just add bass weight.

The most likely culprit is the NAD amplifier. NAD amps are warm sounding. You should probably try and home demo a Cambridge Audio 650 amp or something similarly bright. I suspect that would provide the sound you're after. No need to mess with anything else. I also doubt the problem is with the Dali speakers, but it is possible to get a brighter sound by switching to speakers more known for a lean presentation. If you want to try that, I'd recommend Monitor Audio RS1 if you can still find them or if you can spend more the Roksan TR-5s.

Like previously said you have a great system. It should sound great.

There is certainly no need to add more power. The Nad amplifier has more than enough power for your speakers. (Unless your trying to fill the Wembley stadium).

I have Nad equipment myself. Nad usually is warm sounding, the are not bright sounding. Dali speakers on the other hand usually is. Although the lektor series is less bright then Ikon.

Your system seems well balanced to me, and its a combination often recommended by my local dealers.

So your problem, unless faulty equipment, is with your room, wiring or electricity.

Bring your favourite cd to your dealer and play it on the same equipment there, sound the same?

Or bring your equipment to a friends house and try it there.

Somethings definently wrong, but no need to upgrade your system should sound great.

Could it be the cables? I use a Chord Crimson also and I notice some lack of clarity overall. He has also Chord Silverscreen, could QED make a difference, known typically by their more analitical sound?
Thank you all for the respond.

This morning I switch the speaker, using my very old speaker from college period (no brand just DIY thing). And the treble sound is lively bright. So I am not sure, what is the problem.

I event try to change jumper wire (pre-main amp jumper), but with using non brand interconnect, I can not hear any changes. I am thinking to buy top notch jumper to save Dali before I smash it 🙁 Any suggestion on jumper thing? Is it worthwhile? Is it will have big impact on my system? Could I just using Crimson Interconnect? Or as I see on other tread, QED Qunnex 2 (event when I looking on QED portal, seem they don't sale it anymore)?

I lived in Jakarta-Indonesia, so sometimes is not easy to find thing like you all guys. Add to that the selling price is sometimes double than its original price due the tax. But again, I desperately need help to hear the "music" again....
Seems to me you have identified the problem. Since you switched speakers and got the sound you like. So the problem is the Lektors, for some reason.

Have they been run in? The first 100 hours or so usually gives a slight change in sound. If you have then bring your speakers back to your dealer. Maybe something is wrong with them. If not, but you still dont like the sound, see if you can exchange for a brighter sounding speaker.

As for speakercables, interconnects and jumpercables these will have a minimal impact on your sound, if any. Dont waste your money! Any cable from a respectable brand is fine.
JazzDevill:Could it be the cables? I use a Chord Crimson also and I notice some lack of clarity overall. He has also Chord Silverscreen, could QED make a difference, known typically by their more analitical sound?the dacmagic should improve the clarity and detail of the sound so i wouldnt try anything else until youve given it a listen
I use the Dali Lektor 2 with a marantz PM6003 and it sounds like the Lektors were made for the PM6003. Treble is detailed, bass is tight and powerful and the clarity is stunning.
I have Marantz pm7003 and Dali Lektor 2. I can't complain about the sound, the combination sounds great for the money (for my music taste at least). You could try the Marantz amp which I think is slightly more detailed then a NAD or try some QED speaker cables, but I think the Chord is not causing the problem. Don't forget the run in period, Lektors can sound a litle harsh at the beginning.
So, let me summarize....

I have good system, but lack of clarity & treble output. Suspect whether acoustic of my room or the speaker.

For room acoustic, since I live on studio there is nothing I could do. I can not throw my thing.... For speaker, I need to give run-time for about 100 hours (also like written in its manual). I play my music avg. 4-5 hours/day, so within 1 month, hopefully I can hear the different. If nothing happen, I have to go back to its distributor & check if something is faulty or smash the thing (I am not sure they can change it & give me the new one, even its still under warranty. Since, they never put a stock & when I bought this dali they put me an indent for 3 weeks)

Just wondering, anyone out there using same configuration (dali lektor 2 + c326bee) have same problem with me? Because seem everybody combine this speaker with marantz.
Try and beg, borrow, or steal a pair of Monitor Audio RS1s. I think this will solve your problems with no other changes to your system. They will be cheap to since they have been discontinued. And you can dump the Dalis on ebay...
hikkss.... really that bad huh..????

I think I will stay on dali, and do run-time... After that, then maybe I will follow Jaxwired suggestion... Try & beg... well I'll be dammed... Anyway thanks guys for all suggestion..


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