I have a couple of lists. For example, I have one which reminds me of the things I need to do and by when, lest I forget. I have one with the cds I wish to buy and another with dvds, just so that I can keep track.
Seriously though, it would seem hypocritical and a little odd for someone to complain of a spelling error, which doesn't hinder the understanding, and then criticise someone else for rendering what was an otherwise almost (forgive me for saying so) unintelligible post, into something far more in line with the norms of punctuation, thus making it easy to understand, and provide answers to. I don't see any harm in that. There's word perfect and then there's completely ignoring pretty much all punctuation which, frankly, makes things difficult and a little annoying for the reader.
Deal with it. And do feel free to name me in your post if you're taking the time to obliquely refer to me.
An unintellgible post was it? Or you just couldn't be a**ed working it out in, what, a minute? Please. Spare me the righteousness. Oh, and if you or anyone else can't work out a humourous intent against small-minded, arrogant, cheap shot laden efforts, then there's something else for you to deal with.
As for your last sentence, that just makes me laugh. You found it "annoying" eh? Maybe the guy's not a good speller, maybe he's dyslexic, maybe he doesn't have command of the grammar, could even be all three - who are you to judge? Like Chebby and the sad little spoonfuls of bitterness he dishes out from time to time, away and think again. Neither of you do this site any favours.